import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc' import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy' import svgr from "vite-plugin-svgr" // export default defineConfig({ //root: 'client/src', build: { // Relative to the root // Note: This has to match the path in `relay/index.mjs` outDir: 'client/dist', }, plugins: [ react(), svgr({ svgrOptions: { // svgr options }, }), viteStaticCopy({ targets: [ { src: 'node_modules/@leanprover/infoview/dist/*.production.min.js', dest: '.' } ] }) ], publicDir: "client/public", optimizeDeps: { exclude: ['games'] }, server: { port: 3000, proxy: { '/websocket': { target: 'ws://localhost:8080', ws: true }, '/import': { target: 'http://localhost:8080', }, '/data': { target: 'http://localhost:8080', }, '/i18n': { target: 'http://localhost:8080', }, } }, resolve: { alias: { path: "path-browserify", }, }, })