add worlds

Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent c8b8fc098b
commit bc9531a9c2

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function Level({ leanClient, nbLevels, level, setCurLevel, setLevelTitle, setFin
// setInfoProvider(infoProvider)
// setInfoviewApi(infoviewApi)
leanClient.sendRequest("loadLevel", {number: level}).then((res) => {
leanClient.sendRequest("loadLevel", {world: "TestWorld", level}).then((res) => {
setLevelTitle("Level " + res["index"] + ": " + res["title"])

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ function Welcome({ leanClient, setNbLevels, setTitle, startGame, setConclusion }
const getInfo = async () => {
await leanClient.start() // TODO: need a way to wait for start without restarting
leanClient.sendRequest("info", "hello").then((res: infoResultType) =>{
leanClient.sendRequest("info", {}).then((res: infoResultType) =>{

@ -15,64 +15,64 @@ open Lean Meta Elab Command Term
/-- Create a game with the given identifier as name. -/
elab "Game" n:str : command => do
gameExt.set {name := n.getString}
let name := n.getString
setCurGameId name
if (← getGame? name).isNone then
insertGame name {name}
/-- Create a World -/
elab "World" n:str : command => do
let name := n.getString
setCurWorldId name
if ¬ (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.contains name then
addWorld {name}
/-- Define the current level number. -/
elab "Level" n:num : command => do
let idx := n.getNat
setCurLevelIdx idx
levelsExt.insert idx {index := idx}
elab "Level" level:num : command => do
let level := level.getNat
setCurLevelIdx level
addLevel {index := level}
/-- Define the title of the current game or current level if some
building a level. -/
/-- Define the title of the current game/world/level. -/
elab "Title" t:str : command => do
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
if lvlIdx > 0 then
let some lvl := (← levelsExt.find? lvlIdx) | throwError "Unable to find level"
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {lvl with title := t.getString}
gameExt.set {← gameExt.get with title := t.getString}
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with title := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with title := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with title := t.getString}
/-- Define the introduction of the current game or current level if some
building a level. -/
/-- Define the introduction of the current game/world/level. -/
elab "Introduction" t:str : command => do
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
if lvlIdx > 0 then
let some lvl := (← levelsExt.find? lvlIdx) | throwError "Unable to find level"
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {lvl with introduction := t.getString}
gameExt.set {← gameExt.get with introduction := t.getString}
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with introduction := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with introduction := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with introduction := t.getString}
/-- Define the statement of the current level. -/
elab "Statement" sig:declSig val:declVal : command => do
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
let declName : Name := (← gameExt.get).name ++ ("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String)
let declName : Name := (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++ ("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String)
elabCommand (← `(theorem $(mkIdent declName) $sig $val))
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {← getCurLevel with goal := sig}
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with goal := sig}
/-- Define the conclusion of the current game or current level if some
building a level. -/
elab "Conclusion" t:str : command => do
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
if lvlIdx > 0 then
let some lvl := (← levelsExt.find? lvlIdx) | throwError "Unable to find level"
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {lvl with conclusion := t.getString}
gameExt.set {← gameExt.get with conclusion := t.getString}
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with conclusion := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with conclusion := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with conclusion := t.getString}
/-- Print current game for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintCurGame" : command => do
logInfo (repr (← gameExt.get))
-- /-- Print current game for debugging purposes. -/
-- elab "PrintCurGame" : command => do
-- logInfo (toJson (← getCurGame))
/-- Print current level for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintCurLevel" : command => do
match ← levelsExt.find? (← getCurLevelIdx) with
| some lvl => logInfo (repr lvl)
| none => logInfo "Could not find level"
logInfo (repr (← getCurLevel))
/-- Print levels for debugging purposes. -/
-- /-- Print levels for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintLevels" : command => do
logInfo $ repr $ (levelsExt.getState (← getEnv)) (·.fst)
logInfo $ repr $ (← getCurWorld).levels.toArray
end metadata
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def getType : TSyntax `mydecl → Term
/-- From a term `s` and a list of pairs `(i, t) ; Ident × Term`, create the syntax
where `s` is preceded with universal quantifiers `∀ i : t`. -/
def mkGoalSyntax (s : Term) : List (Ident × Term) → MacroM Term
def mkGoalSyntax (s : Term) : List (Ident × Term) → MacroM Term
| (n, t)::tail => do return (← `(∀ $n : $t, $(← mkGoalSyntax s tail)))
| [] => return s
@ -103,12 +103,10 @@ local elab "Message'" decls:mydecl* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:str : command => do
let g ← liftTermElabM do (return ← instantiateMVars (← elabTerm g none))
let (ctx_size, normalized_goal) ← liftTermElabM do
let msg_mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar g MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque
msg_mvar.mvarId!.withContext do
msg_mvar.mvarId!.withContext do
let (_, msg_mvar) ← msg_mvar.mvarId!.introNP decls.size
return ((← msg_mvar.getDecl).lctx.size, (← normalizedRevertExpr msg_mvar))
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
let lvl ← getCurLevel
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {lvl with messages := lvl.messages.push {
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with messages := level.messages.push {
ctx_size := ctx_size,
normalized_goal := normalized_goal,
intro_nb := decls.size,
@ -123,12 +121,12 @@ macro "Message" decls:mydecl* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:str : command => do
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some tactic.
Expect an identifier and then a string literal. -/
elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (tacticDocExt.addEntry · {
name := name.getId,
name := name.getId,
content := content.getString })
/-- Declare a set of tactic documentation entries.
/-- Declare a set of tactic documentation entries.
Expect an identifier used as the set name then `:=` and a
space separated list of identifiers.
@ -141,13 +139,13 @@ elab "TacticSet" name:ident ":=" args:ident* : command => do
| some doc => entries := entries.push doc
| none => throwError "Documentation for tactic {name} wasn't found."
modifyEnv (tacticSetExt.addEntry · {
name := name.getId,
name := name.getId,
tactics := entries })
instance : Quote TacticDocEntry `term :=
⟨λ entry => Syntax.mkCApp `` #[quote, quote entry.content]⟩
/-- Declare the list of tactics that will be displayed in the current level.
/-- Declare the list of tactics that will be displayed in the current level.
Expects a space separated list of identifiers that refer to either a tactic doc
entry or a tactic doc set. -/
elab "Tactics" args:ident* : command => do
@ -162,12 +160,7 @@ elab "Tactics" args:ident* : command => do
| none => match sets.find? (·.name = name) with
| some entry => tactics := tactics ++ entry.tactics
| none => throwError "Tactic doc or tactic set {name} wasn't found."
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
if lvlIdx > 0 then
let some lvl := (← levelsExt.find? lvlIdx) | throwError "Unable to find level"
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {lvl with tactics := tactics}
throwError "This command can be used only while building a level."
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with tactics := tactics}
/-! ## Lemmas -/
@ -175,14 +168,14 @@ elab "Tactics" args:ident* : command => do
Expect two identifiers and then a string literal. The first identifier is meant
as the real name of the lemma while the second is the displayed name. Currently
the real name isn't used. -/
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" userName:ident "in" category:str content:str : command =>
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" userName:ident "in" category:str content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (lemmaDocExt.addEntry · {
name := name.getId,
name := name.getId,
userName := userName.getId,
category := category.getString,
content := content.getString })
/-- Declare a set of lemma documentation entries.
/-- Declare a set of lemma documentation entries.
Expect an identifier used as the set name then `:=` and a
space separated list of identifiers. -/
elab "LemmaSet" name:ident ":" title:str ":=" args:ident* : command => do
@ -201,7 +194,7 @@ elab "LemmaSet" name:ident ":" title:str ":=" args:ident* : command => do
instance : Quote LemmaDocEntry `term :=
⟨λ entry => Syntax.mkCApp `` #[quote, quote entry.userName, quote entry.category, quote entry.content]⟩
/-- Declare the list of lemmas that will be displayed in the current level.
/-- Declare the list of lemmas that will be displayed in the current level.
Expects a space separated list of identifiers that refer to either a lemma doc
entry or a lemma doc set. -/
elab "Lemmas" args:ident* : command => do
@ -216,9 +209,4 @@ elab "Lemmas" args:ident* : command => do
| none => match sets.find? (·.name = name) with
| some entry => lemmas := lemmas ++ entry.lemmas
| none => throwError "Lemma doc or lemma set {name} wasn't found."
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
if lvlIdx > 0 then
let some lvl := (← levelsExt.find? lvlIdx) | throwError "Unable to find level"
levelsExt.update lvlIdx {lvl with lemmas := lemmas}
throwError "This command can be used only while building a level."
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmas := lemmas}

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
/- Inspired by `Lean/Data/Lsp/Communication.lean` -/
import Lean.Data.JsonRpc
/-! Reading/writing Game Server Protocol messages from/to IO handles. -/
namespace IO.FS.Stream
open Lean
open Lean.JsonRpc
def readJsonLine (h : FS.Stream) : IO Json := do
let s ← h.getLine
ofExcept (Json.parse s)
def readGspMessage (h : FS.Stream) : IO Message := do
let j ← h.readJsonLine
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok m => pure m
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"JSON '{j.compress}' did not have the format of a JSON-RPC message.\n{inner}"
def readGspRequestAs (h : FS.Stream) (expectedMethod : String) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Request α) := do
let m ← h.readGspMessage
match m with
| Message.request id method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨id, expectedMethod, v⟩
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC request, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
def readGspNotificationAs
(h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) (expectedMethod : String) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Notification α) := do
let m ← h.readMessage nBytes
match m with
| Message.notification method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨expectedMethod, v⟩
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC notification, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
def readGspResponseAs
(h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) (expectedID : RequestID) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Response α) := do
let m ← h.readMessage nBytes
match m with
| Message.response id result =>
if id == expectedID then
match fromJson? result with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨expectedID, v⟩
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"Unexpected result '{result.compress}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected id {expectedID}, got id {id}"
| Message.notification .. => readResponseAs h nBytes expectedID α
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC response, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
variable [ToJson α]
def writeGspMessage (h : FS.Stream) (m : Message) : IO Unit := do
h.putStr ((toJson m).compress ++ "\n")
def writeGspRequest (h : FS.Stream) (r : Request α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage r
def writeGspNotification (h : FS.Stream) (n : Notification α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage n
def writeGspResponse (h : FS.Stream) (r : Response α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage r
def writeGspResponseError (h : FS.Stream) (e : ResponseError Unit) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage (Message.responseError e.code e.message none)
def writeGspResponseErrorWithData (h : FS.Stream) (e : ResponseError α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage e
end IO.FS.Stream

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
import GameServer.HashMapExtension
import GameServer.SingleValPersistentEnvExtension
import Lean
/-! # Environment extensions
The game framework stores almost all its game building data in environment extensions
defined in this file. MAyn of them are `SimplePersistentEnvExtension` but we also
use `HashMapExtension` and `SingleValPersistentEnvExtension`
defined in this file.
@ -103,31 +100,80 @@ elab "#print_lemma_set" : command => do
for entry in lemmaSetExt.getState (← getEnv) do
dbg_trace "{} : {}"
/-! ## Game -/
/-! ## Graph -/
structure Game where
name : Name
title : String := ""
introduction : String := ""
conclusion : String := ""
authors : List String := []
nb_levels : Nat := 0
deriving Repr, Inhabited, ToJson
structure Graph (α β : Type) [inst : BEq α] [inst : Hashable α] where
nodes: HashMap α β := {}
edges: Array (α × α) := {}
deriving Inhabited
initialize gameExt : SingleValPersistentEnvExtension Game ← registerSingleValPersistentEnvExtension `gameExt Game
instance [inst : BEq α] [inst : Hashable α] [ToJson α] : ToJson (Graph α β) := {
toJson := fun graph => Json.mkObj [
("nodes", toJson ( Prod.fst)),
("edges", toJson graph.edges)
/-! ## Levels -/
instance [inst : BEq α] [inst : Hashable α] : EmptyCollection (Graph α β) := ⟨default⟩
def Graph.insertNode [inst : BEq α] [inst : Hashable α] (g : Graph α β) (a : α) (b : β) :=
{g with nodes := g.nodes.insert a b}
/- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level number. -/
initialize curLevelExt : EnvExtension Nat ← registerEnvExtension (pure 0)
/-! ## Environment extensions for game specification-/
/-- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level -/
initialize curGameExt : EnvExtension (Option Name) ← registerEnvExtension (pure none)
/-- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level -/
initialize curWorldExt : EnvExtension (Option Name) ← registerEnvExtension (pure none)
/-- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level -/
initialize curLevelExt : EnvExtension (Option Nat) ← registerEnvExtension (pure none)
inductive Layer :=
| Game | World | Level
variable {m: Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m]
def setCurLevelIdx (lvl : Nat) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curLevelExt.setState · lvl)
def setCurGameId (game : Name) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curGameExt.setState · (some game))
def setCurWorldId (world : Name) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curWorldExt.setState · (some world))
def getCurLevelIdx : m Nat := do
return curLevelExt.getState (← getEnv)
def setCurLevelIdx (level : Nat) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curLevelExt.setState · (some level))
def getCurLayer [MonadError m] : m Layer := do
match curGameExt.getState (← getEnv), curWorldExt.getState (← getEnv), curLevelExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some _, some _, some _ => return Layer.Level
| some _, some _, none => return Layer.World
| some _, none, none => return Layer.Game
| _, _, _ => throwError "Invalid Layer"
def getCurGameId [MonadError m] : m Name := do
match curGameExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some game => return game
| none => throwError "Current game not set"
def getCurWorldId [MonadError m] : m Name := do
match curWorldExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some world => return world
| none => throwError "Current world not set"
def getCurLevelIdx [MonadError m] : m Nat := do
match curLevelExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some level => return level
| none => throwError "Current level not set"
/-! ## Levels -/
structure LevelId where
game : Name
world : Name
level : Nat
deriving Inhabited
def getCurLevelId [MonadError m] : m LevelId := do
return { game := ← getCurGameId, world := ← getCurWorldId, level := ← getCurLevelIdx}
structure GameLevel where
index: Nat
@ -140,10 +186,117 @@ structure GameLevel where
goal : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.declSig := default
deriving Inhabited, Repr
initialize levelsExt : HashMapExtension Nat GameLevel ← mkHashMapExtension `levels Nat GameLevel
/-! ## World -/
def getCurLevel [MonadError m] : m GameLevel := do
let idx ← getCurLevelIdx
match (← levelsExt.find? idx) with
| some level => return level
| none => throwError "Couldn't find level {idx}"
structure World where
name: Name
title: String := ""
introduction: String := ""
conclusion : String := ""
levels: HashMap Nat GameLevel := {}
deriving Inhabited
/-! ## Game -/
structure Game where
name : Name
title : String := ""
introduction : String := ""
conclusion : String := ""
authors : List String := []
worlds : Graph Name World := {}
deriving Inhabited, ToJson
/-! ## Game environment extension -/
def HashMap.merge [BEq α] [Hashable α] (old : HashMap α β) (new : HashMap α β) (merge : β → β → β) :
HashMap α β :=
new.fold (fun acc a b =>
if let some bOld := acc.find? a
then acc.insert a (merge bOld b)
else acc.insert a b) old
def GameLevel.merge (old : GameLevel) (new : GameLevel) : GameLevel :=
def World.merge (old : World) (new : World) : World :=
{ new with
levels := HashMap.merge old.levels new.levels GameLevel.merge}
def Game.merge (old : Game) (new : Game) : Game :=
{ new with
worlds := {
nodes := HashMap.merge old.worlds.nodes new.worlds.nodes World.merge
edges := old.worlds.edges ++ new.worlds.edges
} }
initialize gameExt : PersistentEnvExtension (Name × Game) (Name × Game) (HashMap Name Game) ←
do registerPersistentEnvExtension {
name := `gameExt,
mkInitial := pure {},
addImportedFn := fun ess => do
let mut games := {}
for es in ess do
for (name, game) in es do
match games.find? name with
| some oldgame =>
games := games.insert name (Game.merge oldgame game)
| none =>
games := games.insert name game
return games
addEntryFn := (λ s n => s.insert n.1 n.2),
exportEntriesFn := HashMap.toArray,
statsFn := fun s => format "number of local entries: " ++ format s.size
def getGame? (n : Name) : m (Option Game) := do
return (gameExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? n
def insertGame (n : Name) (g : Game) : m Unit := do
modifyEnv (gameExt.addEntry · (n, g))
def getLevel? (levelId : LevelId) : m (Option GameLevel) := do
let some game ← getGame?
| return none
let some world := game.worlds.nodes.find?
| return none
let some level := world.levels.find? levelId.level
| return none
return level
def getCurGame [MonadError m] : m Game := do
let some game ← getGame? (← getCurGameId)
| throwError m!"Game {← getCurGameId} does not exist"
return game
def modifyCurGame (fn : Game → m Game) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
let game ← getCurGame
insertGame (← fn game)
def addWorld (world : World) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurGame fun game => do
return {game with worlds := game.worlds.insertNode world}
def getCurWorld [MonadError m] : m World := do
let some world := (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.find? (← getCurWorldId)
| throwError m!"World {← getCurWorldId} does not exist"
return world
def modifyCurWorld (fn : World → m World) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurGame fun game => do
let world ← getCurWorld
return {game with worlds := {game.worlds with nodes := game.worlds.nodes.insert (← fn world) }}
def addLevel (level : GameLevel) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurWorld fun world => do
return {world with levels := world.levels.insert level.index level}
def getCurLevel [MonadError m] : m GameLevel := do
let some level := (← getCurWorld).levels.find? (← getCurLevelIdx)
| throwError m!"Level {← getCurLevelIdx} does not exist"
return level
def modifyCurLevel (fn : GameLevel → m GameLevel) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurWorld fun world => do
let level ← getCurLevel
return {world with levels := world.levels.insert level.index (← fn level)}

@ -96,12 +96,14 @@ def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets
let (output, _) ← IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams (isolateStderr := server.stderrAsMessages.get scope.opts) <| liftM (m := BaseIO) do
(getResetInfoTrees *> do
let levels := levelsExt.getState (← getEnv)
let levelId ← levelIdFromFileName inputCtx.fileName
-- TODO: make world and game configurable
let some level ← getLevel? {game := `TestGame, world := `TestWorld, level := levelId}
| throwServerError "Level not found"
let done := Syntax.node (.synthetic cmdParserState.pos cmdParserState.pos) ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.done #[]
let tacticStx := (tacticStx.getArgs.push done).map (⟨.⟩)
let tacticStx := ← `(Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq| $[$(tacticStx)]*)
let cmdStx ← `(command| theorem mythm $(levels[levelId].get!.goal) := by {$(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
let cmdStx ← `(command| theorem my_theorem $(level.goal) := by {$(⟨tacticStx⟩)} )
Elab.Command.elabCommandTopLevel cmdStx)
cmdCtx cmdStateRef
let postNew := (← tacticCacheNew.get).post

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ open Lean
structure GameServerState :=
(env : Lean.Environment)
(game : Name)
abbrev GameServerM := StateT GameServerState Server.Watchdog.ServerM
@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ open Lsp
open JsonRpc
open IO
def getGame (game : Name): GameServerM Game := do
let some game ← getGame? game
| throwServerError "Game not found"
return game
structure LevelInfo where
index : Nat
title : String
@ -32,7 +38,8 @@ structure LevelInfo where
deriving ToJson
structure LoadLevelParams where
number : Nat
world : Name
level : Nat
deriving ToJson, FromJson
partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
@ -42,17 +49,14 @@ partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
| Message.request id "info" _ =>
let s ← get
let c ← read
let levels := levelsExt.getState s.env
let game := {← gameExt.get with nb_levels := levels.size }
c.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, game⟩
c.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, (← getGame⟩
return true
| Message.request id "loadLevel" params =>
let p ← parseParams LoadLevelParams (toJson params)
let idx := p.number
let s ← get
let c ← read
let levels := levelsExt.getState s.env
let some lvl := levels.find? idx | throwServerError s!"Cannot find level {idx}"
let some lvl ← getLevel? {game :=, world :=, level := p.level}
| throwServerError s!"Level not found {(← getGame} {} {p.level}"
let levelInfo : LevelInfo :=
{ index := lvl.index,
title := lvl.title,

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
import Lean
open Lean Std
def HashMapExtension (α β : Type) [BEq α] [Hashable α] := SimplePersistentEnvExtension (α × β) (HashMap α β)
instance (α β : Type) [BEq α] [Hashable α] : Inhabited (HashMapExtension α β) :=
inferInstanceAs (Inhabited (SimplePersistentEnvExtension (α × β) (HashMap α β)))
def mkHashMapExtension (name : Name) (α β : Type) [BEq α] [Hashable α] : IO (HashMapExtension α β) :=
registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
name := name,
addImportedFn := mkStateFromImportedEntries (λ s n => s.insert n.1 n.2) {},
addEntryFn := (λ s n => s.insert n.1 n.2),
toArrayFn := fun es => es.toArray
namespace HashMapExtension
variable {α β : Type} [BEq α] [Hashable α] {m: Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m]
def find? (ext : HashMapExtension α β) (a : α) : m $ Option β := do
return (ext.getState (← getEnv)).find? a
def insert (ext : HashMapExtension α β) (a : α) (b : β) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (ext.addEntry · (a, b))
def update (ext : HashMapExtension α β) (a : α) (b : β) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (ext.addEntry · (a, b))
end HashMapExtension

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import Lean
open Lean
/-- A persistent environment extension that is meant to hold a single (mutable) value. -/
def SingleValPersistentEnvExtension (α : Type) := PersistentEnvExtension α α α
instance {α} [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (SingleValPersistentEnvExtension α) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Inhabited <| PersistentEnvExtension α α α
def registerSingleValPersistentEnvExtension (name : Name) (α : Type) [Inhabited α] : IO (SingleValPersistentEnvExtension α) :=
registerPersistentEnvExtension {
name := name,
mkInitial := pure default,
addImportedFn := mkStateFromImportedEntries (fun _ b => return b) (return default),
addEntryFn := (λ _ b => b),
exportEntriesFn := λ x => #[x]
variable {m: Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] {α : Type} [Inhabited α]
def SingleValPersistentEnvExtension.get (ext : SingleValPersistentEnvExtension α) : m α :=
return ext.getState (← getEnv)
def SingleValPersistentEnvExtension.set (ext : SingleValPersistentEnvExtension α) (a : α) : m Unit := do
modifyEnv (ext.modifyState · (λ _ => a))

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def initAndRunWatchdog (args : List String) (i o e : FS.Stream) : IO Unit := do
: InitializeResult
let state := {env := ← createEnv}
let state := {env := ← createEnv, game := `TestGame}
let context : ServerContext := {
hIn := i
hOut := o

@ -3,5 +3,4 @@ import TestGame.Levels.Level1
import TestGame.Levels.Level2
import TestGame.Levels.Level3
import TestGame.Levels.Level4
import TestGame.Levels.Level5
import TestGame.Levels.Level5

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import TestGame.Metadata
Game "TestGame"
World "TestWorld"
Level 1
Title "The reflexivity spell"
@ -23,4 +25,4 @@ rfl
Conclusion "Congratulations for completing your first level! You can now click on the *Go to next level* button."
Tactics rfl
Tactics rfl

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import TestGame.Metadata
Game "TestGame"
World "TestWorld"
Level 2
Title "The rewriting spell"

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import TestGame.Metadata
Game "TestGame"
World "TestWorld"
Level 3
Title "Peano's axioms"

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import TestGame.Metadata
Game "TestGame"
World "TestWorld"
Level 4
Title "Addition"

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import TestGame.Metadata
import TestGame.Tactics
Game "TestGame"
World "TestWorld"
Level 5
Title "The induction_on spell"
