@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ The statement is the exercise of the level. The basics work the same as they wou
#### Name
You can give your exercise a name: `Statement my_first_exercise (n : Nat) ...`. If you do so, it will be added to the inventory and be available in future levels.
You can give your exercise a name: `Statement my_first_exercise (n : Nat) …`. If you do so, it will be added to the inventory and be available in future levels.
You can but a `Statement` inside namespaces like you would with `theorem`.
#### Doc String / Exercise statement
@ -203,6 +202,28 @@ Statement ...
#### Local `let` definitions
If you want to make a local definition/notation which only holds for this exercise (e.g.
a function `f : ℤ → ℤ := fun x ↦ 2 * x`) the recommended way is to use a `let`-statement:
Statement (a : ℤ) (h : 0 <a):
let f : ℤ → ℤ := fun x ↦ 2 * x
0 <fa:=by
The game automatically `intros` such `let`-statements, such that you and the player will see
the following initial proof state:
a: ℤ
h: 0 <a
f: ℤ → ℤ := fun x => 2 * x
⊢ 0 <fa
#### Attributes
You can add attributes as you would for a `theorem`. Most notably, you can make your named exercise a `simp` lemma: