add display names for definitions and lemmas

Jon Eugster 2 years ago
parent 9480090cb4
commit d0b7838564

@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ function InventoryList({items, docType, openDoc} : {items: ComputedInventoryItem
).map(item => {
if (tab == item.category) {
return <InventoryItem key={} showDoc={() => {openDoc(, docType)}}
name={} locked={item.locked} disabled={item.disabled} />
name={} displayName={item.displayName} locked={item.locked} disabled={item.disabled} />
}) }
function InventoryItem({name, locked, disabled, showDoc}) {
function InventoryItem({name, displayName, locked, disabled, showDoc}) {
const icon = locked ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faLock} /> :
disabled ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBan} /> : ""
const className = locked ? "locked" : disabled ? "disabled" : ""
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ function InventoryItem({name, locked, disabled, showDoc}) {
return <div className={`item ${className}`} onClick={handleClick}>{icon} {name}</div>
return <div className={`item ${className}`} onClick={handleClick}>{icon} {displayName}</div>
export function Documentation({name, type}) {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export function Documentation({name, type}) {
const doc = useLoadDocQuery({type: type, name: name})
return <>
<h2 className="doc">{}</h2>
<h2 className="doc">{}</h2>

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ interface GameInfo {
export interface ComputedInventoryItem {
name: string,
displayName: string,
category: string,
disabled: boolean,
locked: boolean
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ interface LevelInfo {
interface Doc {
name: string,
displayName: string,
text: string

@ -303,14 +303,21 @@ def checkInventoryDoc (type : InventoryType) (name : Name) : CommandElabM Unit :
/-! ### Tactics -/
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some tactic.
Expect an identifier and then a string literal. -/
/-- Documentation entry of a tactic. Example:
TacticDoc rw "`rw` stands for rewrite, etc. "
* The identifier is the tactics name. Some need to be escaped like `«have»`.
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryDocExt.addEntry · {
category := default
type := .Tactic
name := name.getId,
userName := name.getId,
displayName := name.getId.toString,
content := content.getString })
/-- Declare tactics that are introduced by this level. -/
@ -333,14 +340,23 @@ elab "OnlyTactic" args:ident* : command => do
/-! ### Definitions -/
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some definition.
Expect an identifier and then a string literal. -/
elab "DefinitionDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
/-- Documentation entry of a definition. Example:
DefinitionDoc Function.Bijective as "Bijective" "defined as `Injective f ∧ Surjective`, etc."
* The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Definition`.
It is preferably the true name of the definition. However, this is not required.
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
elab "DefinitionDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryDocExt.addEntry · {
category := default
type := .Definition
name := name.getId,
userName := name.getId,
displayName := displayName.getString,
content := content.getString })
/-- Declare definitions that are introduced by this level. -/
@ -364,15 +380,23 @@ elab "OnlyDefinition" args:ident* : command => do
/-! ### Lemmas -/
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some lemma.
Expect two identifiers and then a string literal. The first identifier is meant
as the real name of the lemma while the second is the displayed name. Currently
the real name isn't used. -/
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" userName:ident "in" category:str content:str : command =>
/-- Documentation entry of a lemma. Example:
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as "succ_pos" in Nat "says `0 < n.succ`, etc."
* The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Lemma`.
It is preferably the true name of the lemma. However, this is not required.
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The identifier after `in` is the category to group lemmas by (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryDocExt.addEntry · {
name := name.getId,
type := .Lemma
userName := userName.getId,
displayName := displayName.getString,
category := category.getString,
content := content.getString })
@ -430,9 +454,11 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
let Availability₀ : HashMap Name ComputedInventoryItem :=
HashMap.ofList $
← allItems.toList.mapM fun name => do
let data := (← getInventoryDoc? name inventoryType).get!
return (name, {
category := (← getInventoryDoc? name inventoryType).get!.category
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := true
disabled := false})
@ -443,9 +469,11 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
let predecessors := game.worlds.predecessors worldId
for predWorldId in predecessors do
for item in newItemsInWorld.find! predWorldId do
let data := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert item {
name := item
category := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get!.category
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false
disabled := false
@ -458,13 +486,25 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
for (levelId, level) in levels do
for item in (level.getInventory inventoryType).new do
let category := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get!.category
items := items.insert item {name := item, category, locked := false, disabled := false}
let data := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert item {
name := item
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false
disabled := false
let mut disabled : HashSet Name := {}
for item in (level.getInventory inventoryType).disabled do
let category := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get!.category
items := items.insert item {name := item, category, locked := false, disabled := false}
let data := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert item {
name := item
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false
disabled := false
-- (we set disabled to false at first because it applies only to the current level)
disabled := disabled.insert item

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ instance : ToString InventoryType := ⟨fun t => match t with
structure InventoryDocEntry where
name : Name
type : InventoryType
userName : Name
displayName : String
category : String
content : String
deriving ToJson, Repr, Inhabited
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ deriving Inhabited
structure ComputedInventoryItem where
name : Name
displayName : String
category : String
locked : Bool
disabled : Bool

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ structure DidOpenLevelParams where
structure Doc where
name: String
displayName: String
text: String
deriving ToJson
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ def handleDidOpenLevel (params : Json) : GameServerM Unit := do
-- Execute the regular handling of the `didOpen` event
handleDidOpen p
let fw ← findFileWorker! m.uri
let s ← get
-- let s ← get
let c ← read
let some lvl ← GameServer.getLevelByFileName? ((System.Uri.fileUriToPath? m.uri).getD m.uri |>.toString)
| do
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
return true
| Message.request id "loadDoc" params =>
let p ← parseParams LoadDocParams (toJson params)
let s ← get
-- let s ← get
let c ← read
let some doc ← getInventoryDoc? p.type
| do
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
return true
let doc : Doc :=
{ name :=
displayName := doc.displayName
text := doc.content }
c.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, ToJson.toJson doc⟩
return true

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import GameServer.Commands
-- Wird im Level "Implication 11" ohne Beweis angenommen.
LemmaDoc not_not as not_not in "Logic"
LemmaDoc not_not as "not_not" in "Logic"
### Aussage
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ LemmaDoc not_not as not_not in "Logic"
-- Wird im Level "Implication 10" ohne Beweis angenommen.
LemmaDoc not_or_of_imp as not_or_of_imp in "Logic"
LemmaDoc not_or_of_imp as "not_or_of_imp" in "Logic"
### Aussage
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ LemmaDoc not_or_of_imp as not_or_of_imp in "Logic"
-- Wird im Level "Implication 12" bewiesen.
LemmaDoc imp_iff_not_or as imp_iff_not_or in "Logic"
LemmaDoc imp_iff_not_or as "imp_iff_not_or" in "Logic"
### Aussage
@ -38,42 +38,42 @@ LemmaDoc imp_iff_not_or as imp_iff_not_or in "Logic"
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as Nat.succ_pos in "Nat"
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as "Nat.succ_pos" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero as Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero in "Nat"
LemmaDoc Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero as "Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc zero_add as zero_add in "Addition"
LemmaDoc zero_add as "zero_add" in "Addition"
"This lemma says `∀ a : , 0 + a = a`."
LemmaDoc add_zero as add_zero in "Addition"
LemmaDoc add_zero as "add_zero" in "Addition"
"This lemma says `∀ a : , a + 0 = a`."
LemmaDoc add_succ as add_succ in "Addition"
LemmaDoc add_succ as "add_succ" in "Addition"
"This lemma says `∀ a b : , a + succ b = succ (a + b)`."
LemmaDoc not_forall as not_forall in "Logic"
LemmaDoc not_forall as "not_forall" in "Logic"
"`∀ (A : Prop), ¬(∀ x, A) ↔ ∃x, (¬A)`."
LemmaDoc not_exists as not_exists in "Logic"
LemmaDoc not_exists as "not_exists" in "Logic"
"`∀ (A : Prop), ¬(∃ x, A) ↔ ∀x, (¬A)`."
DefinitionDoc Even
DefinitionDoc Even as "Even"
`even n` ist definiert als `∃ r, a = 2 * r`.
Die Definition kann man mit `unfold even at *` einsetzen.
DefinitionDoc Odd
DefinitionDoc Odd as "Odd"
`odd n` ist definiert als `∃ r, a = 2 * r + 1`.
Die Definition kann man mit `unfold odd at *` einsetzen.
DefinitionDoc Injective
DefinitionDoc Injective as "Injective"
`Injective f` ist definiert als
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ DefinitionDoc Injective
DefinitionDoc Surjective
DefinitionDoc Surjective as "Surjective"
`Surjective f` ist definiert als
@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ DefinitionDoc Surjective
DefinitionDoc Bijective
DefinitionDoc Bijective as "Bijective"
DefinitionDoc LeftInverse
DefinitionDoc LeftInverse as "LeftInverse"
DefinitionDoc RightInverse
DefinitionDoc RightInverse as "RightInverse"
DefinitionDoc StrictMono
DefinitionDoc StrictMono as "StrictMono"
`StrictMono f` ist definiert als
@ -114,93 +114,93 @@ DefinitionDoc StrictMono
LemmaDoc even_iff_not_odd as even_iff_not_odd in "Nat"
LemmaDoc even_iff_not_odd as "even_iff_not_odd" in "Nat"
"`Even n ↔ ¬ (Odd n)`"
LemmaDoc odd_iff_not_even as odd_iff_not_even in "Nat"
LemmaDoc odd_iff_not_even as "odd_iff_not_even" in "Nat"
"`Odd n ↔ ¬ (Even n)`"
LemmaDoc even_square as even_square in "Nat"
LemmaDoc even_square as "even_square" in "Nat"
"`∀ (n : ), Even n → Even (n ^ 2)`"
LemmaDoc mem_univ as mem_univ in "Set"
LemmaDoc mem_univ as "mem_univ" in "Set"
"x ∈ @univ α"
LemmaDoc not_mem_empty as not_mem_empty in "Set"
LemmaDoc not_mem_empty as "not_mem_empty" in "Set"
LemmaDoc empty_subset as empty_subset in "Set"
LemmaDoc empty_subset as "empty_subset" in "Set"
LemmaDoc Subset.antisymm_iff as Subset.antisymm_iff in "Set"
LemmaDoc Subset.antisymm_iff as "Subset.antisymm_iff" in "Set"
LemmaDoc Nat.prime_def_lt'' as Nat.prime_def_lt'' in "Nat"
LemmaDoc Nat.prime_def_lt'' as "Nat.prime_def_lt''" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc Finset.sum_add_distrib as Finset.sum_add_distrib in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Finset.sum_add_distrib as "Finset.sum_add_distrib" in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Fin.sum_univ_castSucc as Fin.sum_univ_castSucc in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Fin.sum_univ_castSucc as "Fin.sum_univ_castSucc" in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_eq_add_one as Nat.succ_eq_add_one in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_eq_add_one as "Nat.succ_eq_add_one" in "Sum"
LemmaDoc add_comm as add_comm in "Nat"
LemmaDoc add_comm as "add_comm" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc mul_add as mul_add in "Nat"
LemmaDoc mul_add as "mul_add" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc add_mul as add_mul in "Nat"
LemmaDoc add_mul as "add_mul" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc arithmetic_sum as arithmetic_sum in "Sum"
LemmaDoc arithmetic_sum as "arithmetic_sum" in "Sum"
LemmaDoc add_pow_two as add_pow_two in "Nat"
LemmaDoc add_pow_two as "add_pow_two" in "Nat"
LemmaDoc Finset.sum_comm as Finset.sum_comm in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Finset.sum_comm as "Finset.sum_comm" in "Sum"
LemmaDoc Function.comp_apply as Function.comp_apply in "Function"
LemmaDoc Function.comp_apply as "Function.comp_apply" in "Function"
LemmaDoc not_le as not_le in "Logic"
LemmaDoc not_le as "not_le" in "Logic"
LemmaDoc if_pos as if_pos in "Logic"
LemmaDoc if_pos as "if_pos" in "Logic"
LemmaDoc if_neg as if_neg in "Logic"
LemmaDoc if_neg as "if_neg" in "Logic"
LemmaDoc StrictMono.injective as StrictMono.injective in "Function"
LemmaDoc StrictMono.injective as "StrictMono.injective" in "Function"
LemmaDoc StrictMono.add as StrictMono.add in "Function"
LemmaDoc StrictMono.add as "StrictMono.add" in "Function"
LemmaDoc Odd.strictMono_pow as Odd.strictMono_pow in "Function"
LemmaDoc Odd.strictMono_pow as "Odd.strictMono_pow" in "Function"
LemmaDoc Exists.choose as Exists.choose in "Function"
LemmaDoc Exists.choose as "Exists.choose" in "Function"
LemmaDoc Exists.choose_spec as Exists.choose_spec in "Function"
LemmaDoc Exists.choose_spec as "Exists.choose_spec" in "Function"
LemmaDoc congrArg as congrArg in "Function"
LemmaDoc congrArg as "congrArg" in "Function"
LemmaDoc congrFun as congrFun in "Function"
LemmaDoc congrFun as "congrFun" in "Function"
LemmaDoc Iff.symm as Iff.symm in "Logic"
LemmaDoc Iff.symm as "Iff.symm" in "Logic"
