/- Inspired by `Lean/Data/Lsp/Communication.lean` -/
import Lean.Data.JsonRpc
/-! Reading/writing Game Server Protocol messages from/to IO handles. -/
namespace IO.FS.Stream
open Lean
open Lean.JsonRpc
def readJsonLine (h : FS.Stream) : IO Json := do
let s ← h.getLine
ofExcept (Json.parse s)
def readGspMessage (h : FS.Stream) : IO Message := do
let j ← h.readJsonLine
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok m => pure m
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"JSON '{j.compress}' did not have the format of a JSON-RPC message.\n{inner}"
def readGspRequestAs (h : FS.Stream) (expectedMethod : String) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Request α) := do
let m ← h.readGspMessage
match m with
| Message.request id method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨id, expectedMethod, v⟩
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC request, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
def readGspNotificationAs
(h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) (expectedMethod : String) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Notification α) := do
let m ← h.readMessage nBytes
match m with
| Message.notification method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨expectedMethod, v⟩
| Except.error inner =>
throw $
userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC notification, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
def readGspResponseAs
(h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) (expectedID : RequestID) (α) [FromJson α]
: IO (Response α) := do
let m ← h.readMessage nBytes
match m with
| Message.response id result =>
if id == expectedID then
match fromJson? result with
| Except.ok v => pure ⟨expectedID, v⟩
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"Unexpected result '{result.compress}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected id {expectedID}, got id {id}"
| Message.notification .. => readResponseAs h nBytes expectedID α
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC response, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
variable [ToJson α]
def writeGspMessage (h : FS.Stream) (m : Message) : IO Unit := do
h.putStr ((toJson m).compress ++ "\n")
def writeGspRequest (h : FS.Stream) (r : Request α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage r
def writeGspNotification (h : FS.Stream) (n : Notification α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage n
def writeGspResponse (h : FS.Stream) (r : Response α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage r
def writeGspResponseError (h : FS.Stream) (e : ResponseError Unit) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage (Message.responseError e.id e.code e.message none)
def writeGspResponseErrorWithData (h : FS.Stream) (e : ResponseError α) : IO Unit :=
h.writeGspMessage e
end IO.FS.Stream