import GameServer.EnvExtensions
open Lean Meta Elab Command
set_option autoImplicit false
/-- Let `MakeGame` print the reasons why the worlds depend on each other. -/
register_option lean4game.showDependencyReasons : Bool := {
defValue := false
descr := "show reasons for calculated world dependencies."
/-! # Game metadata -/
/-- Switch to the specified `Game` (and create it if non-existent). Example: `Game "NNG"` -/
elab "Game" n:str : command => do
let name := n.getString
setCurGameId name
if (← getGame? name).isNone then
insertGame name {name}
/-- Create a new world in the active game. Example: `World "Addition"` -/
elab "World" n:str : command => do
let name := n.getString
setCurWorldId name
if ¬ (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.contains name then
addWorld {name}
/-- Define the current level number. Levels inside a world must be
numbered consecutive starting with `1`. Example: `Level 1` -/
elab "Level" level:num : command => do
let level := level.getNat
setCurLevelIdx level
addLevel {index := level}
/-- Define the title of the current game/world/level. -/
elab "Title" t:str : command => do
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with title := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with title := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with title := t.getString}
/-- Define the introduction of the current game/world/level. -/
elab "Introduction" t:str : command => do
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with introduction := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with introduction := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with introduction := t.getString}
/-- Define the conclusion of the current game or current level if some
building a level. -/
elab "Conclusion" t:str : command => do
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with conclusion := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with conclusion := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with conclusion := t.getString}
/-! # Inventory
The inventory contains docs for tactics, lemmas, and definitions. These are all locked
in the first level and get enabled during the game.
/-! ## Doc entries -/
/-- Checks if `inventoryTemplateExt` contains an entry with `(type, name)` and yields
a warning otherwise. If `template` is provided, it will add such an entry instead of yielding a
`ref` is the syntax piece. If `name` is not provided, it will use `ident.getId`.
I used this workaround, because I needed a new name (with correct namespace etc)
to be used, and I don't know how to create a new ident with same position but different name.
def checkInventoryDoc (type : InventoryType) (ref : Ident) (name : Name := ref.getId)
(template : Option String := none) : CommandElabM Unit := do
-- note: `name` is an `Ident` (instead of `Name`) for the log messages.
let env ← getEnv
let n := name
-- Find a key with matching `(type, name)`.
match (inventoryTemplateExt.getState env).findIdx?
(fun x => x.name == n && x.type == type) with
-- Nothing to do if the entry exists
| some _ => pure ()
| none =>
match template with
-- Warn about missing documentation
| none =>
-- We just add a dummy entry
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
type := type
name := name
category := if type == .Lemma then s!"{n.getPrefix}" else "" })
logWarningAt ref (m!"Missing {type} Documentation: {name}\nAdd `{type}Doc {name}` " ++
m!"somewhere above this statement.")
-- Add the default documentation
| some s =>
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
type := type
name := name
category := if type == .Lemma then s!"{n.getPrefix}" else ""
content := s })
logInfoAt ref (m!"Missing {type} Documentation: {name}, used provided default (e.g. " ++
m!"statement description) instead. If you want to write your own description, add " ++
m!"`{type}Doc {name}` somewhere above this statement.")
/-- Documentation entry of a tactic. Example:
TacticDoc rw "`rw` stands for rewrite, etc. "
* The identifier is the tactics name. Some need to be escaped like `«have»`.
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
type := .Tactic
name := name.getId
displayName := name.getId.toString
content := content.getString })
/-- Documentation entry of a lemma. Example:
LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as "succ_pos" in "Nat" "says `0 < n.succ`, etc."
* The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Lemma`.
It is preferably the true name of the lemma. However, this is not required.
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The identifier after `in` is the category to group lemmas by (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
Use `[[mathlib_doc]]` in the string to insert a link to the mathlib doc page. This requries
The lemma/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
type := .Lemma
name := name.getId
category := category.getString
displayName := displayName.getString
content := content.getString })
-- TODO: Catch the following behaviour.
-- 1. if `LemmaDoc` appears in the same file as `Statement`, it will silently use
-- it but display the info that it wasn't found in `Statement`
-- 2. if it appears in a later file, however, it will silently not do anything and keep
-- the first one.
/-- Documentation entry of a definition. Example:
DefinitionDoc Function.Bijective as "Bijective" "defined as `Injective f ∧ Surjective`, etc."
* The first identifier is used in the commands `[New/Only/Disabled]Definition`.
It is preferably the true name of the definition. However, this is not required.
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
Use `[[mathlib_doc]]` in the string to insert a link to the mathlib doc page. This requries
The lemma/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
elab "DefinitionDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str template:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
type := .Definition
name := name.getId,
displayName := displayName.getString,
content := template.getString })
/-! ## Add inventory items -/
-- namespace Lean.PrettyPrinter
-- def ppSignature' (c : Name) : MetaM String := do
-- let decl ← getConstInfo c
-- let e := .const c (decl.levelParams.map mkLevelParam)
-- let (stx, _) ← delabCore e (delab := Delaborator.delabConstWithSignature)
-- let f ← ppTerm stx
-- return toString f
-- end Lean.PrettyPrinter
def getStatement (name : Name) : CommandElabM MessageData := do
-- let c := name.getId
let decl ← getConstInfo name
-- -- TODO: How to go between CommandElabM and MetaM
-- addCompletionInfo <| .id name c (danglingDot := false) {} none
return ← addMessageContextPartial (.ofPPFormat { pp := fun
| some ctx => ctx.runMetaM <| ppExpr decl.type
-- PrettyPrinter.ppSignature' c
-- PrettyPrinter.ppSignature c
| none => return "that's a bug." })
-- Note: We use `String` because we can't send `MessageData` as json, but
-- `MessageData` might be better for interactive highlighting.
/-- Get a string of the form `my_lemma (n : ℕ) : n + n = 2 * n`. -/
def getStatementString (name : Name) : CommandElabM String := do
return ← (← getStatement name).toString
| _ => throwError m!"Could not find {name} in context."
-- TODO: I think it would be nicer to unresolve Namespaces as much as possible.
/-- Declare tactics that are introduced by this level. -/
elab "NewTactic" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Tactic name -- TODO: Add (template := "[docstring]")
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
tactics := {level.tactics with new := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare lemmas that are introduced by this level. -/
elab "NewLemma" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do
checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name -- TODO: Add (template := "[mathlib]")
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with new := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare definitions that are introduced by this level. -/
elab "NewDefinition" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Definition name -- TODO: Add (template := "[mathlib]")
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
definitions := {level.definitions with new := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare tactics that are temporarily disabled in this level.
This is ignored if `OnlyTactic` is set. -/
elab "DisabledTactic" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Tactic name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
tactics := {level.tactics with disabled := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare lemmas that are temporarily disabled in this level.
This is ignored if `OnlyLemma` is set. -/
elab "DisabledLemma" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with disabled := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Declare definitions that are temporarily disabled in this level -/
elab "DisabledDefinition" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Definition name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
definitions := {level.definitions with disabled := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Temporarily disable all tactics except the ones declared here -/
elab "OnlyTactic" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Tactic name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
tactics := {level.tactics with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Temporarily disable all lemmas except the ones declared here -/
elab "OnlyLemma" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
lemmas := {level.lemmas with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Temporarily disable all definitions except the ones declared here.
This is ignored if `OnlyDefinition` is set. -/
elab "OnlyDefinition" args:ident* : command => do
for name in ↑args do checkInventoryDoc .Definition name
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
definitions := {level.definitions with only := args.map (·.getId)}}
/-- Define which tab of Lemmas is opened by default. Usage: `LemmaTab "Nat"`.
If omitted, the current tab will remain open. -/
elab "LemmaTab" category:str : command =>
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmaTab := category.getString}
/-! # Exercise Statement -/
/-- A `attr := ...` option for `Statement`. Add attributes to the defined theorem. -/
syntax statementAttr := "(" &"attr" ":=" Parser.Term.attrInstance,* ")"
-- TODO: Reuse the following code for checking available tactics in user code:
structure UsedInventory where
(tactics : HashSet Name := {})
(definitions : HashSet Name := {})
(lemmas : HashSet Name := {})
partial def collectUsedInventory (stx : Syntax) (acc : UsedInventory := {}) : CommandElabM UsedInventory := do
match stx with
| .missing => return acc
| .node info kind args =>
if kind == `tacticHint__ || kind == `tacticBranch_ then return acc
return ← args.foldlM (fun acc arg => collectUsedInventory arg acc) acc
| .atom info val =>
-- ignore syntax elements that do not start with a letter
-- and ignore some standard keywords
let allowed := ["with", "fun", "at", "only", "by"]
if 0 < val.length ∧ val.data[0]!.isAlpha ∧ not (allowed.contains val) then
let val := val.dropRightWhile (fun c => c == '!' || c == '?') -- treat `simp?` and `simp!` like `simp`
return {acc with tactics := acc.tactics.insert val}
return acc
| .ident info rawVal val preresolved =>
let ns ←
try resolveGlobalConst (mkIdent val)
catch | _ => pure [] -- catch "unknown constant" error
return ← ns.foldlM (fun acc n => do
if let some (.thmInfo ..) := (← getEnv).find? n then
return {acc with lemmas := acc.lemmas.insertMany ns}
return {acc with definitions := acc.definitions.insertMany ns}
) acc
/-- Define the statement of the current level. -/
elab attrs:Lean.Parser.Term.attributes ? "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str ? sig:declSig val:declVal : command => do
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
let descr := match descr with
| none => none
| some s => s.getString
-- Save the messages before evaluation of the proof.
let initMsgs ← modifyGet fun st => (st.messages, { st with messages := {} })
-- The default name of the statement is `[Game].[World].level[no.]`, e.g. `NNG.Addition.level1`
-- However, this should not be used when designing the game.
let defaultDeclName : Ident := mkIdent <| (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++
("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String)
-- Collect all used tactics/lemmas in the sample proof:
let usedInventory ← match val with
| `(Parser.Command.declVal| := $proof:term) => do
collectUsedInventory proof
| _ => throwError "expected `:=`"
-- Add theorem to context.
match statementName with
| some name =>
let env ← getEnv
let fullName := (← getCurrNamespace) ++ name.getId
if env.contains fullName then
let origType := (env.constants.map₁.find! fullName).type
-- TODO: Check if `origType` agrees with `sig` and output `logInfo` instead of `logWarning`
-- in that case.
logWarningAt name (m!"Environment already contains {fullName}! Only the existing " ++
m!"statement will be available in later levels:\n\n{origType}")
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $defaultDeclName $sig $val)
elabCommand thmStatement
-- Check that statement has a docs entry.
checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name (name := fullName) (template := descr)
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $name $sig $val)
elabCommand thmStatement
-- Check that statement has a docs entry.
checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name (name := fullName) (template := descr)
| none =>
let thmStatement ← `(command| $[$attrs:attributes]? theorem $defaultDeclName $sig $val)
elabCommand thmStatement
let msgs := (← get).messages
let mut hints := #[]
let mut nonHintMsgs := #[]
for msg in msgs.msgs do
-- Look for messages produced by the `Hint` tactic. They are used to pass information about the
-- intermediate goal state
if let MessageData.withNamingContext _ $ MessageData.withContext ctx $
.tagged `Hint $
.nest strict $
.nest hidden $
.compose (.ofGoal text) (.ofGoal goal) := msg.data then
let hint ← liftTermElabM $ withMCtx ctx.mctx $ withLCtx ctx.lctx #[] $ withEnv ctx.env do
return {
goal := ← abstractCtx goal
text := ← instantiateMVars (mkMVar text)
strict := strict == 1
hidden := hidden == 1
hints := hints.push hint
nonHintMsgs := nonHintMsgs.push msg
-- restore saved messages and non-hint messages
modify fun st => { st with
messages := initMsgs ++ ⟨nonHintMsgs.toPArray'⟩
let scope ← getScope
let env ← getEnv
-- TODO: Is this desired or would it be better to get `elabCommand` above to ignore
-- the namespace?
let currNamespace ← getCurrNamespace
let st ← match statementName with
| some name => getStatementString <| currNamespace ++ name.getId
| none => getStatementString <| currNamespace ++ (defaultDeclName).getId
let head := match statementName with
| some name => Format.join ["theorem ", (currNamespace ++ name.getId).toString]
| none => "example"
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure { level with
module := env.header.mainModule
goal := sig,
scope := scope,
descrText := descr
statementName := match statementName with
| none => default
| some name => currNamespace ++ name.getId
descrFormat := (Format.join [head, " ", st, " := by"]).pretty 10
hints := hints
tactics := {level.tactics with used := usedInventory.tactics.toArray}
definitions := {level.definitions with used := usedInventory.definitions.toArray}
lemmas := {level.lemmas with used := usedInventory.lemmas.toArray} }
/-! # Hints -/
syntax hintArg := atomic(" (" (&"strict" <|> &"hidden") " := " withoutPosition(term) ")")
/-- Remove any spaces at the beginning of a new line -/
partial def removeIndentation (s : String) : String :=
let rec loop (i : String.Pos) (acc : String) (removeSpaces := false) : String :=
let c := s.get i
let i := s.next i
if s.atEnd i then
acc.push c
else if removeSpaces && c == ' ' then
loop i acc (removeSpaces := true)
else if c == '\n' then
loop i (acc.push c) (removeSpaces := true)
loop i (acc.push c)
loop ⟨0⟩ ""
/-- A tactic that can be used inside `Statement`s to indicate in which proof states players should
see hints. The tactic does not affect the goal state.
elab "Hint" args:hintArg* msg:interpolatedStr(term) : tactic => do
let mut strict := false
let mut hidden := false
-- remove spaces at the beginngng of new lines
let msg := TSyntax.mk $ msg.raw.setArgs $ ← msg.raw.getArgs.mapM fun m => do
match m with
| Syntax.node info k args =>
if k == interpolatedStrLitKind && args.size == 1 then
match args.get! 0 with
| (Syntax.atom info' val) =>
let val := removeIndentation val
return Syntax.node info k #[Syntax.atom info' val]
| _ => return m
return m
| _ => return m
for arg in args do
match arg with
| `(hintArg| (strict := true)) => strict := true
| `(hintArg| (strict := false)) => strict := false
| `(hintArg| (hidden := true)) => hidden := true
| `(hintArg| (hidden := false)) => hidden := false
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
let goal ← Tactic.getMainGoal
goal.withContext do
-- We construct an expression that can produce the hint text. The difficulty is that we
-- want the text to possibly contain quotation of the local variables which might have been
-- named differently by the player.
let varsName := `vars
let text ← withLocalDeclD varsName (mkApp (mkConst ``Array [levelZero]) (mkConst ``Expr)) fun vars => do
let mut text ← `(m! $msg)
let goalDecl ← goal.getDecl
let decls := goalDecl.lctx.decls.toArray.filterMap id
for i in [:decls.size] do
text ← `(let $(mkIdent decls[i]!.userName) := $(mkIdent varsName)[$(quote i)]!; $text)
return ← mkLambdaFVars #[vars] $ ← Term.elabTermAndSynthesize text none
let textmvar ← mkFreshExprMVar none
guard $ ← isDefEq textmvar text -- Store the text in a mvar.
-- The information about the hint is logged as a message using `logInfo` to transfer it to the
-- `Statement` command:
logInfo $
.tagged `Hint $
.nest (if strict then 1 else 0) $
.nest (if hidden then 1 else 0) $
.compose (.ofGoal textmvar.mvarId!) (.ofGoal goal)
/-- This tactic allows us to execute an alternative sequence of tactics, but without affecting the
proof state. We use it to define Hints for alternative proof methods or dead ends. -/
elab "Branch" t:tacticSeq : tactic => do
let b ← saveState
Tactic.evalTactic t
-- Show an info whether the branch proofs all remaining goals.
let gs ← Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals
if gs.isEmpty then
logInfo "This branch finishes the proof."
logInfo "This branch leaves open goals."
let msgs ← Core.getMessageLog
Core.setMessageLog msgs
/-- The tactic block inside `Template` will be copied into the users editor.
Use `Hole` inside the template for a part of the proof that should be replaced
with `sorry`. -/
elab "Template" t:tacticSeq : tactic => do
--let b ← saveState
Tactic.evalTactic t
-- -- Not correct
-- let gs ← Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals
-- if ¬ gs.isEmpty then
-- logWarning "To work as intended, `Template` should contain the entire proof"
-- -- Show an info whether the branch proofs all remaining goals.
-- let gs ← Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals
-- if gs.isEmpty then
-- logInfo "This branch finishes the proof."
-- else
-- logInfo "This branch leaves open goals."
-- let msgs ← Core.getMessageLog
-- b.restore
-- Core.setMessageLog msgs
/-- A hole inside a template proof that will be replaced by `sorry`. -/
elab "Hole" t:tacticSeq : tactic => do
Tactic.evalTactic t
-- TODO: Notes for testing if a declaration has the simp attribute
-- -- Test: From zulip
-- section test
-- open Lean Meta Elab Command Tactic Simp
-- def Lean.Meta.SimpTheorems.hasAttribute (d : SimpTheorems) (decl : Name) :=
-- d.isLemma (.decl decl) || d.isDeclToUnfold decl
-- def isInSimpset (simpAttr decl: Name) : CoreM Bool := do
-- let .some simpDecl ←getSimpExtension? simpAttr | return false
-- return (← simpDecl.getTheorems).hasAttribute decl
-- end test
/-! # Make Game -/
def GameLevel.getInventory (level : GameLevel) : InventoryType → InventoryInfo
| .Tactic => level.tactics
| .Definition => level.definitions
| .Lemma => level.lemmas
def GameLevel.setComputedInventory (level : GameLevel) :
InventoryType → Array InventoryTile → GameLevel
| .Tactic, v => {level with tactics := {level.tactics with tiles := v}}
| .Definition, v => {level with definitions := {level.definitions with tiles := v}}
| .Lemma, v => {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with tiles := v}}
/-- Copied from `Mathlib.Tactic.HelpCmd`.
Gets the initial string token in a parser description. For example, for a declaration like
`syntax "bla" "baz" term : tactic`, it returns `some "bla"`. Returns `none` for syntax declarations
that don't start with a string constant. -/
partial def getHeadTk (e : Expr) : Option String :=
match (Expr.withApp e λ e a => (e.constName?.getD Name.anonymous, a)) with
| (``ParserDescr.node, #[_, _, p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.unary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "withPosition")), p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.unary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "atomic")), p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.binary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "andthen")), p, _]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk), _]) => some tk
| (``ParserDescr.symbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk)]) => some tk
| (``Parser.withAntiquot, #[_, p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``Parser.leadingNode, #[_, _, p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``HAndThen.hAndThen, #[_, _, _, _, p, _]) => getHeadTk p
| (``Parser.nonReservedSymbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk), _]) => some tk
| (``Parser.symbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk)]) => some tk
| _ => none
/-- Modified from `#help` in `Mathlib.Tactic.HelpCmd` -/
def getTacticDocstring (env : Environment) (name: Name) : CommandElabM (Option String) := do
let name := name.toString (escape := false)
let mut decls : Lean.RBMap String (Array SyntaxNodeKind) compare := {}
let catName : Name := `tactic
let catStx : Ident := mkIdent catName -- TODO
let some cat := (Parser.parserExtension.getState env).categories.find? catName
| throwErrorAt catStx "{catStx} is not a syntax category"
liftTermElabM <| Term.addCategoryInfo catStx catName
for (k, _) in cat.kinds do
let mut used := false
if let some tk := do getHeadTk (← (← env.find? k).value?) then
let tk := tk.trim
if name ≠ tk then -- was `!name.isPrefixOf tk`
used := true
decls := decls.insert tk ((decls.findD tk #[]).push k)
for (_name, ks) in decls do
for k in ks do
if let some doc ← findDocString? env k then
return doc
logWarning <| m!"Could not find a docstring for tactic {name}, consider adding one " ++
m!"using `TacticDoc {name} \"some doc\"`"
return none
/-- Retrieve the docstring associated to an inventory item. For Tactics, this
is not guaranteed to work. -/
def getDocstring (env : Environment) (name : Name) (type : InventoryType) :
CommandElabM (Option String) :=
match type with
-- for tactics it's a lookup following mathlib's `#help`. not guaranteed to be the correct one.
| .Tactic => getTacticDocstring env name
| .Lemma => findDocString? env name
-- TODO: for definitions not implemented yet, does it work?
| .Definition => findDocString? env name
partial def removeTransitiveAux (id : Name) (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name))
(newArrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) (decendants : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) :
HashMap Name (HashSet Name) × HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := Id.run do
match (newArrows.find? id, decendants.find? id) with
| (some _, some _) => return (newArrows, decendants)
| _ =>
let mut newArr := newArrows
let mut desc := decendants
desc := desc.insert id {} -- mark as worked in case of loops
newArr := newArr.insert id {} -- mark as worked in case of loops
let children := arrows.find! id
let mut trimmedChildren := children
let mut theseDescs := children
for child in children do
(newArr, desc) := removeTransitiveAux child arrows newArr desc
let childDescs := desc.find! child
theseDescs := theseDescs.insertMany childDescs
for d in childDescs do
trimmedChildren := trimmedChildren.erase d
desc := desc.insert id theseDescs
newArr := newArr.insert id trimmedChildren
return (newArr, desc)
def removeTransitive (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) : CommandElabM (HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) := do
let mut newArr := {}
let mut desc := {}
for id in arrows.toArray.map Prod.fst do
(newArr, desc) := removeTransitiveAux id arrows newArr desc
if (desc.find! id).contains id then
logError <| m!"Loop at {id}. " ++
m!"This should not happen and probably means that `findLoops` has a bug."
-- for ⟨x, hx⟩ in desc.toList do
-- m := m ++ m!"{x}: {hx.toList}\n"
-- logError m
return newArr
/-- The recursive part of `findLoops`. Finds loops that appear as successors of `node`.
For performance reason it returns a HashSet of visited
nodes as well. This is filled with all nodes ever looked at as they cannot be
part of a loop anymore. -/
partial def findLoopsAux (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) (node : Name)
(path : Array Name := #[]) (visited : HashSet Name := {}) :
Array Name × HashSet Name := Id.run do
let mut visited := visited
match path.getIdx? node with
| some i =>
-- Found a loop: `node` is already the iᵗʰ element of the path
return (path.extract i path.size, visited.insert node)
| none =>
for successor in arrows.findD node {} do
-- If we already visited the successor, it cannot be part of a loop anymore
if visited.contains successor then
-- Find any loop involving `successor`
let (loop, _) := findLoopsAux arrows successor (path.push node) visited
visited := visited.insert successor
-- No loop found in the dependants of `successor`
if loop.isEmpty then
-- Found a loop, return it
return (loop, visited)
return (#[], visited.insert node)
/-- Find a loop in the graph and return it. Returns `[]` if there are no loops. -/
partial def findLoops (arrows : HashMap Name (HashSet Name)) : List Name := Id.run do
let mut visited : HashSet Name := {}
for node in arrows.toArray.map (·.1) do
-- Skip a node if it was already visited
if visited.contains node then
-- `findLoopsAux` returns a loop or `[]` together with a set of nodes it visited on its
-- search starting from `node`
let (loop, moreVisited) := (findLoopsAux arrows node (visited := visited))
visited := moreVisited
if !loop.isEmpty then
return loop.toList
return []
/-- The worlds of a game are joint by dependencies. These are
automatically computed but can also be defined with the syntax
`Dependency World₁ → World₂ → World₃`. -/
def Parser.dependency := Parser.sepBy1Indent Parser.ident "→"
/-- Manually add a dependency between two worlds.
Normally, the dependencies are computed automatically by the
tactics & lemmas used in the example
proof and the ones introduced by `NewLemma`/`NewTactic`.
Use the command `Dependency World₁ → World₂` to add a manual edge to the graph,
for example if the only dependency between the worlds is given by
the narrative. -/
elab "Dependency" s:Parser.dependency : command => do
let mut last : Option Name := none
for stx in s.raw.getArgs.getEvenElems do
let some l := last
| do
last := some stx.getId
modifyCurGame fun game =>
pure {game with worlds := {game.worlds with edges := game.worlds.edges.push (l, stx.getId)}}
last := some stx.getId
/-- Build the game. This command will precompute various things about the game, such as which
tactics are available in each level etc. -/
elab "MakeGame" : command => do
let game ← getCurGame
let env ← getEnv
-- Now create The doc entries from the templates
for item in inventoryTemplateExt.getState env do
let name := item.name
let docstring ← getDocstring env name item.type
let content : String := match item.content with
| "" =>
-- If documentation is missing, try using the docstring instead.
match docstring with
| some ds => s!"*(lean docstring)*\\\n{ds}"
| none => "(missing)"
| template =>
-- TODO: Process content template.
-- TODO: Add information about inventory items
template.replace "[[mathlib_doc]]"
s!"[mathlib doc](https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/find/?pattern={name}#doc)"
match item.type with
| .Lemma =>
modifyEnv (inventoryExt.addEntry · { item with
content := content
-- Add the lemma statement to the doc
statement := (← getStatementString name)
| _ =>
modifyEnv (inventoryExt.addEntry · { item with
content := content
-- For each `worldId` this contains a set of items used in this world
let mut usedItemsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
-- For each `worldId` this contains a set of items newly defined in this world
let mut newItemsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
-- Calculate which "items" are used/new in which world
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut usedItems : HashSet Name := {}
let mut newItems : HashSet Name := {}
for inventoryType in #[.Tactic, .Definition, .Lemma] do
for (levelId, level) in world.levels.toArray do
usedItems := usedItems.insertMany (level.getInventory inventoryType).used
newItems := newItems.insertMany (level.getInventory inventoryType).new
-- if the previous level was named, we need to add it as a new lemma
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
match levelId with
| 0 => pure ()
| 1 => pure () -- level ids start with 1, so we need to skip 1, too
| i₀ + 1 =>
match (world.levels.find! (i₀)).statementName with
| .anonymous => pure ()
| .num _ _ => panic "Did not expect to get a numerical statement name!"
| .str pre s =>
let name := Name.str pre s
newItems := newItems.insert name
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
-- if the last level was named, we need to add it as a new lemma
let i₀ := world.levels.size
match (world.levels.find! (i₀)).statementName with
| .anonymous => pure ()
| .num _ _ => panic "Did not expect to get a numerical statement name!"
| .str pre s =>
let name := Name.str pre s
newItems := newItems.insert name
usedItemsInWorld := usedItemsInWorld.insert worldId usedItems
newItemsInWorld := newItemsInWorld.insert worldId newItems
-- DEBUG: print new/used items
-- logInfo m!"{worldId} uses: {usedItems.toList}"
-- logInfo m!"{worldId} introduces: {newItems.toList}"
/- for each "item" this is a HashSet of `worldId`s that introduce this item -/
let mut worldsWithNewItem : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
for newItem in newItemsInWorld.find! worldId do
worldsWithNewItem := worldsWithNewItem.insert newItem $
(worldsWithNewItem.findD newItem {}).insert worldId
-- For each `worldId` this is a HashSet of `worldId`s that this world depends on.
let mut worldDependsOnWorlds : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
-- For a pair of `worldId`s `(id₁, id₂)` this is a HasSet of "items" why `id₁` depends on `id₂`.
let mut dependencyReasons : HashMap (Name × Name) (HashSet Name) := {}
-- Calculate world dependency graph `game.worlds`
for (dependentWorldId, _dependentWorld) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut dependsOnWorlds : HashSet Name := {}
-- Adding manual dependencies that were specified via the `Dependency` command.
for (sourceId, targetId) in game.worlds.edges do
if targetId = dependentWorldId then
dependsOnWorlds := dependsOnWorlds.insert sourceId
for usedItem in usedItemsInWorld.find! dependentWorldId do
match worldsWithNewItem.find? usedItem with
| none => logWarning m!"No world introducing {usedItem}, but required by {dependentWorldId}"
| some worldIds =>
-- Only need a new dependency if the world does not introduce an item itself
if !worldIds.contains dependentWorldId then
-- Add all worlds as dependencies which introduce this item
-- TODO: Could do something more clever here.
dependsOnWorlds := dependsOnWorlds.insertMany worldIds
-- Store the dependency reasons for debugging
for worldId in worldIds do
let tmp := (dependencyReasons.findD (dependentWorldId, worldId) {}).insert usedItem
dependencyReasons := dependencyReasons.insert (dependentWorldId, worldId) tmp
worldDependsOnWorlds := worldDependsOnWorlds.insert dependentWorldId dependsOnWorlds
-- Debugging: show all dependency reasons if the option `lean4game.showDependencyReasons` is set
if lean4game.showDependencyReasons.get (← getOptions) then
for (world, dependencies) in worldDependsOnWorlds.toArray do
if dependencies.isEmpty then
logInfo m!"Dependencies of '{world}': none"
let mut msg := m!"Dependencies of '{world}':"
for dep in dependencies do
match dependencyReasons.find? (world, dep) with
| none =>
msg := msg ++ m!"\n· '{dep}': no reason found (manually added?)"
| some items =>
msg := msg ++ m!"\n· '{dep}' because of:\n {items.toList}"
logInfo msg
-- Check graph for loops and remove transitive edges
let loop := findLoops worldDependsOnWorlds
if loop != [] then
logError m!"Loop: Dependency graph has a loop: {loop}"
for i in [:loop.length] do
let w1 := loop[i]!
let w2 := loop[if i == loop.length - 1 then 0 else i + 1]!
match dependencyReasons.find? (w1, w2) with
-- This should not happen. Could use `find!` again...
| none => logError m!"Did not find a reason why {w1} depends on {w2}."
| some items =>
logError m!"{w1} depends on {w2} because of {items.toList}."
worldDependsOnWorlds ← removeTransitive worldDependsOnWorlds
for (dependentWorldId, worldIds) in worldDependsOnWorlds.toArray do
modifyCurGame fun game =>
pure {game with worlds := {game.worlds with
edges := game.worlds.edges.append (worldIds.toArray.map fun wid => (wid, dependentWorldId))}}
-- Apparently we need to reload `game` to get the changes to `game.worlds` we just made
let game ← getCurGame
-- Compute which inventory items are available in which level:
for inventoryType in #[.Tactic, .Definition, .Lemma] do
-- Which items are introduced in which world?
let mut lemmaStatements : HashMap (Name × Nat) Name := {}
-- TODO: I believe `newItemsInWorld` has way to many elements in it which we iterate over
-- e.g. we iterate over `ring` for `Lemma`s as well, but so far that seems to cause no problems
let mut allItems : HashSet Name := {}
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut newItems : HashSet Name := {}
for (levelId, level) in world.levels.toArray do
let newLemmas := (level.getInventory inventoryType).new
newItems := newItems.insertMany newLemmas
allItems := allItems.insertMany newLemmas
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
-- For levels `2, 3, …` we check if the previous level was named
-- in which case we add it as available lemma.
match levelId with
| 0 => pure ()
| 1 => pure () -- level ids start with 1, so we need to skip 1, too.
| i₀ + 1 =>
-- add named statement from previous level to the available lemmas.
match (world.levels.find! (i₀)).statementName with
| .anonymous => pure ()
| .num _ _ => panic "Did not expect to get a numerical statement name!"
| .str pre s =>
let name := Name.str pre s
newItems := newItems.insert name
allItems := allItems.insert name
lemmaStatements := lemmaStatements.insert (worldId, levelId) name
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
-- if named, add the lemma from the last level of the world to the inventory
let i₀ := world.levels.size
match (world.levels.find! (i₀)).statementName with
| .anonymous => pure ()
| .num _ _ => panic "Did not expect to get a numerical statement name!"
| .str pre s =>
let name := Name.str pre s
newItems := newItems.insert name
allItems := allItems.insert name
newItemsInWorld := newItemsInWorld.insert worldId newItems
-- Basic inventory item availability: all locked.
let Availability₀ : HashMap Name InventoryTile :=
HashMap.ofList $
← allItems.toList.mapM fun item => do
-- Using a match statement because the error message of `Option.get!` is not helpful.
match (← getInventoryItem? item inventoryType) with
| none =>
-- Note: we did have a panic here before because lemma statement and doc entry
-- had mismatching namespaces
logError m!"There is no inventory item ({inventoryType}) for: {item}."
panic s!"Inventory item {item} not found!"
| some data =>
return (item, {
name := item
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category })
-- Availability after a given world
let mut itemsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashMap Name InventoryTile) := {}
for (worldId, _) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
-- Unlock all items from previous worlds
let mut items := Availability₀
let predecessors := game.worlds.predecessors worldId
-- logInfo m!"Predecessors: {predecessors.toArray.map fun (a) => (a)}"
for predWorldId in predecessors do
for item in newItemsInWorld.find! predWorldId do
let data := (← getInventoryItem? item inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert item {
name := item
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false }
itemsInWorld := itemsInWorld.insert worldId items
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut items := itemsInWorld.find! worldId
let levels := world.levels.toArray.insertionSort fun a b => a.1 < b.1
for (levelId, level) in levels do
let levelInfo := level.getInventory inventoryType
-- unlock items that are unlocked in this level
for item in levelInfo.new do
let data := (← getInventoryItem? item inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert item {
name := item
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false }
-- add the exercise statement from the previous level
-- if it was named
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
match lemmaStatements.find? (worldId, levelId) with
| none => pure ()
| some name =>
let data := (← getInventoryItem? name inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert name {
name := name
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false }
-- add marks for `disabled` and `new` lemmas here, so that they only apply to
-- the current level.
let itemsArray := items.toArray
|>.insertionSort (fun a b => a.1.toString < b.1.toString)
|>.map (·.2)
|>.map (fun item => { item with
disabled := if levelInfo.only.size == 0 then
levelInfo.disabled.contains item.name
not (levelInfo.only.contains item.name)
new := levelInfo.new.contains item.name
modifyLevel ⟨← getCurGameId, worldId, levelId⟩ fun level => do
return level.setComputedInventory inventoryType itemsArray
/-! # Debugging tools -/
-- /-- Print current game for debugging purposes. -/
-- elab "PrintCurGame" : command => do
-- logInfo (toJson (← getCurGame))
/-- Print current level for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintCurLevel" : command => do
logInfo (repr (← getCurLevel))
/-- Print levels for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintLevels" : command => do
logInfo $ repr $ (← getCurWorld).levels.toArray