import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
import NNG.Levels.Addition.Level_2
Game "NNG"
World "Addition"
Level 3
Title "succ_add"
open MyNat
namespace AdditionWorld
theorem add_assoc (a b c : ℕ) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) := by
induction c with c hc
· rw [add_zero]
rw [add_zero]
· rw [add_succ]
rw [add_succ]
rw [add_succ]
rw [hc]
Oh no! On the way to `add_comm`, a wild `succ_add` appears. `succ_add`
is the proof that `succ(a) + b = succ(a + b)` for `a` and `b` in your
natural number type. We need to prove this now, because we will need
to use this result in our proof that `a + b = b + a` in the next level.
NB: think about why computer scientists called this result `succ_add` .
There is a logic to all the names.
Note that if you want to be more precise about exactly where you want
to rewrite something like `add_succ` (the proof you already have),
you can do things like `rw [add_succ (succ a)]` or
`rw [add_succ (succ a) d]`, telling Lean explicitly what to use for
the input variables for the function `add_succ`. Indeed, `add_succ`
is a function: it takes as input two variables `a` and `b` and outputs a proof
that `a + succ(b) = succ(a + b)`. The tactic `rw [add_succ]` just says to Lean \"guess
what the variables are\".
Statement succ_add
"For all natural numbers $a, b$, we have
$ \\operatorname{succ}(a) + b = \\operatorname{succ}(a + b)$."
(a b : ℕ) : succ a + b = succ (a + b) := by
Hint (hidden := true) "You might again want to start by induction
on the right-most variable."
induction a
Hint "Induction on `a` will not work."
induction b with d hd
· rw [add_zero]
rw [add_zero]
· rw [add_succ]
rw [hd]
rw [add_succ]
NewLemma MyNat.add_assoc