import Lean.Elab.Binders import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Basic import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Intro /-! # `let_intros` Tactic `let_intros` is a weaker form of `intros` aimed to only introduce `let` statements, but not for example `∀`-binders. Note: Mathlib has a tactic `extract_lets` which does essentially exactly this. The only difference is that `let_intros` is unhygenic, in the sense that it will name the introduced variables `f` instead of leaving them inaccessible `f✝`. -/ namespace GameServer open Lean Meta Elab Parser Tactic /-- Copied from `Lean.Meta.getIntrosSize`. -/ private partial def getLetIntrosSize : Expr → Nat -- | .forallE _ _ b _ => getLetIntrosSize b + 1 | .letE _ _ _ b _ => getLetIntrosSize b + 1 | .mdata _ b => getLetIntrosSize b | e => if let some (_, _, _, b) := e.letFun? then getLetIntrosSize b + 1 else 0 /-- Copied and from `Lean.MVarId.intros`. -/ def _root_.Lean.MVarId.letIntros (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Array FVarId × MVarId) := do let type ← mvarId.getType let type ← instantiateMVars type let n := getLetIntrosSize type if n == 0 then return (#[], mvarId) else -- `introNP` preserves the binder names mvarId.introNP n /-- `let_intros` introduces all `let` statements that are preceeding the proof. Concretely it does a subset of what `intros` does. If names are provided, it will introduce as many `let` statements as there are names. -/ syntax (name := letIntros) "let_intros" : tactic -- (ppSpace colGt (ident <|> hole))* @[tactic letIntros] def evalLetIntros : Tactic := fun stx => do match stx with | `(tactic| let_intros) => liftMetaTactic fun mvarId => do let (_, mvarId) ← mvarId.letIntros return [mvarId] -- | `(tactic| let_intros $ids*) => do -- let fvars ← liftMetaTacticAux fun mvarId => do -- let (fvars, mvarId) ← mvarId.introN ids.size ( getNameOfIdent').toList -- return (fvars, [mvarId]) -- withMainContext do -- for stx in ids, fvar in fvars do -- Term.addLocalVarInfo stx (mkFVar fvar) | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax