@ -70,10 +70,25 @@ elab "Conclusion" t:str : command => do
elab "PrintCurLevel" : command => do
logInfo (repr (← getCurLevel))
#check Syntax.SepArray
-- /-- Print levels for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintLevels" : command => do
logInfo $ repr $ (← getCurWorld).levels.toArray
def Parser.path := Parser.sepBy1Indent Parser.ident "→"
elab "Path" s:Parser.path : command => do
let mut last : Option Name := none
for stx in s.raw.getArgs.getEvenElems do
let some l := last
| do
last := some stx.getId
modifyCurGame fun game =>
pure {game with worlds := {game.worlds with edges := game.worlds.edges.push (l, stx.getId)}}
last := some stx.getId
end metadata
/-! ## Messages -/