import NNG.Metadata import NNG.MyNat.Addition import NNG.Levels.Addition.Level_3 Game "NNG" World "Addition" Level 4 Title "`add_comm` (boss level)" open MyNat namespace AdditionWorld theorem succ_add (a b : ℕ) : succ a + b = succ (a + b) := by induction b with d hd · rw [add_zero] rw [add_zero] rfl · rw [add_succ] rw [hd] rw [add_succ] rfl Introduction " [boss battle music] Look in your inventory to see the proofs you have available. These should be enough. " Statement add_comm "On the set of natural numbers, addition is commutative. In other words, for all natural numbers $a$ and $b$, we have $a + b = b + a$." (a b : ℕ) : a + b = b + a := by Branch induction a with d hd · rw [zero_add] rw [add_zero] rfl · rw [succ_add] rw [hd] rw [add_succ] rfl induction b with d hd · rw [zero_add] rw [add_zero] rfl · rw [add_succ] rw [hd] rw [succ_add] rfl NewLemma MyNat.succ_add Conclusion " If you got this far -- nice! You're nearly ready to make a choice: Multiplication World or Function World. But there are just a couple more useful lemmas in Addition World which you should prove first. Press on to level 5. "