import GameServer.AbstractCtx
import GameServer.Graph
import GameServer.Hints
open GameServer
-- TODO: Is there a better place?
/-- Keywords that the server should not consider as tactics. -/
def GameServer.ALLOWED_KEYWORDS : List String :=
["with", "fun", "at", "only", "by", "generalizing"]
/-- The default game name if `Game "MyGame"` is not used. -/
def defaultGameName: String := "MyGame"
-- Note: When changing any of these default names, one also needs to change them in `index.mjs`
/-- The default game module name. -/
def defaultGameModule: String := "Game"
/-! # Environment extensions
The game framework stores almost all its game building data in environment extensions
defined in this file.
open Lean
/-! ## Inventory (documentation)
The inventory contains documentation that the user can access.
There are three inventory types: Lemma, Tactic, Definition. They vary about in the information
they carry.
The commands `TheoremDoc`, `TacticDoc`, and `DefinitionDoc` add keys and templates to an
env. extension called `InventoryTemplateExt`. Commands like `NewLemma`, etc. as well as
`Statement` check if there is a key registered in this extension and might add a default or
print a warning if not.
Then, `MakeGame` takes the templates from `InventoryTemplateExt` and creates the documentation entries
that are sent to the client. This allows us to modify them like adding information from
mathlib or from parsing the lemma in question.
/-- The game knows three different inventory types that contain slightly different information -/
inductive InventoryType := | Tactic | Lemma | Definition
deriving ToJson, FromJson, Repr, BEq, Hashable, Inhabited
-- TODO: golf this?
instance : ToString InventoryType := ⟨fun t => match t with
| .Tactic => "Tactic"
| .Lemma => "Lemma"
| .Definition => "Definition"⟩
/-- The keys/templates of the inventory items, stored in `InventoryTemplateExt`. -/
structure InventoryTemplate where
/-- Lemma, Tactic, or Definition -/
type: InventoryType
/-- Depends on the type:
* Tactic: the tactic's name
* Lemma: fully qualified lemma name
* Definition: no restrictions (preferably the definitions fully qualified name)
name: Name
/-- Only for Lemmas. To sort them into tabs -/
category: String := default
/-- Free-text short name -/
displayName: String := name.toString
/-- Template documentation. Allows for special tags to insert mathlib info [TODO!] -/
content: String := ""
deriving ToJson, Repr, Inhabited
/-- A full inventory item including the processing by `MakeGame`, which creates these
from the `InventoryTemplate`s and modifies them. -/
structure InventoryItem extends InventoryTemplate where
statement: String := ""
deriving ToJson, Repr, Inhabited
/-- A reduced variant of `InventoryItem` which is used for the tiles in the doc -/
structure InventoryTile where
The name of the item. The restrictions are:
* for Tactics: The name of the tactic.
* for Lemmas: *Fully qualified* lemma name.
* for Definitions: no restrictions.
name : Name
/-- The display name shown in the inventory. This can be free-text. -/
displayName : String
/-- Category to group inventory items by (currently only used for lemmas). -/
category : String
/-- If `true` then the item only gets unlocked in a later level. -/
locked := true
/-- If `true` then the item is blocked for this level. -/
disabled := false
/-- To mark an item that has been added freshly in this level. -/
new := false
/-- hide the item in the inventory display -/
hidden := false
/-- hover text -/
altTitle : String := default
deriving ToJson, FromJson, Repr, Inhabited
def InventoryItem.toTile (item : InventoryItem) : InventoryTile := {
name := item.name,
displayName := item.displayName
category := item.category
/-- The extension that stores the doc templates. Note that you can only add, but never modify
entries! -/
initialize inventoryTemplateExt :
SimplePersistentEnvExtension InventoryTemplate (Array InventoryTemplate) ←
registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
name := `inventory_keys
addEntryFn := Array.push
addImportedFn := Array.concatMap id }
/-- Receive the template with that matches `(name, type)` -/
def getInventoryTemplate? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (n : Name) (type : InventoryType) :
m (Option InventoryTemplate) := do
return (inventoryTemplateExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? (fun x => x.name == n && x.type == type)
/-- The extension that contains the inventory content after it has been processed.
`MakeGame` is the only command adding items here. -/
initialize inventoryExt : SimplePersistentEnvExtension InventoryItem (Array InventoryItem) ←
registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
name := `inventory_doc
addEntryFn := Array.push
addImportedFn := Array.concatMap id }
/-- Receive the item with that matches `(name, type)` -/
def getInventoryItem? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (n : Name) (type : InventoryType) :
m (Option InventoryItem) := do
return (inventoryExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? (fun x => x.name == n && x.type == type)
structure InventoryOverview where
tactics : Array InventoryTile
lemmas : Array InventoryTile
definitions : Array InventoryTile
lemmaTab : Option String
deriving ToJson, FromJson
-- TODO: Reuse the following code for checking available tactics in user code:
structure UsedInventory where
(tactics : HashSet Name := {})
(definitions : HashSet Name := {})
(lemmas : HashSet Name := {})
/-! ## Environment extensions for game specification -/
/-- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level -/
initialize curGameExt : EnvExtension (Option Name) ← registerEnvExtension (pure none)
/-- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level -/
initialize curWorldExt : EnvExtension (Option Name) ← registerEnvExtension (pure none)
/-- Register a (non-persistent) environment extension to hold the current level -/
initialize curLevelExt : EnvExtension (Option Nat) ← registerEnvExtension (pure none)
A game has three layers: Game, World, Levels. These are set with the commands
`Game`, `World`, and `Level`. Commands like `Introduction` depend on the current level.
inductive Layer :=
| Game | World | Level
variable {m: Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m]
/-- Set the current game -/
def setCurGameId (game : Name) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curGameExt.setState · game)
/-- Set the current world -/
def setCurWorldId (world : Name) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curWorldExt.setState · world)
/-- Set the current level -/
def setCurLevelIdx (level : Nat) : m Unit :=
modifyEnv (curLevelExt.setState · level)
/-- Get the current layer. -/
def getCurLayer [MonadError m] : m Layer := do
-- previously, we also had `curGameExt.getState (← getEnv), ` in here, which got removed
-- when we made the `Game` command optional
match curWorldExt.getState (← getEnv), curLevelExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some _, some _ => return Layer.Level
| some _, none => return Layer.World
| none, none => return Layer.Game
| _, _ => throwError "Invalid Layer"
/-- Get the current game, or default if none is specified -/
def getCurGameId [Monad m] : m Name := do
match curGameExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some game => return game
| none => return defaultGameName
/-- Get the current world -/
def getCurWorldId [MonadError m] : m Name := do
match curWorldExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some world => return world
| none => throwError "Current world not set"
/-- Get the current level -/
def getCurLevelIdx [MonadError m] : m Nat := do
match curLevelExt.getState (← getEnv) with
| some level => return level
| none => throwError "Current level not set"
/-! ## Levels -/
structure LevelId where
game : Name
world : Name
level : Nat
deriving Inhabited
instance : ToString LevelId := ⟨fun id =>
structure InventoryInfo where
/-- inventory items used by the main sample solution of this level -/
used : Array Name
/-- new inventory items introduced by this level -/
new : Array Name
/-- inventory items that shall not be displayed in the inventory -/
hidden : Array Name
/-- inventory items exceptionally forbidden in this level -/
disabled : Array Name
/-- only these inventory items are allowed in this level (ignored if empty) -/
only : Array Name
/-- inventory items in this level (computed by `MakeGame`) -/
tiles : Array InventoryTile
deriving ToJson, FromJson, Repr, Inhabited
def getCurLevelId [MonadError m] : m LevelId := do
return { game := ← getCurGameId, world := ← getCurWorldId, level := ← getCurLevelIdx}
/-- Instance to make GameLevel Repr work -/
instance : Repr Elab.Command.Scope := ⟨fun s _ => repr s.currNamespace⟩
structure GameLevel where
index: Nat
/-- The title of the level. -/
title: String := default
/-- Introduction text shown all the time. (markdown) -/
introduction: String := default
conclusion: String := default
/-- The name of the exercise proven. If provided this lemma will be available in
future levels. -/
statementName: Name := default
hints: Array GoalHintEntry := default
/-- The statement in Lean. -/
goal : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.declSig := default
scope : Elab.Command.Scope := default
/-- The mathematical statement in mathematician-readable form. (markdown) -/
descrText: Option String := none
descrFormat : String := default
/-- The `category` of lemmas to be open by default -/
lemmaTab: Option String := none
/-- The module to be imported when playing this level -/
module : Name := default
tactics: InventoryInfo := default
definitions: InventoryInfo := default
lemmas: InventoryInfo := default
/-- A proof template that is printed in an empty editor. -/
template: Option String := none
/-- The image for this level. -/
image : String := default
/-- A sequence of tactics the game automatically executes before the first step. -/
preamble : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq := default
deriving Inhabited, Repr
/-- Json-encodable version of `GameLevel`
- description: Lemma in mathematical language.
- descriptionGoal: Lemma printed as Lean-Code.
structure LevelInfo where
index : Nat
title : String
tactics : Array InventoryTile
lemmas : Array InventoryTile
definitions : Array InventoryTile
introduction : String
conclusion : String
descrText : Option String := none
descrFormat : String := ""
lemmaTab : Option String
module : Name
displayName : Option String
statementName : Option String
template : Option String
image: Option String
deriving ToJson, FromJson
def GameLevel.toInfo (lvl : GameLevel) (env : Environment) : LevelInfo :=
{ index := lvl.index,
title := lvl.title,
tactics := lvl.tactics.tiles,
lemmas := lvl.lemmas.tiles,
definitions := lvl.definitions.tiles,
descrText := lvl.descrText,
descrFormat := lvl.descrFormat --toExpr <| format (lvl.goal.raw) --toString <| Syntax.formatStx (lvl.goal.raw) --Syntax.formatStx (lvl.goal.raw) , -- TODO
introduction := lvl.introduction
conclusion := lvl.conclusion
lemmaTab := match lvl.lemmaTab with
| some tab => tab
| none =>
-- Try to set the lemma tab to the category of the first added lemma
match lvl.lemmas.tiles.find? (·.new) with
| some tile => tile.category
| none => none
statementName := lvl.statementName.toString
module := lvl.module
displayName := match lvl.statementName with
| .anonymous => none
| name => match (inventoryExt.getState env).find?
(fun x => x.name == name && x.type == .Lemma) with
| some n => n.displayName
| none => name.toString
-- Note: we could call `.find!` because we check in `Statement` that the
-- lemma doc must exist.
template := lvl.template
image := lvl.image
/-! ## World -/
/-- A world is a collection of levels, like a chapter. -/
structure World where
/- Internal name of the world. Not visible to the player. -/
name: Name
/-- Display title of the world. -/
title: String := default
/-- World introduction to be shown before the first level is loaded. (markdown) -/
introduction: String := default
/-- TODO: This is currently unused. -/
conclusion : String := default
/-- The levels of the world. -/
levels: HashMap Nat GameLevel := default
/-- The introduction image of the world. -/
image: String := default
deriving Inhabited
instance : ToJson World := ⟨
fun world => Json.mkObj [
("name", toJson world.name),
("title", world.title),
("introduction", world.introduction),
("image", world.image)]
/-! ## Game -/
/-- A tile as they are displayed on the servers landing page. -/
structure GameTile where
/-- The title of the game -/
title: String
/-- One catch phrase about the game -/
short: String := default
/-- One paragraph description what the game is about -/
long: String := default
/-- List of languages the game supports
TODO: What's the expectected format
TODO: Must be a list with a single language currently
languages: List String := default
/-- A list of games which this one builds upon -/
prerequisites: List String := default
/-- Number of worlds in the game -/
worlds: Nat := default
/-- Number of levels in the game -/
levels: Nat := default
/-- A cover image of the game
TODO: What's the format? -/
image: String := default
deriving Inhabited, ToJson, FromJson
structure Game where
/-- Internal name of the game. -/
name : Name
/-- TODO: currently unused. -/
title : String := default
/-- Text displayed on the main landing page of the game. -/
introduction : String := default
/-- Text displayed on the main landing page of the game. -/
info : String := default
/-- TODO: currently unused. -/
conclusion : String := default
/-- TODO: currently unused. -/
authors : List String := default
worlds : Graph Name World := default
/-- The tile displayed on the server's landing page. -/
tile : GameTile := default
/-- The path to the background image of the world. -/
image : String := default
deriving Inhabited, ToJson, FromJson
def getGameJson (game : «Game») : Json := Id.run do
let gameJson : Json := toJson game
-- Add world sizes to Json object
let worldSize := game.worlds.nodes.toList.map (fun (n, w) => (n.toString, w.levels.size))
let gameJson := gameJson.mergeObj (Json.mkObj [("worldSize", Json.mkObj worldSize)])
return gameJson
/-! ## Game environment extension -/
def HashMap.merge [BEq α] [Hashable α] (old : HashMap α β) (new : HashMap α β) (merge : β → β → β) :
HashMap α β :=
new.fold (fun acc a b =>
if let some bOld := acc.find? a
then acc.insert a (merge bOld b)
else acc.insert a b) old
def GameLevel.merge (_old : GameLevel) (new : GameLevel) : GameLevel :=
new -- simply override old level
def World.merge (old : World) (new : World) : World :=
{ new with
levels := HashMap.merge old.levels new.levels GameLevel.merge}
def Game.merge (old : Game) (new : Game) : Game :=
{ new with
worlds := {
nodes := HashMap.merge old.worlds.nodes new.worlds.nodes World.merge
edges := Id.run do
let mut res := old.worlds.edges
for e in new.worlds.edges do
if ¬ res.contains e then
res := res.push e
return res
} }
initialize gameExt : PersistentEnvExtension (Name × Game) (Name × Game) (HashMap Name Game) ←
do registerPersistentEnvExtension {
name := `gameExt,
mkInitial := pure {},
addImportedFn := fun ess => do
let mut games := {}
for es in ess do
for (name, game) in es do
match games.find? name with
| some oldgame =>
games := games.insert name (Game.merge oldgame game)
| none =>
games := games.insert name game
return games
addEntryFn := (λ s n => s.insert n.1 n.2),
exportEntriesFn := HashMap.toArray,
statsFn := fun s => format "number of local entries: " ++ format s.size
def getGame? (n : Name) : m (Option Game) := do
return (gameExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? n
def insertGame (n : Name) (g : Game) : m Unit := do
modifyEnv (gameExt.addEntry · (n, g))
def getLevel? (levelId : LevelId) : m (Option GameLevel) := do
let some game ← getGame? levelId.game
| return none
let some world := game.worlds.nodes.find? levelId.world
| return none
let some level := world.levels.find? levelId.level
| return none
return level
def getCurGame [Monad m] : m Game := do
let some game ← getGame? (← getCurGameId)
| let game := {name := defaultGameName}
insertGame defaultGameName game
return game
return game
def modifyCurGame (fn : Game → m Game) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
let game ← getCurGame
insertGame game.name (← fn game)
def addWorld (world : World) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurGame fun game => do
return {game with worlds := game.worlds.insertNode world.name world}
def getCurWorld [MonadError m] : m World := do
let some world := (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.find? (← getCurWorldId)
| throwError m!"World {← getCurWorldId} does not exist"
return world
def modifyCurWorld (fn : World → m World) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurGame fun game => do
let world ← getCurWorld
return {game with worlds := {game.worlds with nodes := game.worlds.nodes.insert world.name (← fn world) }}
def addLevel (level : GameLevel) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
let worldId ← getCurWorldId
match ← getLevel? ⟨← getCurGameId, worldId, level.index⟩ with
| some _existingLevel =>
throwError m!"Level {level.index} already exists for world {worldId}!"
| none =>
modifyCurWorld fun world => do
return {world with levels := world.levels.insert level.index level}
def getCurLevel [MonadError m] : m GameLevel := do
let some level := (← getCurWorld).levels.find? (← getCurLevelIdx)
| throwError m!"Level {← getCurLevelIdx} does not exist"
return level
def modifyCurLevel (fn : GameLevel → m GameLevel) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
modifyCurWorld fun world => do
let level ← getCurLevel
return {world with levels := world.levels.insert level.index (← fn level)}
def modifyLevel (levelId : LevelId) (fn : GameLevel → m GameLevel) [MonadError m] : m Unit := do
let some game ← getGame? levelId.game
| throwError m!"Game {levelId.game} does not exist"
let some world := (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.find? levelId.world
| throwError m!"World {levelId.world} does not exist"
let some level := world.levels.find? levelId.level
| throwError m!"Level {levelId.level} does not exist"
let level' ← fn level
let world' := {world with levels := world.levels.insert levelId.level level'}
let game' := {game with worlds := game.worlds.insertNode levelId.world world'}
insertGame levelId.game game'