import TestGame.Metadata Level 1 Title "The reflexivity spell" Introduction " Let's learn a first spell: the `rfl` spell. `rfl` stands for \"reflexivity\", which is a fancy way of saying that it will prove any goal of the form `A = A`. It doesn't matter how complicated `A` is, all that matters is that the left hand side is *exactly equal* to the right hand side (a computer scientist would say \"definitionally equal\"). I really mean \"press the same buttons on your computer in the same order\" equal. For example, `x * y + z = x * y + z` can be proved by `rfl`, but `x + y = y + x` cannot. This is a very low level spell, but you need to start somewhere. After closing this message, type rfl in the invocation zone and hit Enter or click the \"Cast spell\" button. " Statement (x y z : ℕ) : x * y + z = x * y + z := by rfl Conclusion "Congratulations for completing your first level! You can now click on the *Go to next level* button." Tactics rfl