import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws'; import express from 'express' import path from 'path' import * as cp from 'child_process'; import * as url from 'url'; import * as rpc from 'vscode-ws-jsonrpc'; import * as jsonrpcserver from 'vscode-ws-jsonrpc/server'; import os from 'os'; import anonymize from 'ip-anonymize'; import { importTrigger, importStatus } from './import.mjs' /** Preloaded games. The keys refer to the docker tags of the virtual machines. * The number `queueLength` determines how many instances of the docker container * get started before any user shows up to have them up and running immediately. * The values `name`, `module`, and `dir` are just used for development where we * use a project directory instead of a docker container. */ const games = { "g/hhu-adam/robo": { // module: "Game", // The lean module's name. Defaults to "Game" // name: "Adam", // For the `Game "Adam"` tag in the games. Defaults to "MyGame" dir: "Robo", queueLength: 5 }, "g/hhu-adam/nng4": { // module: "Game", // name: "NNG", dir: "NNG4", queueLength: 5 }, "g/local/game": { dir: "game", queueLength: 0 } } const __filename = url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = url.fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url)); const app = express() const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080; var router = express.Router(); router.get('/import/status/:owner/:repo', importStatus) router.get('/import/trigger/:owner/:repo', importTrigger) const server = app .use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../client/dist/'))) .use('/', router) .listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Listening on ${PORT}`)); const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server }) var socketCounter = 0 const environment = process.env.NODE_ENV const isDevelopment = environment === 'development' /** We keep queues of started Lean Server processes to be ready when a user arrives */ const queue = {} function startServerProcess(tag) { if (! games[tag]?.dir) { console.error(`Unknown game: ${tag}`) return } let serverProcess if (isDevelopment) { let args = ["--server", path.join("../../../../", games[tag].dir)] if (games[tag].module) { args.push(games[tag].module) if (games[tag].name) { args.push(games[tag].name) } } serverProcess = cp.spawn("./gameserver", args, { cwd: path.join(__dirname, "./build/bin/") }) } else { serverProcess = cp.spawn("./", [games[tag].dir], { cwd: __dirname }) } serverProcess.on('error', error => console.error(`Launching Lean Server failed: ${error}`) ); if (serverProcess.stderr !== null) { serverProcess.stderr.on('data', data => console.error(`Lean Server: ${data}`) ); } return serverProcess } /** start Lean Server processes to refill the queue */ function fillQueue(tag) { while (queue[tag].length < games[tag].queueLength) { const serverProcess = startServerProcess(tag) queue[tag].push(serverProcess) } } if (!isDevelopment) { // Don't use queue in development for (let tag in games) { queue[tag] = [] fillQueue(tag) } } const urlRegEx = /^\/websocket\/g\/([\w.-]+)\/([\w.-]+)$/ wss.addListener("connection", function(ws, req) { const reRes = urlRegEx.exec(req.url) if (!reRes) { console.error(`Connection refused because of invalid URL: ${req.url}`); return; } const owner = reRes[1] const repo = reRes[2] const tag = `g/${owner.toLowerCase()}/${repo.toLowerCase()}` if (isDevelopment && process.env.DEV_CONTAINER) { tag = `g/local/game` } let ps; if (!queue[tag] || queue[tag].length == 0) { ps = startServerProcess(tag) } else { ps = queue[tag].shift() // Pick the first Lean process; it's likely to be ready immediately fillQueue(tag) } socketCounter += 1; const ip = anonymize(req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.socket.remoteAddress) console.log(`[${new Date()}] Socket opened - ${ip}`) const socket = { onMessage: (cb) => { ws.on("message", cb) }, onError: (cb) => { ws.on("error", cb) }, onClose: (cb) => { ws.on("close", cb) }, send: (data, cb) => { ws.send(data,cb) } } const reader = new rpc.WebSocketMessageReader(socket); const writer = new rpc.WebSocketMessageWriter(socket); const socketConnection = jsonrpcserver.createConnection(reader, writer, () => ws.close()) const serverConnection = jsonrpcserver.createProcessStreamConnection(ps); socketConnection.forward(serverConnection, message => { if (isDevelopment) {console.log(`CLIENT: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`)} return message; }); serverConnection.forward(socketConnection, message => { if (isDevelopment) {console.log(`SERVER: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`)} return message; }); console.log(`[${new Date()}] Number of open sockets - ${socketCounter}`) console.log(`[${new Date()}] Free RAM - ${Math.round(os.freemem() / 1024 / 1024)} / ${Math.round(os.totalmem() / 1024 / 1024)} MB`) ws.on('close', () => { console.log(`[${new Date()}] Socket closed - ${ip}`) socketCounter -= 1; }) socketConnection.onClose(() => serverConnection.dispose()); serverConnection.onClose(() => socketConnection.dispose()); })