import GameServer.Commands --import TestGame.MyNat import TestGame.TacticDocs import TestGame.LemmaDocs import Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Basic -- Imports the notation ℕ. Game "TestGame" Title "The Natural Number Game" Introduction "This is a sad day for mathematics. While trying to find glorious new foundations for mathematics, someone removed the law of excluded middle and the axiom of choice. Unsurprisingly, everything collapsed. A brave rescue team managed to retrieve our precious axioms from the wreckage but now we need to rebuild all of mathematics from scratch. As a beginning mathematics wizard, you've been tasked to rebuild the theory of natural numbers from the axioms that Giuseppe Peano found under the collapsed tower of number theory. You've been equipped with a level 1 spell book. Good luck." Conclusion "There is nothing else so far. Thanks for rescuing natural numbers!" Path w1 → w2 → w3 Path w1 → v2 → w3