NNG levels

Jon Eugster 2 years ago
parent a4cb28df7b
commit cd4e3bb949

@ -15,4 +15,27 @@ Title "Function World"
If you have beaten Addition World, then you have got
quite good at manipulating equalities in Lean using the `rw` tactic.
But there are plenty of levels later on which will require you
to manipulate functions, and `rw` is not the tool for you here.
To manipulate functions effectively, we need to learn about a new collection
of tactics, namely `exact`, `intro`, `have` and `apply`. These tactics
are specially designed for dealing with functions. Of course we are
ultimately interested in using these tactics to prove theorems
about the natural numbers – but in this
world there is little point in working with specific sets like `mynat`,
everything works for general sets.
So our notation for this level is: $P$, $Q$, $R$ and so on denote general sets,
and $h$, $j$, $k$ and so on denote general
functions between them. What we will learn in this world is how to use functions
in Lean to push elements from set to set. A word of warning –
even though there's no harm at all in thinking of $P$ being a set and $p$
being an element, you will not see Lean using the notation $p\\in P$, because
internally Lean stores $P$ as a \"Type\" and $p$ as a \"term\", and it uses `p : P`
to mean \"$p$ is a term of type $P$\", Lean's way of expressing the idea that $p$
is an element of the set $P$. You have seen this already – Lean has
been writing `n : ` to mean that $n$ is a natural number.

@ -5,18 +5,63 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Multiplication
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 1
Title ""
Title "the `exact` tactic"
open MyNat
## A new kind of goal.
All through addition world, our goals have been theorems,
and it was our job to find the proofs.
**The levels in function world aren't theorems**. This is the only world where
the levels aren't theorems in fact. In function world the object of a level
is to create an element of the set in the goal. The goal will look like `Goal: X`
with $X$ a set and you get rid of the goal by constructing an element of $X$.
I don't know if you noticed this, but you finished
essentially every goal of Addition World (and Multiplication World and Power World,
if you played them) with `rfl`.
This tactic is no use to us here.
We are going to have to learn a new way of solving goals – the `exact` tactic.
## The `exact` tactic
If you can explicitly see how to make an element of your goal set,
i.e. you have a formula for it, then you can just write `exact <formula>`
and this will close the goal.
"If $P$ is true, and $P\\implies Q$ is also true, then $Q$ is true."
(P Q : Prop) (p : P) (h : P → Q) : Q := by
"In this situation, we have sets $P$ and $Q$ (but Lean calls them types),
and an element $p$ of $P$ (written `p : P`
but meaning $p\\in P$). We also have a function $h$ from $P$ to $Q$,
and our goal is to construct an
element of the set $Q$. It's clear what to do *mathematically* to solve
this goal -- we can
make an element of $Q$ by applying the function $h$ to
the element $p$. But how to do it in Lean? There are at least two ways
to explain this idea to Lean,
and here we will learn about one of them, namely the method which
uses the `exact` tactic.
Concretely, `h p` is an element of type `Q`, so you can use `exact h p` to use it.
Note that while in mathematics you might write $h(p)$, in Lean you always avoid brackets
for function application: `h p`. Brackets are only used for grouping elements, for
example for repeated funciton application, you could write `g (h p)`.
Hint (hidden := true) "
**Important note**: Note that `exact h P,` won't work (with a capital $P$);
this is a common error I see from beginners.
$P$ is not an element of $P$, it's $p$ that is an element of $P$.
So try `exact h p`.
exact h p
NewTactic exact

@ -5,24 +5,53 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Multiplication
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 2
Title ""
Title "the intro tactic"
open MyNat
Let's make a function. Let's define the function on the natural
numbers which sends a natural number $n$ to $3n+2$. You
see that the goal is ``. A mathematician
might denote this set with some exotic name such as
but computer scientists use notation `X → Y` to denote the set of
functions from `X` to `Y` and this name definitely has its merits.
In type theory, `X → Y` is a type (the type of all functions from $X$ to $Y$),
and `f : X → Y` means that `f` is a term
of this type, i.e., $f$ is a function from $X$ to $Y$.
To define a function $X\\to Y$ we need to choose an arbitrary
element $x\\in X$ and then, perhaps using $x$, make an element of $Y$.
The Lean tactic for \"let $x\\in X$ be arbitrary\" is `intro x`.
"We define a function from to ."
: := by
Hint "To solve this goal,
you have to come up with a function from ``
to ``. Start with
`intro n`"
intro n
Hint "Our job now is to construct a natural number, which is
allowed to depend on $n$. We can do this using `exact` and
writing a formula for the function we want to define. For example
we imported addition and multiplication at the top of this file,
`exact 3*n+2,`
will close the goal, ultimately defining the function $f(n)=3n+2$."
exact 3 * n + 2
NewTactic intro
## Rule of thumb:
If your goal is `P → Q` then `intro p` will make progress.

@ -5,27 +5,82 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Multiplication
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 3
Title ""
Title "the have tactic"
open MyNat
Say you have a whole bunch of sets and functions between them,
and your goal is to build a certain element of a certain set.
If it helps, you can build intermediate elements of other sets
along the way, using the `have` command. `have` is the Lean analogue
of saying \"let's define an element $q\\in Q$ by...\" in the middle of a calculation.
It is often not logically necessary, but on the other hand
it is very convenient, for example it can save on notation, or
it can break proofs or calculations up into smaller steps.
In the level below, we have an element of $P$ and we want an element
of $U$; during the proof we will make several intermediate elements
of some of the other sets involved. The diagram of sets and
functions looks like this pictorially:
P @>{h}>> Q @>{i}>> R \\\\
@. @V{j}VV \\\\
S @>{k}>> T @>{l}>> U \\\\
and so it's clear how to make the element of $U$ from the element of $P$.
"Given an element of $P$ we can define an element of $U$."
(P Q R S T U: Type) (p : P) (h : P → Q) (i : Q → R) (j : Q → T) (k : S → T) (l : T → U) :
U := by
Hint "Indeed, we could solve this level in one move by typing
`exact l (j (h p))`
But let us instead stroll more lazily through the level.
We can start by using the `have` tactic to make an element of $Q$:
have q := h p"
exact l (j (h p))
have q := h p
Hint "
and now we note that $j(q)$ is an element of $T$
`have t : T := j q`
(notice how we can explicitly tell Lean
what set we thought $t$ was in, with that `: T` thing before the `:=`.
This is optional unless Lean can not figure it out by itself.)
have t : T := j q
Hint "
Now we could even define $u$ to be $l(t)$:
`have u : U := l t`
have u : U := l t
Hint "…and then finish the level with `exact u`."
exact u
NewTactic «have»
If you solved the level using `have`, then you might have observed
that before the final step the context got quite messy by all the intermediate
variables we introduced. You can click \"Toggle Editor\" and then move the cursor
around to see the proof you created.
The context was already bad enough to start with, and we added three more
terms to it. In level 4 we will learn about the `apply` tactic
which solves the level using another technique, without leaving
so much junk behind.

@ -5,17 +5,30 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Multiplication
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 4
Title ""
Title "the `apply` tactic"
open MyNat
"Let's do the same level again:
P @>{h}>> Q @>{i}>> R \\\\
@. @V{j}VV \\\\
S @>{k}>> T @>{l}>> U \\\\
We are given $p \\in P$ and our goal is to find an element of $U$, or
in other words to find a path through the maze that links $P$ to $U$.
In level 3 we solved this by using `have`s to move forward, from $P$
to $Q$ to $T$ to $U$. Using the `apply` tactic we can instead construct
the path backwards, moving from $U$ to $T$ to $Q$ to $P$.
"Given an element of $P$ we can define an element of $U$."
(P Q R S T U: Type)
(p : P)
(h : P → Q)
@ -24,12 +37,30 @@ Statement
(k : S → T)
(l : T → U) : U :=
Hint "Our goal is to construct an element of the set $U$. But $l:T\\to U$ is
a function, so it would suffice to construct an element of $T$. Tell
Lean this by starting the proof below with
`apply l`"
apply l
Hint "Notice that our assumptions don't change but *the goal changes*
from `Goal: U` to `Goal: T`.
Keep `apply`ing functions until your goal is `P`, and try not
to get lost!"
apply k
Hint "Looks like you got lost. \"Undo\" the last step."
apply j
apply h
Hint " Now solve this goal
with `exact p`. Note: you will need to learn the difference between
`exact p` (which works) and `exact P` (which doesn't, because $P$ is
not an element of $P$)."
exact p
NewTactic apply
DisabledTactic «have»

@ -5,20 +5,45 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Multiplication
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 5
Title ""
Title "P → (Q → P)"
open MyNat
In this level, our goal is to construct a function, like in level 2.
P → (Q → P)
So $P$ and $Q$ are sets, and our goal is to construct a function
which takes an element of $P$ and outputs a function from $Q$ to $P$.
We don't know anything at all about the sets $P$ and $Q$, so initially
this seems like a bit of a tall order. But let's give it a go.
"We define an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(P,\\operatorname{Hom}(Q,P))$."
(P Q : Type) : P → (Q → P) := by
Hint "Our goal is `P → X` for some set $X=\\operatorname\{Hom}(Q,P)$, and if our
goal is to construct a function then we almost always want to use the
`intro` tactic from level 2, Lean's version of \"let $p\\in P$ be arbitrary.\"
So let's start with
`intro p`"
intro p
Hint "
We now have an arbitrary element $p\\in P$ and we are supposed to be constructing
a function $Q\to P$. Well, how about the constant function, which
sends everything to $p$?
This will work. So let $q\\in Q$ be arbitrary:
`intro q`"
intro q
Hint "and then let's output `p`.
`exact p`"
exact p

@ -4,21 +4,55 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 6
Title ""
Title "(P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R))"
open MyNat
You can solve this level completely just using `intro`, `apply` and `exact`,
but if you want to argue forwards instead of backwards then don't forget
that you can do things like
`have j : Q → R := f p`
if `f : P → (Q → R)` and `p : P`. Remember the trick with the colon in `have`:
we could just write `have j := f p,` but this way we can be sure that `j` is
what we actually expect it to be.
I recommend that you start with `intro f` rather than `intro p`
because even though the goal starts `P → ...`, the brackets mean that
the goal is not a function from `P` to anything, it's a function from
`P → (Q → R)` to something. In fact you can save time by starting
with `intros f h p`, which introduces three variables at once, although you'd
better then look at your tactic state to check that you called all those new
terms sensible things.
After all the intros, you find that your your goal is `Goal: R`…
"Whatever the sets $P$ and $Q$ and $R$ are, we
make an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\operatorname{Hom}(P,\\operatorname{Hom}(Q,R)),
(P Q R : Type) : (P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R)) := by
intro f
intro h
intro p
Hint "
If you try `have j : {Q} → {R} := {f} {p}`
now then you can `apply j`.
Alternatively you can `apply ({f} {p})` directly.
What happens if you just try `apply {f}`?
apply f
Hint "Can you figure out what just happened? This is a little
`apply` easter egg. Why is it mathematically valid?"
Hint (hidden := true) "Note that there are two goals now, first you need to
provide an element in ${P}$ which you did not provide before."
have j : Q → R := f p
apply j
apply h

@ -4,17 +4,26 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 7
Title ""
Title "(P → Q) → ((Q → F) → (P → F))"
open MyNat
Have you noticed that, in stark contrast to earlier worlds,
we are not amassing a large collection of useful theorems?
We really are just constructing abstract levels with sets and
functions, and then solving them and never using the results
ever again. Here's another one, which should hopefully be
very easy for you now. Advanced mathematician viewers will
know it as contravariance of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\cdot,F)$
"Whatever the sets $P$ and $Q$ and $F$ are, we
make an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\operatorname{Hom}(P,Q),
(P Q F : Type) : (P → Q) → ((Q → F) → (P → F)) := by
intro f
intro h

@ -4,19 +4,67 @@ import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 8
Title ""
Title "(P → Q) → ((Q → empty) → (P → empty))"
open MyNat
Level 8 is the same as level 7, except we have replaced the
set $F$ with the empty set $\\emptyset$. The same proof will work (after all, our
previous proof worked for all sets, and the empty set is a set).
But note that if you start with `intro f, intro h, intro p,`
(which can incidentally be shortened to `intros f h p`),
then the local context looks like this:
P Q : Type,
f : P → Q,
h : Q → empty,
p : P
⊢ empty
and your job is to construct an element of the empty set!
This on the face of it seems hard, but what is going on is that
our hypotheses (we have an element of $P$, and functions $P\\to Q$
and $Q\\to\\emptyset$) are themselves contradictory, so
I guess we are doing some kind of proof by contradiction at this point? However,
if your next line is `apply h` then all of a sudden the goal
seems like it might be possible again. If this is confusing, note
that the proof of the previous world worked for all sets $F$, so in particular
it worked for the empty set, you just probably weren't really thinking about
this case explicitly beforehand. [Technical note to constructivists: I know
that we are not doing a proof by contradiction. But how else do you explain
to a classical mathematician that their goal is to prove something false
and this is OK because their hypotheses don't add up?]
"Whatever the sets $P$ and $Q$ are, we
make an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\operatorname{Hom}(P,Q),
(P Q : Type) : (P → Q) → ((Q → Empty) → (P → Empty)) := by
intros f h p
Hint "
Note that now your job is to construct an element of the empty set!
This on the face of it seems hard, but what is going on is that
our hypotheses (we have an element of $P$, and functions $P\\to Q$
and $Q\\to\\emptyset$) are themselves contradictory, so
I guess we are doing some kind of proof by contradiction at this point? However,
if your next line is
`apply {h}`
then all of a sudden the goal
seems like it might be possible again. If this is confusing, note
that the proof of the previous world worked for all sets $F$, so in particular
it worked for the empty set, you just probably weren't really thinking about
this case explicitly beforehand. [Technical note to constructivists: I know
that we are not doing a proof by contradiction. But how else do you explain
to a classical mathematician that their goal is to prove something false
and this is OK because their hypotheses don't add up?]
apply h
apply f
exact p

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
--import NNG.MyNat.Power
Game "NNG"
World "Power"
@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ Introduction
: true := by
"$0 ^ 0 = 1$"
: true := by -- (0 : ) ^ (0 : ) = 1 := by

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
import NNG.MyNat.Definition
import NNG.MyNat.Multiplication
namespace MyNat
open MyNat
def pow : MyNat → MyNat → MyNat
def pow :
| _, zero => one
| m, (succ n) => pow m n * m
instance : Pow MyNat MyNat where
instance : Pow where
pow := pow
-- notation a ^ b := pow a b
example : (1 : MyNat) ^ (1 : MyNat) = 1 := rfl
example : (1 : ) ^ (1 : ) = 1 := rfl
lemma pow_zero (m : MyNat) : m ^ (0 : MyNat) = 1 := rfl
lemma pow_zero (m : ) : m ^ (0 : ) = 1 := rfl
lemma pow_succ (m n : MyNat) : m ^ (succ n) = m ^ n * m := rfl
lemma pow_succ (m n : ) : m ^ (succ n) = m ^ n * m := rfl
end MyNat
