import GameServer.EnvExtensions import I18n open Lean Meta Elab Command /-! ## Copy images -/ open IO.FS System FilePath in /-- Copies the folder `images/` to `.lake/gamedata/images/` -/ def copyImages : IO Unit := do let target : FilePath := ".lake" / "gamedata" if ← FilePath.pathExists "images" then for file in ← walkDir "images" do let outFile := target.join file -- create the directories if ← file.isDir then createDirAll outFile else if let some parent := outFile.parent then createDirAll parent -- copy file let content ← readBinFile file writeBinFile outFile content namespace GameData def gameDataPath : System.FilePath := ".lake" / "gamedata" def gameFileName := s!"game.json" def docFileName := fun (inventoryType : InventoryType) (name : Name) => s!"doc__{inventoryType}__{name}.json" def levelFileName := fun (worldId : Name) (levelId : Nat) => s!"level__{worldId}__{levelId}.json" def inventoryFileName := s!"inventory.json" end GameData open GameData in -- TODO: register all of this as ToJson instance? def saveGameData (allItemsByType : HashMap InventoryType (HashSet Name)) (inventory : InventoryOverview): CommandElabM Unit := do let game ← getCurGame let env ← getEnv let path := (← IO.currentDir) / gameDataPath if ← path.isDir then IO.FS.removeDirAll path IO.FS.createDirAll path -- copy the images folder copyImages for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do for (levelId, level) in world.levels.toArray do IO.FS.writeFile (path / levelFileName worldId levelId) (toString (toJson (level.toInfo env))) IO.FS.writeFile (path / gameFileName) (toString (getGameJson game)) for inventoryType in [InventoryType.Lemma, .Tactic, .Definition] do for name in allItemsByType.findD inventoryType {} do let some item ← getInventoryItem? name inventoryType | throwError "Expected item to exist: {name}" IO.FS.writeFile (path / docFileName inventoryType name) (toString (toJson item)) IO.FS.writeFile (path / inventoryFileName) (toString (toJson inventory)) -- write file for translation I18n.createTemplate open GameData def loadData (f : System.FilePath) (α : Type) [FromJson α] : IO α := do let str ← IO.FS.readFile f let json ← match Json.parse str with | .ok v => pure v | .error e => throw (IO.userError e) let data ← match fromJson? json with | .ok v => pure v | .error e => throw (IO.userError e) return data def loadGameData (gameDir : System.FilePath) : IO Game := loadData (gameDir / gameDataPath / gameFileName) Game def loadLevelData (gameDir : System.FilePath) (worldId : Name) (levelId : Nat) : IO LevelInfo := loadData (gameDir / gameDataPath / levelFileName worldId levelId) LevelInfo