import Lean open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Command syntax showOptArg := atomic(" (" (&"strict" <|> &"verbose") " := " withoutPosition(term) ")") /-- Lists all available options that can be used with `set_option`. Use `set_option (verbose := true)` to display more than just the option names. The form `#show_option id` will show only options that begin with `id`. Copied from `#help option` from mathlib. -/ elab "#show_option" verbose:(ppSpace showOptArg)? id:(ppSpace Parser.rawIdent)? : command => do let id := (·.raw.getId.toString false) let mut decls : Lean.RBMap _ _ compare := {} for (name, decl) in show Lean.RBMap .. from ← getOptionDecls do let name := name.toString false if let some id := id then if !id.isPrefixOf name then continue decls := decls.insert name decl let mut msg := Format.nil let opts ← getOptions if decls.isEmpty then match id with | some id => throwError "no options start with {id}" | none => throwError "no options found (!)" for (name, decl) in decls do let mut msg1 := match decl.defValue with | .ofString val => s!"String := {repr val}" | .ofBool val => s!"Bool := {repr val}" | .ofName val => s!"Name := {repr val}" | .ofNat val => s!"Nat := {repr val}" | .ofInt val => s!"Int := {repr val}" | .ofSyntax val => s!"Syntax := {repr val}" if let some val := opts.find name then msg1 := s!"{msg1} (currently: {val})" msg := match verbose with | some opt => match opt with | `(showOptArg| (verbose := true)) => msg ++ .nest 2 (f!"option {name} : {msg1}" ++ .line ++ decl.descr) ++ .line ++ .line | _ => msg ++ (f!"{name}" ++ .line ) | none => msg ++ (f!"{name}" ++ .line ) logInfo msg