import Lean import GameServer.EnvExtensions open Lean Elab Command /-- Copied from `Mathlib.Tactic.HelpCmd`. Gets the initial string token in a parser description. For example, for a declaration like `syntax "bla" "baz" term : tactic`, it returns `some "bla"`. Returns `none` for syntax declarations that don't start with a string constant. -/ partial def getHeadTk (e : Expr) : Option String := match (Expr.withApp e λ e a => (e.constName?.getD Name.anonymous, a)) with | (``ParserDescr.node, #[_, _, p]) => getHeadTk p | (``ParserDescr.unary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "withPosition")), p]) => getHeadTk p | (``ParserDescr.unary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "atomic")), p]) => getHeadTk p | (``ParserDescr.binary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "andthen")), p, _]) => getHeadTk p | (``ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk), _]) => some tk | (``ParserDescr.symbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk)]) => some tk | (``Parser.withAntiquot, #[_, p]) => getHeadTk p | (``Parser.leadingNode, #[_, _, p]) => getHeadTk p | (``HAndThen.hAndThen, #[_, _, _, _, p, _]) => getHeadTk p | (``Parser.nonReservedSymbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk), _]) => some tk | (``Parser.symbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk)]) => some tk | _ => none /-! ## Doc entries -/ /-- Modified from `#help` in `Mathlib.Tactic.HelpCmd` -/ def getTacticDocstring (env : Environment) (name: Name) : CommandElabM (Option String) := do let name := name.toString (escape := false) let mut decls : Lean.RBMap String (Array SyntaxNodeKind) compare := {} let catName : Name := `tactic let catStx : Ident := mkIdent catName -- TODO let some cat := (Parser.parserExtension.getState env).categories.find? catName | throwErrorAt catStx "{catStx} is not a syntax category" liftTermElabM <| Term.addCategoryInfo catStx catName for (k, _) in cat.kinds do let mut used := false if let some tk := do getHeadTk (← (← env.find? k).value?) then let tk := tk.trim if name ≠ tk then -- was `!name.isPrefixOf tk` continue used := true decls := decls.insert tk ((decls.findD tk #[]).push k) for (_name, ks) in decls do for k in ks do if let some doc ← findDocString? env k then return doc logWarning <| m!"Could not find a docstring for tactic {name}, consider adding one " ++ m!"using `TacticDoc {name} \"some doc\"`" return none /-- Retrieve the docstring associated to an inventory item. For Tactics, this is not guaranteed to work. -/ def getDocstring (env : Environment) (name : Name) (type : InventoryType) : CommandElabM (Option String) := match type with -- for tactics it's a lookup following mathlib's `#help`. not guaranteed to be the correct one. | .Tactic => getTacticDocstring env name | .Lemma => findDocString? env name -- TODO: for definitions not implemented yet, does it work? | .Definition => findDocString? env name /-- Checks if `inventoryTemplateExt` contains an entry with `(type, name)` and yields a warning otherwise. If `template` is provided, it will add such an entry instead of yielding a warning. `ref` is the syntax piece. If `name` is not provided, it will use `ident.getId`. I used this workaround, because I needed a new name (with correct namespace etc) to be used, and I don't know how to create a new ident with same position but different name. -/ def checkInventoryDoc (type : InventoryType) (ref : Ident) (name : Name := ref.getId) (template : Option String := none) : CommandElabM Unit := do -- note: `name` is an `Ident` (instead of `Name`) for the log messages. let env ← getEnv let n := name -- Find a key with matching `(type, name)`. match (inventoryTemplateExt.getState env).findIdx? (fun x => == n && x.type == type) with -- Nothing to do if the entry exists | some _ => pure () | none => match template with -- Warn about missing documentation | none => let docstring ← match (← getDocstring env name type) with | some ds => logInfoAt ref (m!"Missing {type} Documentation. Using existing docstring. " ++ m!"Add {name}\nAdd `{type}Doc {name}` somewhere above this statement.") pure s!"*(lean docstring)*\\\n{ds}" | none => logWarningAt ref (m!"Missing {type} Documentation: {name}\nAdd `{type}Doc {name}` " ++ m!"somewhere above this statement.") pure "(missing)" -- We just add a dummy entry modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · { type := type name := name category := if type == .Lemma then s!"{n.getPrefix}" else "" content := docstring}) -- Add the default documentation | some s => modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · { type := type name := name category := if type == .Lemma then s!"{n.getPrefix}" else "" content := s }) logInfoAt ref (m!"Missing {type} Documentation: {name}, used default (e.g. provided " ++ m!"docstring) instead. If you want to write a different description, add " ++ m!"`{type}Doc {name}` somewhere above this statement.") partial def collectUsedInventory (stx : Syntax) (acc : UsedInventory := {}) : CommandElabM UsedInventory := do match stx with | .missing => return acc | .node _info kind args => if kind == `GameServer.Tactic.Hint || kind == `GameServer.Tactic.Branch then return acc return ← args.foldlM (fun acc arg => collectUsedInventory arg acc) acc | .atom _info val => -- ignore syntax elements that do not start with a letter -- and ignore some standard keywords let allowed := ["with", "fun", "at", "only", "by"] if 0 < val.length ∧[0]!.isAlpha ∧ not (allowed.contains val) then let val := val.dropRightWhile (fun c => c == '!' || c == '?') -- treat `simp?` and `simp!` like `simp` return {acc with tactics := acc.tactics.insert val} else return acc | .ident _info _rawVal val _preresolved => let ns ← try resolveGlobalConst (mkIdent val) catch | _ => pure [] -- catch "unknown constant" error return ← ns.foldlM (fun acc n => do if let some (.thmInfo ..) := (← getEnv).find? n then return {acc with lemmas := acc.lemmas.insertMany ns} else return {acc with definitions := acc.definitions.insertMany ns} ) acc -- #check expandOptDocComment? def GameLevel.getInventory (level : GameLevel) : InventoryType → InventoryInfo | .Tactic => level.tactics | .Definition => level.definitions | .Lemma => level.lemmas def GameLevel.setComputedInventory (level : GameLevel) : InventoryType → Array InventoryTile → GameLevel | .Tactic, v => {level with tactics := {level.tactics with tiles := v}} | .Definition, v => {level with definitions := {level.definitions with tiles := v}} | .Lemma, v => {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with tiles := v}}