import Adam.Metadata import Adam.Levels.Proposition import Adam.Levels.Implication import Adam.Levels.Predicate import Adam.Levels.Contradiction -- import Adam.Levels.Prime import Adam.Levels.Sum -- import Adam.Levels.Induction import Adam.Levels.Numbers import Adam.Levels.Inequality import Adam.Levels.Lean import Adam.Levels.SetTheory import Adam.Levels.Function import Adam.Levels.SetFunction import Adam.Levels.LinearAlgebra Game "Adam" Title "Lean 4 game" Introduction " [This is a prototpye of a gamified introduction to the interactive proof assistent Lean, developed within the project [ADAM: Anticipating the Digital Age of Mathematics]( The project is based at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.] " Conclusion "Fertig!" Path Proposition → Implication → Predicate → Predicate → Contradiction → Sum → Lean Path Predicate → Inequality → Sum -- Path Inequality → Prime -- Path Sum → Inequality -- → Induction Path Lean → SetTheory → SetTheory2 → SetFunction → Module Path Lean → Function → SetFunction Path SetTheory2 → Numbers Path Module → Basis → Module2 MakeGame