import Mathlib
lemma not_odd {n : ℕ} : ¬ Odd n ↔ Even n := by
lemma not_even {n : ℕ} : ¬ Even n ↔ Odd n := by
lemma even_square (n : ℕ) : Even n → Even (n ^ 2) := by
intro ⟨x, hx⟩
unfold Even at *
use 2 * x ^ 2
rw [hx]
section powerset
open Set
namespace Finset
theorem powerset_singleton {U : Type _} [DecidableEq U] (x : U) :
Finset.powerset {x} = {∅, {x}} := by
ext y
rw [mem_powerset, subset_singleton_iff, mem_insert, mem_singleton]
end Finset
/- The powerset of a singleton contains only `∅` and the singleton. -/
theorem powerset_singleton {U : Type _} (x : U) :
𝒫 ({x} : Set U) = {∅, {x}} := by
ext y
rw [mem_powerset_iff, subset_singleton_iff_eq, mem_insert_iff, mem_singleton_iff]
theorem subset_insert_iff_of_not_mem {U : Type _ } {s t : Set U} {a : U} (h : a ∉ s)
: s ⊆ insert a t ↔ s ⊆ t := by
· intro g y hy
specialize g hy
rw [mem_insert_iff] at g
rcases g with g | g
· rw [g] at hy
· assumption
· intro g y hy
specialize g hy
exact mem_insert_of_mem _ g
theorem subset_insert_iff_of_not_mem' {U : Type _ } {s t : Set U} {a : U} (h : a ∉ s)
(g : s ⊆ t) : s ⊆ insert a t := by
intro y hy
specialize g hy
exact mem_insert_of_mem _ g
lemma mem_powerset_insert_iff {U : Type _} (A S : Set U) (x : U) :
S ∈ 𝒫 (insert x A) ↔ S ∈ 𝒫 A ∨ ∃ B ∈ 𝒫 A , insert x B = S := by
simp_rw [mem_powerset_iff]
· intro h
by_cases hs : x ∈ S
· right
use S \ {x}
rw [insert_diff_singleton, insert_eq_of_mem hs, diff_singleton_subset_iff]
exact ⟨h, rfl⟩
· left
exact (subset_insert_iff_of_not_mem hs).mp h
· intro h
rcases h with h | ⟨B, h₁, h₂⟩
· exact le_trans h (subset_insert x A)
· rw [←h₂]
exact insert_subset_insert h₁
lemma mem_powerset_insert_iff' {U : Type _} (A S : Set U) (x : U) :
S ∈ 𝒫 (insert x A) ↔ S \ {x} ∈ 𝒫 A := by
rw [mem_powerset_iff, mem_powerset_iff, diff_singleton_subset_iff]
lemma powerset_insert {U : Type _} (A : Set U) (x : U) :
𝒫 (insert x A) = A.powerset ∪ A.powerset.image (insert x) := by
ext y
rw [mem_powerset_insert_iff, mem_union, mem_image]
end powerset