import Lean import GameServer.EnvExtensions open Lean Meta set_option autoImplicit false /-! ## Easy metadata -/ section metadata open Lean Meta Elab Command Term /-- Create a game with the given identifier as name. -/ elab "Game" n:str : command => do let name := n.getString setCurGameId name if (← getGame? name).isNone then insertGame name {name} /-- Create a World -/ elab "World" n:str : command => do let name := n.getString setCurWorldId name if ¬ (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.contains name then addWorld {name} /-- Define the current level number. -/ elab "Level" level:num : command => do let level := level.getNat setCurLevelIdx level addLevel {index := level} /-- Define the title of the current game/world/level. -/ elab "Title" t:str : command => do match ← getCurLayer with | .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with title := t.getString} | .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with title := t.getString} | .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with title := t.getString} /-- Define the introduction of the current game/world/level. -/ elab "Introduction" t:str : command => do match ← getCurLayer with | .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with introduction := t.getString} | .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with introduction := t.getString} | .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with introduction := t.getString} -- TODO: Instead of this, it would be nice to have a proper syntax parser that enables -- us highlighting on the client side. partial def reprintCore : Syntax → Option Format | Syntax.missing => none | Syntax.atom _ val => val.trim | Syntax.ident _ rawVal _ _ => rawVal.toString | Syntax.node _ kind args => match args.toList.filterMap reprintCore with | [] => none | [arg] => arg | args => <| Format.nest 2 <| Format.joinSep args " " def reprint (stx : Syntax) : Format := reprintCore stx |>.getD "" syntax hintArg := atomic(" (" (&"strict" <|> &"hidden") " := " withoutPosition(term) ")") /-- Remove any spaces at the beginning of a new line -/ partial def removeIndentation (s : String) : String := let rec loop (i : String.Pos) (acc : String) (removeSpaces := false) : String := let c := s.get i let i := i if s.atEnd i then acc.push c else if removeSpaces && c == ' ' then loop i acc (removeSpaces := true) else if c == '\n' then loop i (acc.push c) (removeSpaces := true) else loop i (acc.push c) loop ⟨0⟩ "" /-- A tactic that can be used inside `Statement`s to indicate in which proof states players should see hints. The tactic does not affect the goal state. -/ elab "Hint" args:hintArg* msg:interpolatedStr(term) : tactic => do let mut strict := false let mut hidden := false -- remove spaces at the beginngng of new lines let msg := $ msg.raw.setArgs $ ← msg.raw.getArgs.mapM fun m => do match m with | Syntax.node info k args => logInfo k if k == interpolatedStrLitKind && args.size == 1 then match args.get! 0 with | (Syntax.atom info' val) => let val := removeIndentation val return Syntax.node info k #[Syntax.atom info' val] | _ => return m else return m | _ => return m for arg in args do match arg with | `(hintArg| (strict := true)) => strict := true | `(hintArg| (strict := false)) => strict := false | `(hintArg| (hidden := true)) => hidden := true | `(hintArg| (hidden := false)) => hidden := false | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax let goal ← Tactic.getMainGoal goal.withContext do -- We construct an expression that can produce the hint text. The difficulty is that we -- want the text to possibly contain quotation of the local variables which might have been -- named differently by the player. let varsName := `vars let text ← withLocalDeclD varsName (mkApp (mkConst ``Array [levelZero]) (mkConst ``Expr)) fun vars => do let mut text ← `(m! $msg) let goalDecl ← goal.getDecl let decls := goalDecl.lctx.decls.toArray.filterMap id for i in [:decls.size] do text ← `(let $(mkIdent decls[i]!.userName) := $(mkIdent varsName)[$(quote i)]!; $text) return ← mkLambdaFVars #[vars] $ ← elabTermAndSynthesize text none let textmvar ← mkFreshExprMVar none guard $ ← isDefEq textmvar text -- Store the text in a mvar. -- The information about the hint is logged as a message using `logInfo` to transfer it to the -- `Statement` command defined below: logInfo $ .tagged `Hint $ .nest (if strict then 1 else 0) $ .nest (if hidden then 1 else 0) $ .compose (.ofGoal textmvar.mvarId!) (.ofGoal goal) /-- This tactic allows us to execute an alternative sequence of tactics, but without affecting the proof state. We use it to define Hints for alternative proof methods or dead ends. -/ elab "Branch" t:tacticSeq : tactic => do let b ← saveState Tactic.evalTactic t let msgs ← Core.getMessageLog b.restore Core.setMessageLog msgs /-- Define the statement of the current level. Arguments: - ident: (Optional) The name of the statemtent. - descr: (Optional) The human-readable version of the lemma as string. Accepts Markdown and Mathjax. -/ elab "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str ? sig:declSig val:declVal : command => do let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx let defaultDeclName : Name := (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++ ("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String) -- save the messages before evaluation of the proof let initMsgs ← modifyGet fun st => (st.messages, { st with messages := {} }) let thmStatement ← `(theorem $(mkIdent defaultDeclName) $sig $val) -- let thmStatement' ← match statementName with -- | none => `(lemma $(mkIdent "XX") $sig $val) -- TODO: Make it into an `example` -- | some name => `(lemma $name $sig $val) elabCommand thmStatement let msgs := (← get).messages let mut hints := #[] let mut nonHintMsgs := #[] for msg in msgs.msgs do -- Look for messages produced by the `Hint` tactic. They are used to pass information about the -- intermediate goal state if let MessageData.withNamingContext _ $ MessageData.withContext ctx $ .tagged `Hint $ .nest strict $ .nest hidden $ .compose (.ofGoal text) (.ofGoal goal) := then let hint ← liftTermElabM $ withMCtx ctx.mctx $ withLCtx ctx.lctx #[] $ withEnv ctx.env do return { goal := ← abstractCtx goal text := ← instantiateMVars (mkMVar text) strict := strict == 1 hidden := hidden == 1 } hints := hints.push hint else nonHintMsgs := nonHintMsgs.push msg -- restore saved messages and non-hint messages modify fun st => { st with messages := initMsgs ++ ⟨nonHintMsgs.toPArray'⟩ } let scope ← getScope let env ← getEnv modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with module := env.header.mainModule goal := sig, scope := scope, descrText := match descr with | none => "" | some s => s.getString descrFormat := match statementName with | none => "example " ++ (toString <| reprint sig.raw) ++ " := by" | some name => (Format.join ["lemma ", reprint name.raw, " ", reprint sig.raw, " := by"]).pretty 10 -- "lemma " ++ (toString <| reprint name.raw) ++ " " ++ (Format.pretty (reprint sig.raw) 40) ++ " := by" hints := hints } -- Format.pretty <| format thmStatement.raw } /-- Define the conclusion of the current game or current level if some building a level. -/ elab "Conclusion" t:str : command => do match ← getCurLayer with | .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with conclusion := t.getString} | .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with conclusion := t.getString} | .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with conclusion := t.getString} -- /-- Print current game for debugging purposes. -/ -- elab "PrintCurGame" : command => do -- logInfo (toJson (← getCurGame)) /-- Print current level for debugging purposes. -/ elab "PrintCurLevel" : command => do logInfo (repr (← getCurLevel)) -- /-- Print levels for debugging purposes. -/ elab "PrintLevels" : command => do logInfo $ repr $ (← getCurWorld).levels.toArray def Parser.path := Parser.sepBy1Indent Parser.ident "→" elab "Path" s:Parser.path : command => do let mut last : Option Name := none for stx in s.raw.getArgs.getEvenElems do let some l := last | do last := some stx.getId continue modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with worlds := {game.worlds with edges := game.worlds.edges.push (l, stx.getId)}} last := some stx.getId end metadata /-! ## Hints -/ open Lean Meta Elab Command Term /-- From a term `s` and a list of pairs `(i, t) ; Ident × Term`, create the syntax where `s` is preceded with universal quantifiers `∀ i : t`. -/ def mkGoalSyntax (s : Term) : List (Ident × Term) → MacroM Term | (n, t)::tail => do return (← `(∀ $n : $t, $(← mkGoalSyntax s tail))) | [] => return s -- def elabHint (hidden : Bool) (binders : TSyntaxArray `Lean.Parser.Term.bracketedBinder) -- (goal : TSyntax `term) (msg : TSyntax `interpolatedStrKind) := -- liftTermElabM do withOptions (fun options => options.setBool `linter.unusedVariables false) do -- let (g, decls) ← elabBinders binders fun xs => do -- let g ← mkForallFVars xs $ ← elabTermAndSynthesize goal none -- synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing false -- return (← instantiateMVars g, ← xs.mapM (fun x => x.fvarId!.getDecl)) -- let varsName := `vars -- let msg ← withLocalDeclD varsName (mkApp (mkConst ``Array [levelZero]) (mkConst ``Expr)) fun vars => do -- let mut msg ← `(m! $msg) -- for i in [:decls.size] do -- msg ← `(let $(mkIdent decls[i]!.userName) := $(mkIdent varsName)[$(quote i)]!; $msg) -- return ← mkLambdaFVars #[vars] $ ← elabTermAndSynthesize msg none -- if g.hasMVar then throwError m!"Goal contains metavariables: {g}" -- modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with hints := level.hints.push { -- goal := g, -- intros := decls.size, -- hidden := hidden, -- text := msg }} /-- Declare a hint. This version doesn't prevent the unused linter variable from running. -/ local elab "Hint'" binders:bracketedBinder* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:interpolatedStr(term) : command => -- elabHint false binders goal msg pure () /-- Declare a hint. This version doesn't prevent the unused linter variable from running. A hidden hint is only displayed if explicitly requested by the user. -/ local elab "HiddenHint'" binders:bracketedBinder* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:interpolatedStr(term) : command => do -- elabHint true binders goal msg pure () /-- Declare a hint in reaction to a given tactic state in the current level. -/ macro "Hint" decls:bracketedBinder* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:interpolatedStr(term) : command => do `(set_option linter.unusedVariables false in Hint' $decls* : $goal => $msg) /-- Declare a hidden hint in reaction to a given tactic state in the current level. -/ macro "HiddenHint" decls:bracketedBinder* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:interpolatedStr(term) : command => do `(set_option linter.unusedVariables false in HiddenHint' $decls* : $goal => $msg) /-! ## Inventory -/ /-- Throw an error if inventory doc does not exist -/ def checkInventoryDoc (type : InventoryType) (name : Name) : CommandElabM Unit := do let some _ := (inventoryDocExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? (fun x => == name && x.type == type) | throwError "Missing {type} Documentation: {name}" /-! ### Tactics -/ /-- Documentation entry of a tactic. Example: ``` TacticDoc rw "`rw` stands for rewrite, etc. " ``` * The identifier is the tactics name. Some need to be escaped like `«have»`. * The description is a string supporting Markdown. -/ elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command => modifyEnv (inventoryDocExt.addEntry · { category := default type := .Tactic name := name.getId, displayName := name.getId.toString, content := content.getString }) /-- Declare tactics that are introduced by this level. -/ elab "NewTactic" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Tactic name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with tactics := {level.tactics with new := names}} /-- Declare tactics that are temporarily disabled in this level -/ elab "DisabledTactic" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) -- for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Tactic name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with tactics := {level.tactics with disabled := names}} /-- Temporarily disable all tactics except the ones declared here -/ elab "OnlyTactic" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Tactic name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with tactics := {level.tactics with only := names}} /-! ### Definitions -/ /-- Documentation entry of a definition. Example: ``` DefinitionDoc Function.Bijective as "Bijective" "defined as `Injective f ∧ Surjective`, etc." ``` * The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Definition`. It is preferably the true name of the definition. However, this is not required. * The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory). * The description is a string supporting Markdown. -/ elab "DefinitionDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str content:str : command => modifyEnv (inventoryDocExt.addEntry · { category := default type := .Definition name := name.getId, displayName := displayName.getString, content := content.getString }) /-- Declare definitions that are introduced by this level. -/ elab "NewDefinition" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Definition name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with definitions := {level.definitions with new := names}} /-- Declare definitions that are temporarily disabled in this level -/ elab "DisabledDefinition" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) -- for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Definition name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with definitions := {level.definitions with disabled := names}} /-- Temporarily disable all definitions except the ones declared here -/ elab "OnlyDefinition" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Definition name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with definitions := {level.definitions with only := names}} /-! ### Lemmas -/ /-- Documentation entry of a lemma. Example: ``` LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as "succ_pos" in "Nat" "says `0 < n.succ`, etc." ``` * The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Lemma`. It is preferably the true name of the lemma. However, this is not required. * The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory). * The identifier after `in` is the category to group lemmas by (in the Inventory). * The description is a string supporting Markdown. -/ elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str : command => modifyEnv (inventoryDocExt.addEntry · { name := name.getId, type := .Lemma displayName := displayName.getString, category := category.getString, content := content.getString }) /-- Define which tab of Lemmas is opened by default. Usage: `LemmaTab "Nat"`. If omitted, the first tab will be open by default. -/ elab "LemmaTab" category:str : command => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmaTab := category.getString} /-- Declare lemmas that are introduced by this level. -/ elab "NewLemma" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with new := names}} /-- Declare lemmas that are temporarily disabled in this level -/ elab "DisabledLemma" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) -- for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with disabled := names}} /-- Temporarily disable all lemmas except the ones declared here -/ elab "OnlyLemma" args:ident* : command => do let names := (·.getId) for name in names do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with only := names}} /-! ## Make Game -/ def GameLevel.getInventory (level : GameLevel) : InventoryType → InventoryInfo | .Tactic => level.tactics | .Definition => level.definitions | .Lemma => level.lemmas def GameLevel.setComputedInventory (level : GameLevel) : InventoryType → Array ComputedInventoryItem → GameLevel | .Tactic, v => {level with tactics := {level.tactics with computed := v}} | .Definition, v => {level with definitions := {level.definitions with computed := v}} | .Lemma, v => {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with computed := v}} /-- Make the final Game. This command will precompute various things about the game, such as which tactics are available in each level etc. -/ elab "MakeGame" : command => do let game ← getCurGame -- Check for loops in world graph if game.worlds.hasLoops then throwError "World graph has loops!" -- Compute which inventory items are available in which level: for inventoryType in open InventoryType in #[Tactic, Definition, Lemma] do let mut newItemsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {} let mut allItems : HashSet Name := {} for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do let mut newItems : HashSet Name := {} for (_, level) in world.levels.toArray do newItems := newItems.insertMany (level.getInventory inventoryType).new allItems := allItems.insertMany (level.getInventory inventoryType).new newItemsInWorld := newItemsInWorld.insert worldId newItems -- Basic inventory item availability: all locked, none disabled. let Availability₀ : HashMap Name ComputedInventoryItem := HashMap.ofList $ ← allItems.toList.mapM fun name => do let data := (← getInventoryDoc? name inventoryType).get! return (name, { name displayName := data.displayName category := data.category locked := true disabled := false}) -- Availability after a given world let mut itemsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashMap Name ComputedInventoryItem) := {} for (worldId, _) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do let mut items := Availability₀ let predecessors := game.worlds.predecessors worldId for predWorldId in predecessors do for item in newItemsInWorld.find! predWorldId do let data := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get! items := items.insert item { name := item displayName := data.displayName category := data.category locked := false disabled := false } itemsInWorld := itemsInWorld.insert worldId items for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do let mut items := itemsInWorld.find! worldId let levels := world.levels.toArray.insertionSort fun a b => a.1 < b.1 for (levelId, level) in levels do for item in (level.getInventory inventoryType).new do let data := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get! items := items.insert item { name := item displayName := data.displayName category := data.category locked := false disabled := false } let mut disabled : HashSet Name := {} for item in (level.getInventory inventoryType).disabled do let data := (← getInventoryDoc? item inventoryType).get! items := items.insert item { name := item displayName := data.displayName category := data.category locked := false disabled := false } -- (we set disabled to false at first because it applies only to the current level) disabled := disabled.insert item let itemsArray := items.toArray |>.insertionSort (fun a b => a.1.toString < b.1.toString) |>.map (·.2) |>.map (fun item => {item with disabled := disabled.contains}) modifyLevel ⟨← getCurGameId, worldId, levelId⟩ fun level => do return level.setComputedInventory inventoryType itemsArray