import _ from 'lodash' import { render } from 'preact' import { useEffect, useState } from 'preact/hooks' // import { ToolOverlay } from './components/ToolOverlay.jsx' // // import { // EventsView, // MODE_COURSES, // MODE_SCHEDULE, // } from './components/EventsView.jsx' import { Courses } from './components/view/Courses.jsx' import { Schedule } from './components/view/Schedule.jsx' import { HamburgerMenu } from './components/HamburgerMenu.jsx' import { Help } from './components/Help.jsx' import { Icon } from './components/Icon.jsx' import { Popup } from './components/Popup.jsx' import { Toolbar } from './components/Toolbar.jsx' import { OptionBar } from './components/OptionBar.jsx' import { prettyAulaName, prettyProfName, clearOldPersistentStates, usePersistentState, } from './utils.jsx' import { SettingsBar } from './components/SettingsBar.jsx' // Che fanno queste due righe? window._ = _ window.dataBuffer = {} const TIMETABLE_IDS = { 'anno-1': '64a7c1c651f079001d52e9c8', 'anno-2': '6308e2dc09352a0208fefdd9', 'anno-3': '6308e42a1df5cb026699ced4', 'magistrale': '64a7c7091ab813002c5d9ede', } // const DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE = { // from: '2023-10-09T00:00:00.000Z', // to: '2023-10-14T00:00:00.000Z', // } // const DATE_RANGES = { // '64a7c1c651f079001d52e9c8': DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE, // '6308e2dc09352a0208fefdd9': DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE, // '6308e42a1df5cb026699ced4': DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE, // '64a7c7091ab813002c5d9ede': DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE, // } function specialEventPatches(eventi) { // Il laboratorio del primo anno in realtà è in due canali separati let i = 1 eventi.forEach(evento => { if ( evento.nome === 'LABORATORIO DI INTRODUZIONE ALLA MATEMATICA COMPUTAZIONALE' ) { evento.nome += ` (${i})` i++ } }) return eventi } function formatEvents(timetable) { return{ nome, dataInizio, dataFine, docenti, aule }) => { return { id: nome, name: _.split(nome, '-', 1)[0].trim(), start: new Date(dataInizio), end: new Date(dataFine), docenti:{ nome, cognome }) => prettyProfName(nome, cognome) ), aule: => prettyAulaName(aula.codice)), } }) } async function loadCalendari(date) { function getMonday(d) { const day = d.getDay() const diff = d.getDate() - day + (day === 0 ? -6 : 1) const monday = new Date(d.setDate(diff)) monday.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0) return monday } const monday = getMonday(date) const saturday = new Date(monday) saturday.setDate(monday.getDate() + 5) async function req(id) { // Almost directly copy-pasted from Chrome Dev Tools const req = await fetch( '', { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site', }, body: JSON.stringify({ mostraImpegniAnnullati: true, mostraIndisponibilitaTotali: false, linkCalendarioId: id, clienteId: '628de8b9b63679f193b87046', pianificazioneTemplate: false, dataInizio: monday.toISOString(), dataFine: saturday.toISOString(), }), method: 'POST', mode: 'cors', credentials: 'omit', } ) return await req.json() } const requests = [ req(TIMETABLE_IDS['anno-1']), req(TIMETABLE_IDS['anno-2']), req(TIMETABLE_IDS['anno-3']), req(TIMETABLE_IDS['magistrale']), ] const results = await Promise.all(requests) const timetablesRaw = => specialEventPatches(_.uniqBy(timetable, 'id')) ) const allRaw = specialEventPatches(_.uniqBy(_.concat(...results), 'id')) return { 'anno-1': formatEvents(timetablesRaw[0]), 'anno-2': formatEvents(timetablesRaw[1]), 'anno-3': formatEvents(timetablesRaw[2]), 'magistrale': formatEvents(timetablesRaw[3]), 'tutti': formatEvents(allRaw), } } const View = ({ view, selection, setSelection, timetables }) => { if (view === 'orario') { return } else if (view === 'lista') { return ( ) } else { return ( ) } } const App = ({}) => { // Clear persistent states unless state_token corresponds to the one passed // as the argument. Useful with breaking updates. Change this token if your // (breaking) update needs a reset of persistent states to avoid crashes. // // Use any random string of your choice // clearOldPersistentStates('e73cba02') const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date().toISOString()) // Data Sources const [view, setView] = usePersistentState('view', 'magistrale') const [timetables, setTimetables] = useState(null) useEffect(async () => { setTimetables(await loadCalendari(new Date(date))) }, [date]) // View Modes // const [mode, setMode] = usePersistentState('orario.mode', MODE_COURSES) // Selection const [selectedCourses, setSelectedCourses] = usePersistentState( 'selection', [] ) // Menus const [helpVisible, setHelpVisible] = useState(false) const [showMobileMenu, setShowMobileMenu] = useState(false) // const groupIds = new Set( => e.nome)) const toolOverlayVisible = selectedCourses.length > 0 const [theme, setTheme] = usePersistentState( 'theme', 'light' // window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches // ? 'dark' // : 'light' ) document.body.classList.toggle('dark-mode', theme === 'dark') return ( <> setHelpVisible(true), theme, setTheme, }} /> {showMobileMenu ? ( ) : ( setHelpVisible(true), }} orizzontale /> )}
{timetables && (showMobileMenu ? ( { setShowMobileMenu(false) }, }} /> ) : timetables['tutti'].length === 0 ? (

Non esistono corsi per la settimana selezionata: buone vacanze! 🎉

Per cambiare settimana puoi usare il widget Calendario ( ) in alto a destra
In versione mobile, il widget Calendario è situato dentro il Menu ( )

) : ( ))}
{/* showMobileMenu && ( ) */} {helpVisible && ( Guida } onClose={() => setHelpVisible(false)} > )} ) } render(, document.body)