import GameServer.Watchdog import GameServer.FileWorker def main : List String → IO UInt32 := fun args => do let e ← IO.getStderr if args[0]? == some "--server" then MyServer.Watchdog.watchdogMain [] else if args[0]? == some "--worker" then MyServer.FileWorker.workerMain {} else e.putStrLn s!"Expected `--server` or `--worker`" return 1 -- TODO: Potentially it could be useful to pass in the `gameName` via the websocket connection -- unsafe def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 := do -- -- Check if required arguments are given by the user -- if args.length != 2 then -- throw (IO.userError $ "Expected two arguments:" ++ -- "The name of the game module and the path to the game project.") -- let gameName := args[0]! -- let gameDir := args[1]! -- -- Run the game -- Server.runGame gameName