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package templates
import (
// CachedTemplate holds a reference to the list of patterns to preload and a reference to the already parsed template
type CachedTemplate struct {
PreLoadTemplatePatterns []string
cachedTmpl *template.Template
// NewCacheTemplate creates a new template from a list of patterns a loads it
func NewCacheTemplate(loadPatterns ...string) *CachedTemplate {
cachedTemplate := &CachedTemplate{
PreLoadTemplatePatterns: loadPatterns,
cachedTmpl: nil,
return cachedTemplate
// Load returns the cached template or loads it from disk using the list of preload (glob) patterns.
func (ct *CachedTemplate) Load(t *template.Template) (*template.Template, error) {
if ct.cachedTmpl != nil {
return ct.cachedTmpl, nil
ct.cachedTmpl = t
for _, pattern := range ct.PreLoadTemplatePatterns {
var err error
ct.cachedTmpl, err = ct.cachedTmpl.ParseGlob(pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ct.cachedTmpl, nil
// Reload the pattern from disk (used for developing)
func (ct *CachedTemplate) Reload() {
ct.cachedTmpl = nil
// Template returns the cached template
func (ct *CachedTemplate) Template() *template.Template {
log.Printf("preloadPatterns: %v", ct.PreLoadTemplatePatterns)
return ct.cachedTmpl
// TODO: Add a render function to CachedTemplate instead of returning the template reference. In this way the Template Renderer would not have a "direct" dependency on "html/template"...
// TemplateRenderer holds cached templates for rendering
type TemplateRenderer struct {
viewsDir string
preloadTemplatePatterns []string
templateCache map[string]*CachedTemplate
// NewRenderer constructs a template renderer with a base file
func NewRenderer(rootPath string, loadPatterns ...string) *TemplateRenderer {
return &TemplateRenderer{
func (r *TemplateRenderer) Load(name string) *CachedTemplate {
cachedTemplate, present := r.templateCache[name]
if !present {
loaders := []string{}
loaders = append(loaders, r.preloadTemplatePatterns...)
loaders = append(loaders, path.Join(r.viewsDir, name))
cachedTemplate = NewCacheTemplate(loaders...)
r.templateCache[name] = cachedTemplate
return cachedTemplate
// Render the template, also injects "Page" and "Config" values in the template
func (r *TemplateRenderer) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data util.Map) error {
cachedTemplate := r.Load(name)
if config.Mode == "development" {
newData := util.Map{}
newData["Page"] = util.Map{
// Used to inject a page specific class on <body>
"Name": strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(name), ".html"),
newData["Config"] = config.Object()
return cachedTemplate.Template().ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", newData)