add let_intros for better experience with levels about functions

Jon Eugster 11 months ago
parent 6cdbfbd9cb
commit 9bc0a3de46

@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ The statement is the exercise of the level. The basics work the same as they wou
#### Name
You can give your exercise a name: `Statement my_first_exercise (n : Nat) ...`. If you do so, it will be added to the inventory and be available in future levels.
You can give your exercise a name: `Statement my_first_exercise (n : Nat) …`. If you do so, it will be added to the inventory and be available in future levels.
You can but a `Statement` inside namespaces like you would with `theorem`.
#### Doc String / Exercise statement
@ -203,6 +202,28 @@ Statement ...
#### Local `let` definitions
If you want to make a local definition/notation which only holds for this exercise (e.g.
a function `f : := fun x ↦ 2 * x`) the recommended way is to use a `let`-statement:
Statement (a : ) (h : 0 < a) :
let f : := fun x ↦ 2 * x
0 < f a := by
The game automatically `intros` such `let`-statements, such that you and the player will see
the following initial proof state:
h: 0 < a
f: := fun x => 2 * x
⊢ 0 < f a
#### Attributes
You can add attributes as you would for a `theorem`. Most notably, you can make your named exercise a `simp` lemma:

@ -117,3 +117,5 @@ $$

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import GameServer.Inventory
import GameServer.Options
import GameServer.SaveData
import GameServer.Hints
import GameServer.Tactic.LetIntros
import I18n
open Lean Meta Elab Command
@ -364,36 +365,38 @@ elab doc:docComment ? attrs:Parser.Term.attributes ?
collectUsedInventory proof
| _ => throwError "expected `:=`"
-- extract the `tacticSeq` from `val` in order to add `let_intros` in front.
-- TODO: don't understand meta-programming enough to avoid having `let_intros`
-- duplicated three times below…
let tacticStx : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq := match val with
| `(Parser.Command.declVal| := by $proof) => proof
| _ => panic "expected `:= by`"
-- Add theorem to context.
match statementName with
| some name =>
let env ← getEnv
let fullName := (← getCurrNamespace) ++ name.getId
if env.contains fullName then
let origType := (env.constants.map₁.find! fullName).type
-- TODO: Check if `origType` agrees with `sig` and output `logInfo` instead of `logWarning`
-- in that case.
logWarningAt name (m!"Environment already contains {fullName}! Only the existing " ++
m!"statement will be available in later levels:\n\n{origType}")
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$doc]? $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $defaultDeclName $sig $val)
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$doc]? $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $defaultDeclName $sig := by {let_intros; $(⟨tacticStx⟩)})
elabCommand thmStatement
-- Check that statement has a docs entry.
checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name (name := fullName) (template := docContent)
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$doc]? $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $name $sig $val)
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$doc]? $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $name $sig := by {let_intros; $(⟨tacticStx⟩)})
elabCommand thmStatement
-- Check that statement has a docs entry.
checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name (name := fullName) (template := docContent)
| none =>
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$doc]? $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $defaultDeclName $sig $val)
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$doc]? $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $defaultDeclName $sig := by {let_intros; $(⟨tacticStx⟩)})
elabCommand thmStatement
let msgs := (← get).messages
let mut hints := #[]
let mut nonHintMsgs := #[]
for msg in msgs.msgs do

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import GameServer.Game
import GameServer.ImportModules
import GameServer.SaveData
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
import GameServer.Tactic.LetIntros
namespace MyModule
@ -258,8 +259,11 @@ def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets
let tacticStx := (#[skip] ++ tacticStx.getArgs ++ #[done]).map (⟨.⟩)
let tacticStx := ← `(Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq| $[$(tacticStx)]*)
-- Always call `let_intros` to get rid `let` statements in the goal.
-- This makes the experience for the user much nicer and allows for local
-- definitions in the exercise.
let cmdStx ← `(command|
theorem the_theorem $(level.goal) := by {$(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
theorem the_theorem $(level.goal) := by {let_intros; $(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
Elab.Command.elabCommandTopLevel cmdStx)
cmdCtx cmdStateRef
let postNew := (← tacticCacheNew.get).post

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import Lean.Elab.Binders
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Basic
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Intro
# `let_intros` Tactic
`let_intros` is a weaker form of `intros` aimed to only introduce `let` statements,
but not for example `∀`-binders.
namespace GameServer
open Lean Meta Elab Parser Tactic
Copied from `Lean.Meta.getIntrosSize`.
private partial def getLetIntrosSize : Expr → Nat
-- | .forallE _ _ b _ => getLetIntrosSize b + 1
| .letE _ _ _ b _ => getLetIntrosSize b + 1
| .mdata _ b => getLetIntrosSize b
| e =>
if let some (_, _, _, b) := e.letFun? then
getLetIntrosSize b + 1
Copied and from `Lean.MVarId.intros`.
def _root_.Lean.MVarId.letIntros (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Array FVarId × MVarId) := do
let type ← mvarId.getType
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let n := getLetIntrosSize type
if n == 0 then
return (#[], mvarId)
-- `introNP` preserves the binder names
mvarId.introNP n
`let_intros` introduces all `let` statements that are preceeding the proof. Concretely
it does a subset of what `intros` does.
If names are provided, it will introduce as many `let` statements as there are names.
syntax (name := letIntros) "let_intros" : tactic
-- (ppSpace colGt (ident <|> hole))*
#check letIntros
@[tactic letIntros] def evalLetIntros : Tactic := fun stx => do
match stx with
| `(tactic| let_intros) => liftMetaTactic fun mvarId => do
let (_, mvarId) ← mvarId.letIntros
return [mvarId]
-- | `(tactic| let_intros $ids*) => do
-- let fvars ← liftMetaTacticAux fun mvarId => do
-- let (fvars, mvarId) ← mvarId.introN ids.size ( getNameOfIdent').toList
-- return (fvars, [mvarId])
-- withMainContext do
-- for stx in ids, fvar in fvars do
-- Term.addLocalVarInfo stx (mkFVar fvar)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import GameServer.Tactic.LetIntros
set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
example (f : Nat) :
let f := fun x ↦ x + 1
let g : Nat → Nat := fun y ↦ y
∀ x : Nat, x ≤ f x := by
f✝ : Nat
f : Nat → Nat := fun x => x + 1
g : Nat → Nat := fun y => y
⊢ ∀ (x : Nat), x ≤ f x
intro x
exact Nat.le_succ x