@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ partial def parseTactic (inputCtx : InputContext) (pmctx : ParserModuleContext)
let mut recovering := mps.recovering
let mut messages := messages
let mut stx := Syntax.missing -- will always be assigned below
if inputCtx.input.atEnd pos ∧ couldBeEndSnap then
stx := mkEOI pos
return (stx, { pos, recovering }, messages, 0)
let tokens := getTokenTable pmctx.env
@ -107,38 +104,55 @@ where addErrorMessage (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
open Elab Meta Expr in
def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets : Bool) (couldBeEndSnap : Bool) : IO Snapshot := do
let cmdState := snap.cmdState
let scope := cmdState.scopes.head!
let pmctx := { env := cmdState.env, options := scope.opts, currNamespace := scope.currNamespace, openDecls := scope.openDecls }
let (tacticStx, cmdParserState, msgLog, endOfWhitespace) :=
MyModule.parseTactic inputCtx pmctx snap.mpState snap.msgLog couldBeEndSnap
let cmdPos := tacticStx.getPos?.getD 0
if Parser.isTerminalCommand tacticStx then
-- Recognize end snap
if inputCtx.input.atEnd snap.mpState.pos ∧ couldBeEndSnap then
let endSnap : Snapshot := {
beginPos := cmdPos
stx := tacticStx
mpState := cmdParserState
beginPos := snap.mpState.pos
stx := MyModule.mkEOI snap.mpState.pos
mpState := snap.mpState
cmdState := snap.cmdState
interactiveDiags := ← withNewInteractiveDiags msgLog
interactiveDiags := ← withNewInteractiveDiags snap.msgLog
tacticCache := snap.tacticCache
return endSnap
let cmdStateRef ← IO.mkRef { snap.cmdState with messages := msgLog }
/- The same snapshot may be executed by different tasks. So, to make sure `elabCommandTopLevel` has exclusive
access to the cache, we create a fresh reference here. Before this change, the
following `snap.tacticCache.modify` would reset the tactic post cache while another snapshot was still using it. -/
let tacticCacheNew ← IO.mkRef (← snap.tacticCache.get)
let cmdCtx : Elab.Command.Context := {
cmdPos := snap.endPos
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
fileMap := inputCtx.fileMap
tacticCache? := some tacticCacheNew
let (output, _) ← IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams (isolateStderr := server.stderrAsMessages.get scope.opts) <| liftM (m := BaseIO) do
(getResetInfoTrees *> do
let level ← GameServer.getLevelByFileName inputCtx.fileName
let parseResultRef ← IO.mkRef (Syntax.missing, snap.mpState)
let cmdStateRef ← IO.mkRef snap.cmdState
/- The same snapshot may be executed by different tasks. So, to make sure `elabCommandTopLevel` has exclusive
access to the cache, we create a fresh reference here. Before this change, the
following `snap.tacticCache.modify` would reset the tactic post cache while another snapshot was still using it. -/
let tacticCacheNew ← IO.mkRef (← snap.tacticCache.get)
let cmdCtx : Elab.Command.Context := {
cmdPos := snap.endPos
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
fileMap := inputCtx.fileMap
tacticCache? := some tacticCacheNew
let (output, _) ← IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams (isolateStderr := server.stderrAsMessages.get snap.cmdState.scopes.head!.opts) <| liftM (m := BaseIO) do
(getResetInfoTrees *> do
let level ← GameServer.getLevelByFileName inputCtx.fileName
let scope := level.scope
-- use open namespaces and options as in the level file
Elab.Command.withScope (fun _ => scope) do
for od in scope.openDecls do
let .simple ns _ := od
| pure ()
activateScoped ns
activateScoped scope.currNamespace
-- parse tactics
let pmctx := {
env := ← getEnv,
options := scope.opts,
currNamespace := scope.currNamespace,
openDecls := scope.openDecls }
let (tacticStx, cmdParserState, msgLog, endOfWhitespace) :=
MyModule.parseTactic inputCtx pmctx snap.mpState snap.msgLog couldBeEndSnap
modify (fun s => { s with messages := msgLog })
parseResultRef.set (tacticStx, cmdParserState)
-- Check for forbidden tactics
findForbiddenTactics inputCtx level tacticStx
@ -150,34 +164,35 @@ def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets
let tacticStx := (#[skip] ++ tacticStx.getArgs ++ #[done]).map (⟨.⟩)
let tacticStx := ← `(Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq| $[$(tacticStx)]*)
let cmdStx ← `(command| theorem the_theorem $(level.goal) := by {$(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
Elab.Command.withScope (fun _ => level.scope) do -- use open namespaces and options as in the file
Elab.Command.elabCommandTopLevel cmdStx)
cmdCtx cmdStateRef
let postNew := (← tacticCacheNew.get).post
snap.tacticCache.modify fun _ => { pre := postNew, post := {} }
let mut postCmdState ← cmdStateRef.get
if !output.isEmpty then
postCmdState := {
postCmdState with
messages := postCmdState.messages.add {
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := MessageSeverity.information
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition snap.endPos
data := output
let cmdStx ← `(command|
theorem the_theorem $(level.goal) := by {$(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
Elab.Command.elabCommandTopLevel cmdStx)
cmdCtx cmdStateRef
let postNew := (← tacticCacheNew.get).post
snap.tacticCache.modify fun _ => { pre := postNew, post := {} }
let mut postCmdState ← cmdStateRef.get
if !output.isEmpty then
postCmdState := {
postCmdState with
messages := postCmdState.messages.add {
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := MessageSeverity.information
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition snap.endPos
data := output
let postCmdSnap : Snapshot := {
beginPos := cmdPos
stx := tacticStx
mpState := cmdParserState
cmdState := postCmdState
interactiveDiags := ← withNewInteractiveDiags postCmdState.messages
tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
return postCmdSnap
let (tacticStx, cmdParserState) ← parseResultRef.get
let postCmdSnap : Snapshot := {
beginPos := tacticStx.getPos?.getD 0
stx := tacticStx
mpState := cmdParserState
cmdState := postCmdState
interactiveDiags := ← withNewInteractiveDiags postCmdState.messages
tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
return postCmdSnap
/-- Compute the current interactive diagnostics log by finding a "diff" relative to the parent