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import GameServer.EnvExtensions
import GameServer.InteractiveGoal
import GameServer.Hints
import I18n
open Lean
open Server
open Widget
open RequestM
open Meta
/-! ## GameGoal -/
namespace GameServer
def levelIdFromFileName? (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) (fileName : String) : Option LevelId := do
let fileParts := fileName.splitOn "/"
if fileParts.length == 3 then
if let (some level, some game) := (fileParts[2]!.toNat?, initParams.rootUri?) then
return some {game, world := fileParts[1]!, level := level}
return none
def getLevelByFileName? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) (fileName : String) : m (Option GameLevel) := do
let some levelId := levelIdFromFileName? initParams fileName
| return none
return ← getLevel? levelId
structure FVarBijection :=
(forward : HashMap FVarId FVarId)
(backward : HashMap FVarId FVarId)
instance : EmptyCollection FVarBijection := ⟨{},{}⟩
def FVarBijection.insert (bij : FVarBijection) (a b : FVarId) : FVarBijection :=
⟨bij.forward.insert a b, bij.backward.insert b a⟩
def FVarBijection.insert? (bij : FVarBijection) (a b : FVarId) : Option FVarBijection :=
let a' := bij.forward.find? a
let b' := bij.forward.find? b
if (a' == none || a' == some b) && (b' == none || b' == some a)
then some $ bij.insert a b
else none
/-- Checks if `pattern` and `e` are equal up to FVar identities. -/
partial def matchExpr (pattern : Expr) (e : Expr) (bij : FVarBijection := {}) : Option FVarBijection :=
match pattern, e with
| .bvar i1, .bvar i2 => if i1 == i2 then bij else none
| .fvar i1, .fvar i2 => bij.insert? i1 i2
| .mvar _, .mvar _ => bij
| .sort _u1, .sort _u2 => bij -- TODO?
| .const n1 _ls1, .const n2 _ls2 =>
if n1 == n2 then bij else none -- && (← ( ls2).allM fun (l1, l2) => Meta.isLevelDefEq l1 l2)
| .app f1 a1, .app f2 a2 =>
some bij
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr f1 f2 bij))
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr a1 a2 bij))
| .lam _ t1 b1 _, .lam _ t2 b2 _ =>
some bij
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr t1 t2 bij))
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr b1 b2 bij))
| .forallE _ t1 b1 _, .forallE _ t2 b2 _ =>
some bij
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr t1 t2 bij))
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr b1 b2 bij))
| .letE _ t1 v1 b1 _, .letE _ t2 v2 b2 _ =>
some bij
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr t1 t2 bij))
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr v1 v2 bij))
|> (Option.bind · (fun bij => matchExpr b1 b2 bij))
| .lit l1, .lit l2 =>
if l1 == l2 then bij else none
| .proj i1 n1 e1, .proj i2 n2 e2 =>
if i1 == i2 && n1 == n2 then matchExpr e1 e2 bij else none
-- ignore mdata:
| .mdata _ pattern', _ =>
matchExpr pattern' e bij
| _, .mdata _ e' =>
matchExpr pattern e' bij
| _, _ => none
/-- Check if each fvar in `patterns` has a matching fvar in `fvars` -/
def matchDecls (patterns : Array Expr) (fvars : Array Expr) (strict := true)
(initBij : FVarBijection := {}) (defeq := false) : MetaM (Option FVarBijection) := do
let reducer := if defeq then whnf else pure
-- We iterate through the array backwards hoping that this will find us faster results
-- TODO: implement backtracking
let mut bij := initBij
for i in [:patterns.size] do
let pattern := patterns[patterns.size - i - 1]!
if bij.forward.contains pattern.fvarId! then
for j in [:fvars.size] do
let fvar := fvars[fvars.size - j - 1]!
if bij.backward.contains fvar.fvarId! then
if let some bij' := matchExpr
(← reducer <| ← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType pattern)
(← reducer <| ← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType fvar) bij then
-- usedFvars := usedFvars.set! (fvars.size - j - 1) true
bij := bij'.insert pattern.fvarId! fvar.fvarId!
if ! bij.forward.contains pattern.fvarId! then return none
if !strict || fvars.all (fun fvar => bij.backward.contains fvar.fvarId!)
then return some bij
else return none
open Meta in
/-- Find all hints whose trigger matches the current goal -/
def findHints (goal : MVarId) (m : DocumentMeta) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) : MetaM (Array GameHint) := do
goal.withContext do
let some level ← getLevelByFileName? initParams m.mkInputContext.fileName
| throwError "Level not found: {m.mkInputContext.fileName}"
let hints ← level.hints.filterMapM fun hint => do
openAbstractCtxResult hint.goal fun hintFVars hintGoal => do
let reducer := if hint.defeq then whnf else pure
if let some fvarBij := matchExpr
(← reducer <| ← instantiateMVars $ hintGoal)
(← reducer <| ← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType $ mkMVar goal)
-- NOTE: This code for `hintFVarsNames` is also duplicated in the
-- "Statement" command, where `hint.rawText` is created. They need to be matching.
-- NOTE: This is a bit a hack of somebody who does not know how meta-programming works.
-- All we want here is a list of `userNames` for the `FVarId`s in `hintFVars`...
-- and we wrap them in `«{}»` here since I don't know how to do it later.
let mut hintFVarsNames : Array Expr := #[]
for fvar in hintFVars do
let name₁ ← fvar.fvarId!.getUserName
hintFVarsNames := hintFVarsNames.push <| Expr.fvar ⟨s!"«\{{name₁}}»"⟩
let lctx := (← goal.getDecl).lctx -- the player's local context
if let some bij ← matchDecls hintFVars lctx.getFVars
(strict := hint.strict) (initBij := fvarBij) (defeq := hint.defeq)
let userFVars := fun v => bij.forward.findD v.fvarId! v.fvarId!
-- Evaluate the text in the player's context to get the new variable names.
let text := (← evalHintMessage hint.text) ( Expr.fvar)
let ctx := {env := ← getEnv, mctx := ← getMCtx, lctx := lctx, opts := {}}
let text ← (MessageData.withContext ctx text).toString
-- Here we map the goal's variable names to the player's variable names.
let mut varNames : Array <| Name × Name := #[]
for (fvar₁, fvar₂) in bij.forward.toArray do
-- get the `userName` of the fvar in the opened local context of the hint.
let name₁ ← fvar₁.getUserName
-- get the `userName` in the player's local context.
let name₂ := (lctx.get! fvar₂).userName
varNames := varNames.push (name₁, name₂)
return some {
text := text,
hidden := hint.hidden,
rawText := hint.rawText,
varNames := varNames }
else return none
return none
return hints
def filterUnsolvedGoal (a : Array InteractiveDiagnostic) :
Array InteractiveDiagnostic :=
a.filter (fun d => match d.message with
| .append ⟨(.text x) :: _⟩ => x != "unsolved goals"
| _ => true)
-- TODO: no need to have `RequestM`, just anything where `mut` works
/-- Add custom diagnostics about whether the level is completed. -/
def completionDiagnostics (goalCount : Nat) (prevGoalCount : Nat) (completed : Bool)
(completedWithWarnings : Bool) (pos : Lsp.Position)
(startDiags : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := #[]) :
RequestM <| Array InteractiveDiagnostic := do
let mut out : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := startDiags
if goalCount == 0 then
if completed then
out := out.push {
-- TODO: marking these with `t!` has the implication that every game
-- needs to translate these messages again,
-- but cannot think of another option
-- that would not involve manually adding them somewhere in the translation files.
message := .text t!"level completed! 🎉"
range := {
start := pos
«end» := pos
severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information }
else if completedWithWarnings then
out := out.push {
message := .text t!"level completed with warnings… 🎭"
range := {
start := pos
«end» := pos
severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information }
pure ()
else if goalCount < prevGoalCount then
-- If there is any errors, goals might vanish without being 'solved'
-- so showing the message "intermediate goal solved" would be confusing.
if (¬ (filterUnsolvedGoal startDiags).any (·.severity? == some .error)) then
out := out.push {
message := .text t!"intermediate goal solved! 🎉"
range := {
start := pos
«end» := pos
severity? := Lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.information
return out
/-- Request that returns the goals at the end of each line of the tactic proof
plus the diagnostics (i.e. warnings/errors) for the proof.
def getProofState (_ : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Option ProofState)) := do
let doc ← readDoc
let rc ← readThe RequestContext
let text := doc.meta.text
-- TODO (Alex): I couldn't find a good condition to find the correct snap. So we are looking
-- for the first snap with goals here.
-- NOTE (Jon): The entire proof is in one snap, so hoped that Position `0` is good enough.
(fun snap => ¬ (snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text 0).isEmpty)
(notFoundX := return none)
fun snap => do
-- `snap` is the one snapshot containing the entire proof.
let mut steps : Array <| InteractiveGoalsWithHints := #[]
-- Question: Is there a difference between the diags of this snap and the last snap?
-- Should we get the diags from there?
-- Answer: The last snap only copied the diags from the end of this snap
let mut diag : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := snap.interactiveDiags.toArray
-- Level is completed if there are no errrors or warnings
let completedWithWarnings : Bool := ¬ diag.any (·.severity? == some .error)
let completed : Bool := completedWithWarnings ∧ ¬ diag.any (·.severity? == some .warning)
let mut intermediateGoalCount := 0
-- only the positions that have non-whitespace characters since the last position
-- should add a new proof step.
let positionsWithSource : Array (String.Pos × String) :=
text.positions.zipWithIndex.filterMap (
fun (pos, i) => match i with
| 0 => some (pos, "")
| i' + 1 =>
let source : String := Substring.toString ⟨text.source, text.positions.get! i', pos⟩
if source.trim.length == 0 then
some (pos, source))
-- Drop the last position as we ensured that there is always a newline at the end
for ((pos, source), i) in positionsWithSource.zipWithIndex do
-- iterate over all steps in the proof and get the goals and hints at each position
-- diags are labeled in Lsp-positions, which differ from the lean-internal
-- positions by `1`.
let lspPosAt := text.utf8PosToLspPos pos
let mut diagsAtPos : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := filterUnsolvedGoal <|
-- `+1` for getting the errors after the line.
match i with
| 0 =>
-- `lspPosAt` is `(0, 0)`
diag.filter (fun d => d.range.start == lspPosAt )
| i' + 1 =>
diag.filter (fun d =>
((text.utf8PosToLspPos <| (positionsWithSource.get! i').1) ≤ d.range.start) ∧
d.range.start < lspPosAt )
if let goalsAtResult@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text pos then
let goalsAtPos' : List <| List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← goalsAtResult.mapM
fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := tacticInfo, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
-- TODO: What does this function body do?
-- let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
let ci := if useAfter then
{ ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxAfter }
{ ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxBefore }
-- compute the interactive goals
let goalMvars : List MVarId ← ci.runMetaM {} do
return if useAfter then tacticInfo.goalsAfter else tacticInfo.goalsBefore
let interactiveGoals : List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← ci.runMetaM {} do
goalMvars.mapM fun goal => do
let hints ← findHints goal doc.meta rc.initParams
let interactiveGoal ← goalToInteractive goal
return ⟨interactiveGoal, hints⟩
-- TODO: This code is way old, can it be deleted?
-- compute the goal diff
-- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
-- try
-- Widget.diffInteractiveGoals useAfter ti goals
-- catch _ =>
-- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
-- return goals
-- )
return interactiveGoals
let goalsAtPos : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints := ⟨goalsAtPos'.foldl (· ++ ·) []⟩
diagsAtPos ← completionDiagnostics goalsAtPos.size intermediateGoalCount
completed completedWithWarnings lspPosAt diagsAtPos
intermediateGoalCount := goalsAtPos.size
steps := steps.push ⟨goalsAtPos, source, diagsAtPos, lspPosAt.line, lspPosAt.character⟩
-- No goals present
steps := steps.push ⟨#[], source, diagsAtPos, lspPosAt.line, none⟩
-- Filter out the "unsolved goals" message
diag := filterUnsolvedGoal diag
let lastPos := text.utf8PosToLspPos positionsWithSource.back.1
let remainingDiags : Array InteractiveDiagnostic :=
diag.filter (fun d => lastPos ≤ d.range.start)
return some {
steps := steps,
diagnostics := remainingDiags,
completed := completed,
completedWithWarnings := completedWithWarnings,
lastPos := lastPos.line
open RequestM in
-- The editor apparently uses this
def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Option <| InteractiveGoals)) := do
let doc ← readDoc
-- let rc ← readThe RequestContext
let text := doc.meta.text
let hoverPos := text.lspPosToUtf8Pos p.position
-- TODO: I couldn't find a good condition to find the correct snap. So we are looking
-- for the first snap with goals here:
withWaitFindSnap doc (fun s => ¬ (s.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text hoverPos).isEmpty)
(notFoundX := return none) fun snap => do
if let rs@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? doc.meta.text hoverPos then
let goals : List <| Array InteractiveGoal ← rs.mapM fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := ti, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
let ci := if useAfter then ciAfter else { ci with mctx := ti.mctxBefore }
-- compute the interactive goals
let goals ← ci.runMetaM {} do
return List.toArray <| if useAfter then ti.goalsAfter else ti.goalsBefore
let goals ← ci.runMetaM {} do
goals.mapM fun goal => do
-- let hints ← findHints goal doc.meta rc.initParams
return ← goalToInteractive goal
-- compute the goal diff
-- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
-- try
-- Widget.diffInteractiveGoals useAfter ti goals
-- catch _ =>
-- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
-- return goals
-- )
return goals
return some <| ⟨goals.foldl (· ++ ·) #[]⟩
return none
(Option <| InteractiveGoals
(Option ProofState)
end GameServer