@ -79,28 +79,30 @@ partial def matchExpr (pattern : Expr) (e : Expr) (bij : FVarBijection := {}) :
| _, _ => none
/-- Check if each fvar in `patterns` has a matching fvar in `fvars` -/
def matchDecls (patterns : Array Expr) (fvars : Array Expr) : Bool :=
def matchDecls (patterns : Array Expr) (fvars : Array Expr) (strict := true) (initBij : FVarBijection := {}) : MetaM Bool := do
-- We iterate through the array backwards hoping that this will find us faster results
-- TODO: implement backtracking
-- TODO: reimplement this
patterns.size = fvars.size
-- let mut usedFvars := (List.replicate declFvars.size false).toArray
-- -- `usedFvars` keeps track of the fvars that were already used to match an mvar.
-- for i in [:declMvars.size] do
-- let declMvar := declMvars[declMvars.size - i - 1]!
-- let mut found := false
-- for j in [:declFvars.size] do
-- let declFvar := declFvars[declFvars.size - j - 1]!
-- let usedFvar := usedFvars[declFvars.size - j - 1]!
-- if ¬ usedFvar then
-- if let some _ := matchExpr declMvar declFvar then
-- usedFvars := usedFvars.set! (declFvars.size - j - 1) true
-- found := true
-- break
-- else
-- continue
-- if ¬ found then return false
-- return true
let mut bij := initBij
for i in [:patterns.size] do
let pattern := patterns[patterns.size - i - 1]!
if bij.forward.contains pattern.fvarId! then
for j in [:fvars.size] do
let fvar := fvars[fvars.size - j - 1]!
if bij.backward.contains fvar.fvarId! then
if let some bij' := matchExpr
(← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType pattern)
(← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType fvar) bij then
-- usedFvars := usedFvars.set! (fvars.size - j - 1) true
bij := bij'.insert pattern.fvarId! fvar.fvarId!
if ! bij.forward.contains pattern.fvarId! then return false
if strict then
return fvars.all (fun fvar => bij.backward.contains fvar.fvarId!)
return true
unsafe def evalHintMessageUnsafe : Expr → MetaM (Array Expr → MessageData) :=
evalExpr (Array Expr → MessageData)
@ -118,10 +120,10 @@ def findHints (goal : MVarId) (doc : FileWorker.EditableDocument) : MetaM (Array
| throwError "Level not found: {doc.meta.mkInputContext.fileName}"
let hints ← level.hints.filterMapM fun hint => do
openAbstractCtxResult hint.goal fun hintFVars hintGoal => do
if let some _ := matchExpr (← instantiateMVars $ hintGoal) (← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType $ mkMVar goal)
if let some fvarBij := matchExpr (← instantiateMVars $ hintGoal) (← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType $ mkMVar goal)
let lctx := (← goal.getDecl).lctx
if matchDecls hintFVars lctx.getFVars
if ← matchDecls hintFVars lctx.getFVars (strict := true) (initBij := fvarBij)
let text := (← evalHintMessage hint.text) hintFVars
let ctx := {env := ← getEnv, mctx := ← getMCtx, lctx := ← getLCtx, opts := {}}