import crypto from 'crypto'
import { readFile, writeFile, access, constants } from 'fs/promises'
import {
MetadataProps as MetaProps,
} from '../../shared/model'
function once<T extends (...args: any) => any>(fn: T, message: string): T {
let flag = false
return ((...args: any) => {
if (flag) {
throw new Error(message ?? `cannot run more than once`)
flag = true
return fn(...args)
}) as T
type Lock = () => void
type Mutex = {
lock(): Promise<Lock>
function createMutex(): Mutex {
let locked = false
const waiters: ((fn: () => void) => void)[] = []
const unlock = () => {
if (waiters.length > 0) {
console.log(`[Mutex] Passing lock to next in queue (of size ${waiters.length})`)
const resolve = waiters.shift()!!
resolve(once(unlock, `lock already released`))
} else {
locked = false
console.log(`[Mutex] Releasing the lock`)
const lock = (): Promise<Lock> => {
if (locked) {
console.log(`[Mutex] Putting into queue`)
return new Promise(resolve => {
} else {
console.log(`[Mutex] Acquiring the lock`)
locked = true
return Promise.resolve(once(unlock, `lock already released`))
return { lock }
type DatabaseConnection = {
path: string
initialValue: Database
mu: Mutex
export type Database = {
users: Record<string, User>
problems: Record<string, Problem>
solutions: Record<string, Solution>
export function createDatabase(path: string, initialValue: Database) {
return {
mu: createMutex(),
async function withDatabase<R>(
{ path, initialValue, mu }: DatabaseConnection,
fn: (db: Database) => R | Promise<R>
): Promise<R> {
const unlock: Lock = await mu.lock()
try {
await access(path, constants.R_OK)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`[Database] Creating empty database into "${path}"`)
await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(initialValue, null, 4))
console.log(`[Database] Loading database from "${path}"`)
const state = JSON.parse(await readFile(path, 'utf-8'))
const result = await fn(state)
console.log(`[Database] Saving database to "${path}"`)
await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(state, null, 4))
return result
// Users
export const getUsers = (db: DatabaseConnection) =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
return Object.values(state.users)
export const getUser: (db: DatabaseConnection, id: string) => Promise<User | null> = (db, id) =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
return state.users[id] ?? null
// Problems
export const createProblem = (
db: DatabaseConnection,
{ content, createdBy }: Omit<Problem, 'id' | 'createdAt'>
): Promise<ProblemId> =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
const nextId = (Object.keys(state.problems).length + 1).toString() as ProblemId
state.problems[nextId] = {
id: nextId,
createdAt: new Date().toJSON(),
return nextId
export const getProblem = (db: DatabaseConnection, id: string): Promise<Problem | null> =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
return state.problems[id] ?? null
export const getProblems = (db: DatabaseConnection): Promise<Problem[]> =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
return Object.values(state.problems)
// Solutions
export const createSolution = (
db: DatabaseConnection,
{ sentBy, forProblem, content }: Omit<Solution, MetaProps | 'status' | 'visible'>
): Promise<SolutionId> =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
const id = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex') as SolutionId
state.solutions[id] = {
createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
status: 'pending',
visible: false,
return id
export const getSolution = (db: DatabaseConnection, id: SolutionId): Promise<Solution | null> =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
return state.solutions[id] ?? null
export const updateSolution = (
db: DatabaseConnection,
id: SolutionId,
solution: Partial<Omit<Solution, MetaProps>>
): Promise<Solution> =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
state.solutions[id] = {
return state.solutions[id]
export const getSolutions = (db: DatabaseConnection) =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
let solutions = Object.values(state.solutions)
return solutions
export const getVisibleSolutions = (db: DatabaseConnection) =>
withDatabase(db, state => {
return Object.values(state.solutions).filter(s => s.visible)