import TestGame.Metadata import Mathlib.Tactic.Ring import Mathlib import TestGame.ToBePorted Game "TestGame" World "Induction" Level 5 Title "Bernoulli Ungleichung" Introduction " TODO: Induktion (& induktion vs rcases) " example (x : ℕ) (n : ℕ) : 1 + n * x ≤ (x + 1) ^ n := by induction' n with n hn simp rw [Nat.succ_mul] rw [Nat.pow_succ] sorry example (n : ℕ) : (∑ i : Fin (n + 1), ↑(2 * i - 1)) = n ^ 2 := by induction' n with n hn simp #check Finset.sum_comm Statement "Zeige $\\sum_{i = 0}^n i = \\frac{n ⬝ (n + 1)}{2}$." (n : ℕ) : (∑ i : Fin (n + 1), ↑i) = n * (n + 1) / 2 := by apply hh1 induction' n with n hn simp sorry -- rw [Fin.sum_univ_castSucc] -- simp [nat_succ] -- rw [mul_add, hn] -- ring Tactics ring