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import Lean
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
import GameServer.InteractiveGoal
open Lean
open Server
open Widget
open RequestM
open Meta
/-! ## GameGoal -/
namespace GameServer
def levelIdFromFileName? (fileName : String) : Option LevelId := do
let fileParts := fileName.splitOn "/"
if fileParts.length == 3 then
if let some level := fileParts[2]!.toNat? then
return some {game := `TestGame, world := fileParts[1]!, level := level}
return none
def getLevelByFileName? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (fileName : String) : m (Option GameLevel) := do
let some levelId := levelIdFromFileName? fileName
| return none
return ← getLevel? levelId
/-- Checks if `pattern` and `e` are equal up to mvars in `pattern` that may be assigned to fvars in `e`. -/
partial def matchExprAux (pattern : Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
match pattern, e with
| .bvar i1, .bvar i2 => return i1 == i2
| .fvar i1, .fvar i2 => return i1 == i2
| .mvar _, .mvar _ => return true
| .sort u1, .sort u2 => Meta.isLevelDefEq u1 u2
| .const n1 ls1, .const n2 ls2 =>
return n1 == n2 && (← ( ls2).allM fun (l1, l2) => Meta.isLevelDefEq l1 l2)
| .app f1 a1, .app f2 a2 =>
return (← matchExprAux f1 f2) && (← matchExprAux a1 a2)
| .lam _ t1 b1 _, .lam _ t2 b2 _ =>
return (← matchExprAux t1 t2) && (← matchExprAux b1 b2)
| .forallE _ t1 b1 _, .forallE _ t2 b2 _ =>
return (← matchExprAux t1 t2) && (← matchExprAux b1 b2)
| .letE _ t1 v1 b1 _, .letE _ t2 v2 b2 _ =>
return (← matchExprAux t1 t2) && (← matchExprAux v1 v2) && (← matchExprAux b1 b2)
| .lit l1, .lit l2 =>
return l1 == l2
| .proj i1 n1 e1, .proj i2 n2 e2 =>
return i1 == i2 && n1 == n2 && (← matchExprAux e1 e2)
-- ignore mdata:
| .mdata _ pattern', _ =>
return ← matchExprAux pattern' e
| _, .mdata _ e' =>
return ← matchExprAux pattern e'
-- assign fvars to mvars:
| .mvar i1, .fvar _ =>
match ← getExprMVarAssignment? i1 with
| some pattern' => matchExprAux pattern' e
| none =>
i1.assign e
return true
| _, _ => return false
def matchExpr (pattern : Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
checkpointDefEq (mayPostpone := true) do
matchExprAux pattern e
/-- Check if each meta variable in `declMvars` has a matching fvar in `declFvars` -/
def matchDecls (declMvars : Array Expr) (declFvars : Array Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
-- We iterate through the array backwards hoping that this will find us faster results
-- TODO: implement backtracking
let mut usedFvars := (List.replicate declFvars.size false).toArray
-- `usedFvars` keeps track of the fvars that were already used to match an mvar.
for i in [:declMvars.size] do
let declMvar := declMvars[declMvars.size - i - 1]!
let mut found := false
for j in [:declFvars.size] do
let declFvar := declFvars[declFvars.size - j - 1]!
let usedFvar := usedFvars[declFvars.size - j - 1]!
if ¬ usedFvar then
if ← matchExpr declMvar declFvar then
usedFvars := usedFvars.set! (declFvars.size - j - 1) true
found := true
if ¬ found then return false
return true
open Meta in
/-- Find all hints whose trigger matches the current goal -/
def findHints (goal : MVarId) (doc : FileWorker.EditableDocument) : MetaM (Array GameHint) := do
goal.withContext do
let some level ← getLevelByFileName? doc.meta.mkInputContext.fileName
| throwError "Level not found: {doc.meta.mkInputContext.fileName}"
let hints ← level.hints.filterMapM fun hint => do
let (declMvars, binderInfo, hintGoal) ← forallMetaBoundedTelescope hint.goal hint.intros
-- TODO: Protect mvars in the type of `goal` to be instantiated?
if ← matchExpr hintGoal (← inferType $ mkMVar goal)
let lctx ← getLCtx -- Local context of the `goal`
if ← matchDecls declMvars lctx.getFVars
return some { text := hint.text, hidden := hint.hidden }
else return none
else return none
return hints
open RequestM in
def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Option InteractiveGoals)) := do
let doc ← readDoc
let text := doc.meta.text
let hoverPos := text.lspPosToUtf8Pos p.position
-- TODO: I couldn't find a good condition to find the correct snap. So we are looking
-- for the first snap with goals here:
withWaitFindSnap doc (fun s => ¬ (s.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text hoverPos).isEmpty)
(notFoundX := return none) fun snap => do
if let rs@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text hoverPos then
let goals : List InteractiveGoals ← rs.mapM fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := ti, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
let ci := if useAfter then ciAfter else { ci with mctx := ti.mctxBefore }
-- compute the interactive goals
let goals ← ci.runMetaM {} do
return List.toArray <| if useAfter then ti.goalsAfter else ti.goalsBefore
let goals ← ci.runMetaM {} do
goals.mapM fun goal => do
let hints ← findHints goal doc
return ← goalToInteractive goal hints
-- compute the goal diff
-- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
-- try
-- Widget.diffInteractiveGoals useAfter ti goals
-- catch _ =>
-- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
-- return goals
-- )
return {goals}
return some <| goals.foldl (· ++ ·) ⟨#[]⟩
return none
(Option InteractiveGoals)
end GameServer