@ -74,9 +74,24 @@ async function doImport (owner, repo, id) {
// choose latest artifact
currUsage, threshold = fs.statfs("/", (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
console.error("Failure getting filesystem statistics!")
usedBlocks = (stats.blocks - stats.bfree)
usedBytes = usedBlocks * stats.bsize
threshold = stats.blocks * stats.bsize * 0.95
return (usedBytes, threshold)
const artifact = artifacts.data.artifacts
.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.created_at < cur.created_at ? cur : acc)
artifactId = artifact.id
// Check that size of artifact does not exceed disc space maximum.
artifactSize = artifact.size_in_bytes
if (currUsage + artifactSize >= threshold) {
console.error(`File (${artifactSize}) is exceeding allocated game memory of ${threshold}`)
const url = artifact.archive_download_url
// Make sure the download folder exists
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "games"))){