load testgame

Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent 9a86adb17e
commit c06fa4c6ff

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import Lean
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
namespace Game
open Lean
@ -7,15 +8,43 @@ open Watchdog
open Lsp
open JsonRpc
/-- Dummy `Core.Context` value to be fed to `Lean.Core.CoreM.toIO` -/
def coreCtx : Core.Context := {
currNamespace := Name.anonymous,
openDecls := [],
fileName := "<Game>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] } }
partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : ServerM Bool := do
match ev with
| ServerEvent.clientMsg msg =>
match msg with
| Message.request id "info" _ =>
(← read).hOut.writeLspResponse {
id := id
result := "Hello"
let gameDir := "testgame"
-- Determine search paths of the game project by running `lake env printenv LEAN_PATH`.
let out ← IO.Process.output
{ cwd := gameDir, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
if out.exitCode != 0 then
IO.eprintln out.stderr
return true
-- Make the paths relative to the current directory
let paths : List System.FilePath := System.SearchPath.parse out.stdout.trim
let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
let paths := paths.map fun p => currentDir / (gameDir : System.FilePath) / p
-- Set the search path
Lean.searchPathRef.set paths
let hOut := (← read).hOut
let gameName := `TestGame
let env ← importModules [{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := gameName : Import }] {} 0
discard <| Core.CoreM.toIO (ctx := coreCtx) (s := { env := env }) do
let levels := levelsExt.getState env
let game := {← gameExt.get with nb_levels := levels.size }
hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, game⟩
return true
| _ => return false
| _ => return false

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ def initAndRunWatchdogAux : ServerM Unit := do
| throwServerError "Got `shutdown` request, expected an `exit` notification"
def initAndRunWatchdog (args : List String) (i o e : FS.Stream) : IO Unit := do
-- TODO: Do the following commands slow us down?
let workerPath ← findWorkerPath
let srcSearchPath ← initSrcSearchPath (← getBuildDir)
let references ← IO.mkRef (← loadReferences)

@ -25,20 +25,6 @@ def main : List String → IO UInt32 := fun args => do
-- let gameName := args[0]!
-- let gameDir := args[1]!
-- -- Determine search paths of the game project by running `lake env printenv LEAN_PATH`.
-- let out ← IO.Process.output
-- { cwd := gameDir, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
-- if out.exitCode != 0 then
-- IO.eprintln out.stderr
-- return
-- -- Make the paths relative to the current directory
-- let paths : List System.FilePath := System.SearchPath.parse out.stdout.trim
-- let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
-- let paths := paths.map fun p => currentDir / (gameDir : System.FilePath) / p
-- -- Set the search path
-- Lean.searchPathRef.set paths
-- -- Run the game
-- Server.runGame gameName
