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This is the Lean 4 game server. It offers a way to interact with Lean 4 which
is completely distinct from running the command-line lean or the language server protocol.
It is based on lean-gym by Daniel Selsam.
import Lean.Data.Json.Basic
import GameServer.Utils
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
import GameServer.Communication
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Std
/-- Convert format to string without line breaks -/
def Std.Format.oneline : Format → String
| .nil => ""
| .line => ""
| .text s => s
| .nest _ f => f.oneline
| .append f g => f.oneline ++ g.oneline
| .group f _ => f.oneline
| .tag _ f => f.oneline
/-- Convert JSON to string without line breaks -/
instance instToStringJsonOneLine : ToString Json := ⟨fun o => o.render.oneline⟩
attribute [-instance] Lean.Json.instToStringJson
/-! ## GameGoal -/
structure GameGoal where
objects : List LocalDecl
assumptions : List LocalDecl
goal : String
mvarid : MVarId
def Lean.MVarId.toGameGoal (goal : MVarId) : MetaM GameGoal := do
match (← getMCtx).findDecl? goal with
| none => throwError "unknown goal"
| some mvarDecl => do
-- toGameGoalAux below will sort local declarations from the context of goal into data and assumptions,
-- discarding auxilliary declarations
let rec toGameGoalAux : List (Option LocalDecl) → MetaM (List LocalDecl × List LocalDecl)
| (some decl)::t => withLCtx mvarDecl.lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do
let (o, a) ← toGameGoalAux t
if decl.isAuxDecl then
return (o, a)
if (← inferType decl.type).isProp then
return (o, decl::a)
return (decl::o, a)
| none:: t => toGameGoalAux t
| [] => return ([], [])
withLCtx mvarDecl.lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do
let (objects, assumptions) ← toGameGoalAux mvarDecl.lctx.decls.toList
return {objects := objects, assumptions := assumptions, goal := toString (← Meta.ppExpr mvarDecl.type),
mvarid := goal }
def GameGoal.toJson (gameGoal : GameGoal) : MetaM Json :=
gameGoal.mvarid.withContext do
return Json.mkObj [("objects", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← gameGoal.objects.mapM Lean.LocalDecl.toJson)),
("assumptions", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← gameGoal.assumptions.mapM Lean.LocalDecl.toJson)),
("goal", gameGoal.goal)]
/-! ## Action -/
inductive Action where
| info : Action
| loadLevel : Nat → Action
| runTactic : String → Action
| undo : Action
| restartGame : Action
| restartLevel : Action
| quit : Action
| next : Action
| prev : Action
| invalid : String → Action -- Used for broken Json parsing
deriving ToJson, FromJson, Repr
def Action.parse (s : String) : Action :=
let e : Except String Action :=
return ← fromJson? (← Json.parse s)
catch _ => return Action.invalid s
match e with
| Except.ok a => a
| _ =>
def Action.get : IO Action :=
return Action.parse (← (← IO.getStdin).getLine)
/-! ## LevelInfo -/
structure LevelInfo extends GameLevel where
goals : List GameGoal := []
errors : Array String := #[]
message : String := ""
def LevelInfo.toJson (info : LevelInfo) : MetaM Json :=
return Json.mkObj [("index", Lean.ToJson.toJson info.index),
("title", Lean.ToJson.toJson info.title),
("tactics", Lean.ToJson.toJson info.tactics),
("lemmas", Lean.ToJson.toJson info.lemmas),
("errors", Lean.ToJson.toJson info.errors),
("goals", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← info.goals.mapM (·.toJson))),
("message", info.message)]
namespace Server
/-! ## LevelM and Response -/
structure SavedState where
tacticState : Tactic.SavedState
message : String := ""
abbrev LevelM := ReaderT GameLevel StateRefT (Array SavedState) TermElabM
/-- Returns the most recent SavedState. -/
def getState : LevelM SavedState := do
let some state := (← get).back? | throwError "Couldn't find tactic state"
return state
structure Response : Type where
goals : List GameGoal := []
errors : Array String := #[]
message : String := ""
def Response.toJson (resp : Response) : MetaM Json :=
return Json.mkObj [("errors", Lean.ToJson.toJson resp.errors),
("goals", Lean.ToJson.toJson (← resp.goals.mapM (·.toJson))),
("message", resp.message)]
/-! ## Main running functions -/
/-- Dummy `Core.Context` value to be fed to `Lean.Core.CoreM.toIO` -/
def coreCtx : Core.Context := {
currNamespace := Name.anonymous,
openDecls := [],
fileName := "<Game>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] } }
structure RunTacticParams where
tactic : String
deriving FromJson
structure LoadLevelParams where
number : Nat
deriving FromJson
partial def runLevel (requestId : JsonRpc.RequestID) (env : Environment) (GameName : Name) (levels : HashMap Nat GameLevel) (idx : Nat) : IO Unit := do
let levelName : Name := s!"Level{toString idx}"
let termElabM : TermElabM Unit := do
let some lvl := levels.find? idx | throwError s!"Cannot find level {idx}"
let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar (some lvl.goal) (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic)
let (_, mvar) ← mvar.mvarId!.introNP lvl.intro_nb
mvar.withContext do
let state := #[{tacticState := { term := ← Term.saveState, tactic := { goals := [mvar] }}}]
let levelM : LevelM Unit := do
let resp := {← mkResponse with message := lvl.introduction}
let levelInfo : LevelInfo :=
{ index := lvl.index,
title := lvl.title,
tactics := lvl.tactics,
lemmas := lvl.lemmas,
errors := resp.errors,
goals := resp.goals,
message := resp.message }
let hOut ← IO.getStdout
hOut.writeGspResponse ⟨requestId, ← levelInfo.toJson⟩
mainLoop lvl |>.run' state
let metaM : MetaM Unit :=' (ctx := {})
discard <|'.toIO coreCtx { env := env }
| .userError s => output s!"Could not run level {idx}: {s}"
| _ => output s!"Could not run level {idx}"
mkResponse (errors : Array String := #[]) : LevelM Response := do
let savedState ← getState
let goals := savedState.tacticState.tactic.goals
return { goals := (← liftM $ goals.mapM Lean.MVarId.toGameGoal), message := savedState.message, errors := errors }
/-- Try to parse the given String as a single line tactic invocation. Update the LevelM state only
if the tactic succeeds. Always return a Response object which contains information about the current
state with a message and errors if any. -/
runTactic (tacticString : String) : LevelM Response := do
let lvl ← read
let tacticNames := ( (·.name.toString)).toList
let tacName := (tacticString.trim.splitOn " ").headD ""
if not (tacticNames.contains tacName) then mkResponse #["Unrecognized tactic"] else
let savedState ← getState
match Parser.runParserCategory (← getEnv) `tactic tacticString "<stdin>" with
| Except.error err => mkResponse #[err]
| Except.ok stx => do
let mvarId : MVarId := savedState.tacticState.tactic.goals.head!
let unsolvedGoals ← mvarId do set savedState.tacticState.tactic
evalTactic stx
if (← getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
let messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages.getErrorMessages.toList.toArray
mkResponse (← ( fun md => md.toString)
let savedState : Tactic.SavedState := { term := (← Term.saveState), tactic := { goals := unsolvedGoals}}
let mut message := ""
match unsolvedGoals with
| goal::_ => do
let normalized_tgt ← normalizedRevertExpr goal
for msg in lvl.messages do
if ← isDefEq normalized_tgt msg.normalized_goal then
message := msg.message
| [] => pure ()
if unsolvedGoals matches [] then
message := (← read).conclusion
modify fun s => s.push {tacticState := savedState, message := message}
catch ex => mkResponse #[← ex.toMessageData.toString]
mainLoop : LevelM Unit := do
let hIn ← IO.getStdin
let hOut ← IO.getStdout
let hLog ← IO.getStderr
let m ← hIn.readGspMessage
match m with
| .request id "runTactic" params => do
match fromJson? (toJson (params)) with
| Except.ok (v : RunTacticParams) =>
let resp ← runTactic v.tactic
hOut.writeGspResponse ⟨id, ← resp.toJson⟩
| Except.error inner =>
hLog.putStr s!"Invalid params: {inner}"
| .request id "loadLevel" (some params) =>
match fromJson? (toJson (params)) with
| Except.ok (v : LoadLevelParams) =>
runLevel id env GameName levels v.number
| Except.error inner =>
hLog.putStr s!"Invalid params: {inner}"
| .request id "undo" _ => do
modify fun s => s.pop
hOut.writeGspResponse ⟨id, ← (← mkResponse).toJson⟩
| _ =>
hLog.putStr s!"Invalid action: {toJson m}"
open System Lean Std in
partial def runGame (GameName : Name) : IO Unit := do
let env ← importModules [{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := GameName : Import }] {} 0
let termElabM : TermElabM Unit := do
let levels := levelsExt.getState env
let game := {← gameExt.get with nb_levels := levels.size }
mainLoop env game levels
let metaM : MetaM Unit :=' (ctx := {})
discard <|'.toIO coreCtx { env := env }
mainLoop (env : Environment) (game : Game) (levels : HashMap Nat GameLevel): IO Unit := do
let hIn ← IO.getStdin
let hOut ← IO.getStdout
let hLog ← IO.getStderr
let m ← hIn.readGspMessage
match m with
| .request id "info" params =>
hOut.writeGspResponse ⟨id, game⟩
| .request id "loadLevel" (some params) =>
match fromJson? (toJson (params)) with
| Except.ok (v : LoadLevelParams) =>
runLevel id env GameName levels v.number
| Except.error inner =>
hLog.putStr s!"Invalid params: {inner}"
| .request id m _ =>
⟨id, JsonRpc.ErrorCode.methodNotFound, s!"Method not found: {m}", none⟩
| _ =>
hLog.putStr s!"Invalid action: {toJson m}"
mainLoop env game levels
end Server