@ -187,15 +187,18 @@ elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
instance : Quote TacticDocEntry `term :=
⟨λ entry => Syntax.mkCApp ``TacticDocEntry.mk #[quote entry.name, quote entry.content]⟩
/-- Declare the list of tactics that will be displayed in the current level.
Expects a space separated list of identifiers that refer to either a tactic doc
entry or a tactic doc set. -/
/-- Declare tactics that are introduced by this level. -/
elab "NewTactics" args:ident* : command => do
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with newTactics := args.map (·.getId)}
/-- Declare tactics that are temporarily disabled in this level -/
elab "DisabledTactics" args:ident* : command => do
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with disabledTactics := args.map (·.getId)}
/-- Temporarily disable all tactics except the ones declared here -/
elab "OnlyTactics" args:ident* : command => do
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with onlyTactics := args.map (·.getId)}
/-! ## Lemmas -/
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some lemma.