start custom infoview

Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent bd3e3678d5
commit d78a8fafa4

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { EditorApi } from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
import { LeanClient } from 'lean4web/client/src/editor/leanclient';
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import * as ls from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
// TODO: move into Lean 4 web
function toLanguageServerPosition (pos: monaco.Position): ls.Position {
return {line : pos.lineNumber - 1, character: pos.column - 1}
function Infoview({ ready, editor, editorApi, uri, leanClient } : {ready: boolean, editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, editorApi: EditorApi, uri: any, leanClient: LeanClient}) {
const [rpcSession, setRpcSession] = useState<string>()
const [goals, setGoals] = useState<any[]>(null)
const liftOff = async () => {
const rpcSession = await editorApi.createRpcSession(uri)
const fetchInteractiveGoals = () => {
const pos = toLanguageServerPosition(editor.getPosition())
leanClient.sendRequest("$/lean/rpc/call", {"method":"Lean.Widget.getInteractiveGoals",
"params":{"textDocument":{uri}, "position": pos},
"position": pos
}).then(({ goals }) => {
}).catch((err) => {
editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition((ev) => {
leanClient.didChange(async (ev) => {
useEffect(() => {
if (ready) {
}, [ready])
// Lean.Widget.getInteractiveGoals
return (<div>Number of Goals: {goals !== null ? goals.length : "None"}</div>)
export default Infoview

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { renderInfoview } from '@leanprover/infoview'
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import './level.css'
import { ConnectionContext } from '../connection';
import Infoview from './Infoview';
interface LevelProps {
nbLevels: any;
@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ function Level({ nbLevels, level, setCurLevel, setLevelTitle, setFinished }: Lev
const [index, setIndex] = useState(level) // Level number
const [tacticDocs, setTacticDocs] = useState([])
const [lemmaDocs, setLemmaDocs] = useState([])
const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null)
const [infoProvider, setInfoProvider] = useState(null)
const [editor, setEditor] = useState<monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor|null>(null)
const [infoProvider, setInfoProvider] = useState<null|InfoProvider>(null)
const [infoviewApi, setInfoviewApi] = useState(null)
const [leanData, setLeanData] = useState({goals: []})
@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ function Level({ nbLevels, level, setCurLevel, setLevelTitle, setFinished }: Lev
const infoviewRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
const messagePanelRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
const [ready, setReady] = useState(false)
const [message, setMessage] = useState("")
const [messageOpen, setMessageOpen] = useState(false)
@ -103,21 +106,20 @@ function Level({ nbLevels, level, setCurLevel, setLevelTitle, setFinished }: Lev
return () => { editor.dispose() }
}, [])
const uri = `file:///level${level}`
// The next function will be called when the level changes
useEffect(() => {
if (editor) {
const uri = monaco.Uri.parse(`file:///level${level}`)
const model = monaco.editor.createModel('', 'lean4', uri)
const model = monaco.editor.createModel('', 'lean4', monaco.Uri.parse(uri))
infoProvider.openPreview(editor, infoviewApi)
new AbbreviationRewriter(new AbbreviationProvider(), model, editor)
// setInfoProvider(infoProvider)
// setInfoviewApi(infoviewApi)
leanClient.sendRequest("loadLevel", {world: "TestWorld", level}).then((res) => {
setLevelTitle("Level " + res["index"] + ": " + res["title"])
@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ function Level({ nbLevels, level, setCurLevel, setLevelTitle, setFinished }: Lev
<Button disabled={index <= 1} onClick={() => { loadLevel(index - 1) }} sx={{ ml: 3, mt: 2, mb: 2 }} disableFocusRipple>Previous Level</Button>
<Button disabled={index >= nbLevels} onClick={() => { loadLevel(index + 1) }} sx={{ ml: 3, mt: 2, mb: 2 }} disableFocusRipple>Next Level</Button>
<div ref={infoviewRef} className="infoview vscode-light"></div>
<Infoview ready={ready} leanClient={leanClient} editor={editor} editorApi={infoProvider?.getApi()} uri={uri} />
{/* <TacticState goals={leanData.goals} errors={errors} lastTactic={lastTactic} completed={completed} /> */}
