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import Lean
/-! This document contains various things which cluttered `Commands.lean`. -/
open Lean Meta Elab Command
syntax hintArg := atomic(" (" (&"strict" <|> &"hidden") " := " withoutPosition(term) ")")
/-! ## Doc Comment Parsing -/
/-- Read a doc comment and get its content. Return `""` if no doc comment available. -/
def parseDocComment! (doc: Option (TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.docComment)) :
CommandElabM String := do
match doc with
| none =>
logWarning "Add a text to this command with `/-- yada yada -/ MyCommand`!"
pure ""
| some s => match s.raw[1] with
| .atom _ val => pure <| val.dropRight 2 |>.trim -- some (val.extract 0 (val.endPos - ⟨2⟩))
| _ => pure "" --panic "not implemented error message" --throwErrorAt s "unexpected doc string{indentD s.raw[1]}"
/-- Read a doc comment and get its content. Return `none` if no doc comment available. -/
def parseDocComment (doc: Option (TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.docComment)) :
CommandElabM <| Option String := do
match doc with
| none => pure none
| some _ => parseDocComment! doc
/-- TODO: This is only used to provide some backwards compatibility and you can
replace `parseDocCommentLegacy` with `parseDocComment` in the future. -/
def parseDocCommentLegacy (doc: Option (TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.docComment))
(t : Option (TSyntax `str)) : CommandElabM <| String := do
match doc with
| none =>
match t with
| none =>
pure <| ← parseDocComment! doc
| some t =>
logWarningAt t "You should use the new Syntax:
/-- yada yada -/
instead of
YourCommand \"yada yada\"
pure t.getString
| some _ =>
match t with
| none =>
pure <| ← parseDocComment! doc
| some t =>
logErrorAt t "You must not provide both, a docstring and a string following the command!
Only use
/-- yada yada -/
and remove the string following it!"
pure <| ← parseDocComment! doc
/-! ## Statement string -/
def getStatement (name : Name) : CommandElabM MessageData := do
return ← addMessageContextPartial (.ofPPFormat { pp := fun
| some ctx => ctx.runMetaM <| PrettyPrinter.ppSignature name
| none => return "that's a bug." })
-- Note: We use `String` because we can't send `MessageData` as json, but
-- `MessageData` might be better for interactive highlighting.
/-- Get a string of the form `my_lemma (n : ) : n + n = 2 * n`.
Note: A statement like `theorem abc : ∀ x : Nat, x ≥ 0` would be turned into
`theorem abc (x : Nat) : x ≥ 0` by `PrettyPrinter.ppSignature`. -/
def getStatementString (name : Name) : CommandElabM String := do
return ← (← getStatement name).toString
| _ => throwError m!"Could not find {name} in context."
-- TODO: I think it would be nicer to unresolve Namespaces as much as possible.
/-- A `attr := ...` option for `Statement`. Add attributes to the defined theorem. -/
syntax statementAttr := "(" &"attr" ":=" Parser.Term.attrInstance,* ")"
/-- Remove any spaces at the beginning of a new line -/
partial def removeIndentation (s : String) : String :=
let rec loop (i : String.Pos) (acc : String) (removeSpaces := false) : String :=
let c := s.get i
let i := i
if s.atEnd i then
acc.push c
else if removeSpaces && c == ' ' then
loop i acc (removeSpaces := true)
else if c == '\n' then
loop i (acc.push c) (removeSpaces := true)
loop i (acc.push c)
loop ⟨0⟩ ""
/-! ## Loops in Graph-like construct
TODO: Why are we not using graphs here but our own construct `HashMap Name (HashSet Name)`?
partial def removeTransitiveAux (id : Name) (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name))
(newArrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) (decendants : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) :
HashMap Name (HashSet Name) × HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := do
match (newArrows.find? id, decendants.find? id) with
| (some _, some _) => return (newArrows, decendants)
| _ =>
let mut newArr := newArrows
let mut desc := decendants
desc := desc.insert id {} -- mark as worked in case of loops
newArr := newArr.insert id {} -- mark as worked in case of loops
let children := arrows.findD id {}
let mut trimmedChildren := children
let mut theseDescs := children
for child in children do
(newArr, desc) := removeTransitiveAux child arrows newArr desc
let childDescs := desc.findD child {}
theseDescs := theseDescs.insertMany childDescs
for d in childDescs do
trimmedChildren := trimmedChildren.erase d
desc := desc.insert id theseDescs
newArr := newArr.insert id trimmedChildren
return (newArr, desc)
def removeTransitive (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) : CommandElabM (HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) := do
let mut newArr := {}
let mut desc := {}
for id in Prod.fst do
(newArr, desc) := removeTransitiveAux id arrows newArr desc
if (desc.findD id {}).contains id then
logError <| m!"Loop at {id}. " ++
m!"This should not happen and probably means that `findLoops` has a bug."
-- for ⟨x, hx⟩ in desc.toList do
-- m := m ++ m!"{x}: {hx.toList}\n"
-- logError m
return newArr
/-- The recursive part of `findLoops`. Finds loops that appear as successors of `node`.
For performance reason it returns a HashSet of visited
nodes as well. This is filled with all nodes ever looked at as they cannot be
part of a loop anymore. -/
partial def findLoopsAux (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) (node : Name)
(path : Array Name := #[]) (visited : HashSet Name := {}) :
Array Name × HashSet Name := do
let mut visited := visited
match path.getIdx? node with
| some i =>
-- Found a loop: `node` is already the iᵗʰ element of the path
return (path.extract i path.size, visited.insert node)
| none =>
for successor in arrows.findD node {} do
-- If we already visited the successor, it cannot be part of a loop anymore
if visited.contains successor then
-- Find any loop involving `successor`
let (loop, _) := findLoopsAux arrows successor (path.push node) visited
visited := visited.insert successor
-- No loop found in the dependants of `successor`
if loop.isEmpty then
-- Found a loop, return it
return (loop, visited)
return (#[], visited.insert node)
/-- Find a loop in the graph and return it. Returns `[]` if there are no loops. -/
partial def findLoops (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) : List Name := do
let mut visited : HashSet Name := {}
for node in (·.1) do
-- Skip a node if it was already visited
if visited.contains node then
-- `findLoopsAux` returns a loop or `[]` together with a set of nodes it visited on its
-- search starting from `node`
let (loop, moreVisited) := (findLoopsAux arrows node (visited := visited))
visited := moreVisited
if !loop.isEmpty then
return loop.toList
return []