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72 lines
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72 lines
1.8 KiB
import Lean
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
open Lean
structure GameServerState :=
(env : Lean.Environment)
(game : Name)
abbrev GameServerM := StateT GameServerState Server.Watchdog.ServerM
instance : MonadEnv GameServerM := {
getEnv := do return (← get).env
modifyEnv := fun f => do
let s ← get
set {s with env := f s.env}
namespace Game
open Server
open Watchdog
open Lsp
open JsonRpc
open IO
def getGame (game : Name): GameServerM Game := do
let some game ← getGame? game
| throwServerError "Game not found"
return game
structure LevelInfo where
index : Nat
title : String
tactics: Array TacticDocEntry
lemmas: Array LemmaDocEntry
introduction : String
deriving ToJson
structure LoadLevelParams where
world : Name
level : Nat
deriving ToJson, FromJson
partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
match ev with
| ServerEvent.clientMsg msg =>
match msg with
| Message.request id "info" _ =>
let s ← get
let c ← read
c.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, (← getGame⟩
return true
| Message.request id "loadLevel" params =>
let p ← parseParams LoadLevelParams (toJson params)
let s ← get
let c ← read
let some lvl ← getLevel? {game :=, world :=, level := p.level}
| throwServerError s!"Level not found {(← getGame} {} {p.level}"
let levelInfo : LevelInfo :=
{ index := lvl.index,
title := lvl.title,
tactics := lvl.tactics,
lemmas := lvl.lemmas,
introduction := lvl.introduction }
c.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, ToJson.toJson levelInfo⟩
return true
| _ => return false
| _ => return false
end Game