import Lean import GameServer.Utils section AbstractCtx open Lean open Meta structure AbstractCtxResult := (abstractMVarsResult : AbstractMVarsResult) /-- Abstract LCtx and MCtx to transport an expression into different contexts -/ def abstractCtx (goal : MVarId) : MetaM AbstractCtxResult := do let goalDecl ← goal.getDecl let fvars := goalDecl.lctx.decls.toArray.filterMap id |> (mkFVar ·.fvarId) let goal ← mkLambdaFVars (usedLetOnly := false) fvars goalDecl.type let goal ← abstractMVars goal return { abstractMVarsResult := goal } def openAbstractCtxResult (res : AbstractCtxResult) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α := do let (_mvars, _binderInfo, expr) ← openAbstractMVarsResult res.abstractMVarsResult lambdaLetTelescope (← instantiateMVars expr) k -- TODO: Unfortunately, lambdaLetTelescope does not allow us to provide the number of arguments. -- If the goal is a function, this will not work. end AbstractCtx