rudimentary documentation

Jon Eugster 2 years ago
parent 5f0d25867e
commit 6c7ac9840f

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# Level
A level is a single exercise that should be solved by the user. Here is an example:
import GameServer.Commands -- also import everything else you need.
Game "NNG"
World "Addition"
Level 2 -- must start at `1` and be consequtive.
Title "add_zero"
Introduction "" -- optional. Is displayed throughout the level.
Statement MyNat.zero_add -- optional. if name is specified, the lemma will be added to the inventory
"description in mathematical term" -- optional. mathematical description
(n : ) : n + 0 = n := by -- statement: exactly how it would be in a `theorem`. (bug: forgets about implicit arguments)
intro k
rw [add_zero]
Hint "look at {k}." -- hint at this place. `{k}` gets the user's name for the variable (bug currently)
Hint (hidden := true) "more" -- hidden hint
use n
Branch -- A branch in the proof. Does not modify the goal but useful
simp -- to place hints at dead ends etc.
rw [add_comm]
LemmaTab "Nat" -- optional. specify the tab that's open in the lemma inventory
NewLemma add_zero -- optional. add lemma to inventory
NewTactic rw -- optional. add lemma to inventory
NewDefinition Nat -- optional. add lemma to inventory
DisabledLemma add_zero -- optional. disable specific lemmas
DisabledTactic tauto simp -- optional. disable tactics
OnlyLemma add_zero -- optional. disable all lemmas but these
OnlyTactic assumption rw -- optional. disable all tactics but these
Conclusion "" -- optional. Show when level completed
And in the following there are some tips that might be important.
## Imports
You're level can import levels from the same world
import NNG.Levels.Addition.Level_1
as well as entire other worlds
import NNG.Levels.Multiplication
However, you must not import a single level in a different world's level or
it will mess up the World introduction texts (bug?)
## Documentation (Lemmas, Tactics, Definitions)
It will complain when the specified lemma/tactic names do not have documentation.
In that case you need to add `LemmaDoc`/`TacticDoc`/`DefinitionDoc` entries in the
doc part (and `ctrl+shift+X`-reload your file in VSCode). See info under `Game > Documentation`
# World
combines multiple levels, like a chapter. Description pending.
# Game
Combines different games in form of a directed graph. Description pending.
## Documentation
It is recommended to have all documentation for the inventory centrally and import it in
the levels
LemmaDoc MyNat.add_squared as "add_squared" in "Pow"
TacticDoc constructor
DefinitionDoc One as "1"
* The lemma name must be **fully qualified**. The string display name can be arbitrary.
* Tactics must have their proper name. use `TacticDoc «have» ""` if it does not work
without french quotes.
* Definition names can be arbitrary. E.g. I used `DefinitionDoc Symbol.Fun as "fun x ↦ x"` once.
There will be features added to get automatic information from mathlib!

@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ Building this requires a [npm]( toolchain. After cloning
### Progress & Contributing
Currently the interface is still undergoing bigger changes, contributions are of course welcome, but it might be better to wait with them for a bit until proper support for external games is implemented andthe existing games are separated from this repository. (ca. Sept. 2023)
### Documentation
For game developers, there is a work-in-progress Documentation [Creating a Game](
Best to talk with us directly.
For the game engine itself, the documentations is missing currently.
## NPM Scripts
* `npm start`: Start the project in development mode. The browser will automatically reload when client files get changed. The Lean server will get recompiled and restarted when lean files get changed. The Lean server will be started without a container. The client and server can be started separately using the scripts `npm run start_client` and `npm run start_server`. The project can be accessed via `http://localhost:3000`.
