@ -18,17 +18,20 @@ private def mkEOI (pos : String.Pos) : Syntax :=
let atom := mkAtom (SourceInfo.original "".toSubstring pos "".toSubstring pos) ""
mkNode `Lean.Parser.Module.eoi #[atom]
partial def parseTactic (inputCtx : InputContext) (pmctx : ParserModuleContext) (mps : ModuleParserState) (messages : MessageLog) (couldBeEndSnap : Bool) : Syntax × ModuleParserState × MessageLog := Id.run do
partial def parseTactic (inputCtx : InputContext) (pmctx : ParserModuleContext)
(mps : ModuleParserState) (messages : MessageLog) (couldBeEndSnap : Bool) :
Syntax × ModuleParserState × MessageLog × String.Pos := Id.run do
let mut pos := mps.pos
let mut recovering := mps.recovering
let mut messages := messages
let mut stx := Syntax.missing -- will always be assigned below
if inputCtx.input.atEnd pos ∧ couldBeEndSnap then
stx := mkEOI pos
return (stx, { pos, recovering }, messages)
return (stx, { pos, recovering }, messages, 0)
let c := mkParserContext inputCtx pmctx
let s := { cache := initCacheForInput c.input, pos := pos : ParserState }
let s := whitespace c s
let endOfWhitespace := s.pos
let s := (Tactic.sepByIndentSemicolon tacticParser).fn c s
pos := s.pos
match s.errorMsg with
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ partial def parseTactic (inputCtx : InputContext) (pmctx : ParserModuleContext)
stx := s.stxStack.back
if ¬ c.input.atEnd s.pos then
messages := messages.add <| mkErrorMessage c s.pos "end of input"
return (stx, { pos := c.input.endPos, recovering }, messages)
return (stx, { pos := c.input.endPos, recovering }, messages, endOfWhitespace)
end MyModule
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets
let cmdState := snap.cmdState
let scope := cmdState.scopes.head!
let pmctx := { env := cmdState.env, options := scope.opts, currNamespace := scope.currNamespace, openDecls := scope.openDecls }
let (tacticStx, cmdParserState, msgLog) :=
let (tacticStx, cmdParserState, msgLog, endOfWhitespace) :=
MyModule.parseTactic inputCtx pmctx snap.mpState snap.msgLog couldBeEndSnap
let cmdPos := tacticStx.getPos?.get!
if Parser.isEOI tacticStx then
@ -101,8 +104,11 @@ def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets
-- TODO: make world and game configurable
let some level ← getLevel? {game := `TestGame, world := `TestWorld, level := levelId}
| throwServerError "Level not found"
-- Insert invisible `skip` command to make sure we always display the initial goal
let skip := Syntax.node (.original default 0 default endOfWhitespace) ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.skip #[]
-- Insert final `done` command to display unsolved goal error in the end
let done := Syntax.node (.synthetic cmdParserState.pos cmdParserState.pos) ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.done #[]
let tacticStx := (tacticStx.getArgs.push done).map (⟨.⟩)
let tacticStx := (#[skip] ++ tacticStx.getArgs ++ #[done]).map (⟨.⟩)
let tacticStx := ← `(Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq| $[$(tacticStx)]*)
let cmdStx ← `(command| theorem my_theorem $(level.goal) := by {$(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
Elab.Command.elabCommandTopLevel cmdStx)