@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from copy import copy #TODO verify/temporaneo
class MyRouter (Node):
def config(self, **params):
@ -18,78 +17,61 @@ class MyRouter (Node):
def build_topology(config_file):
topo = Topo()
elementsH = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
elementsR = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
elementsS = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
h1 = topo.addHost('h1', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
h2 = topo.addHost('h2', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
r1 = topo.addNode('r1', cls=MyRouter, ip='')
topo.addLink(h1, r1, intfName2='R23', params2={'ip' : ''})
topo.addLink(h2, r1, intfName2='R22', params2={'ip' : ''})
# with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
# for line in file:
# line = line.strip()
# if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
# continue
# parts = line.split(" ") #Parse the topology file using spaces
# if parts[0] == 'host': #Parse hosts
# host_name = parts[1]
# host_ip = parts[2]
# host_nexthop = 'via ' + parts[3]
# host = topo.addHost(host_name, ip=host_ip, defaultRoute=host_nexthop)
# host_c = copy(host)
# elementsH[host_name] = (host_c)
# elif parts[0] == 'router': #Parse routers
# router_name = parts[1]
# router_ip = parts[2]
# router = topo.addNode(router_name, cls=MyRouter, ip=router_ip)
# router_c = copy(router)
# elementsR[router_name] = (router_c)
# elif parts[0] == 'switch': #Parse switches
# switch_name = parts[1]
# switch = topo.addSwitch(switch_name)
# switch_c = copy(switch)
# elementsS[switch_name] = (switch_c)
# elif parts[0] == 'linkSH': #Parse links switches to hosts
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# # topo.addLink(node1, node2)
# elif parts[0] == 'linkSS': #Parse links switches to switches
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# # topo.addLink(node1, node2)
# elif parts[0] == 'linkHR': #Parse links hosts to routers
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# intf_name2 = parts[3]
# n2_ip = parts[4]
# topo.addLink(elementsH.get(node1), elementsR.get(node2), intfName2=intf_name2, params2={'ip' : n2_ip})
# elif parts[0] == 'linkRR': #Parse links routers to routers
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# intf_name1 = parts[3]
# intf_name2 = parts[4]
# ip1 = parts[5]
# ip2 = parts[6]
# # topo.addLink(node1, node2, intfName1=intf_name1, intfName2=intf_name2, params1={'ip' : ip1}, params2={'ip' : ip2})
# # elif parts[0] == 'route': #Parse routing tables
# # name = parts[1]
# # for node in topo.nodes():
# # if node == name:
# # (node).cmd('ip route add via dev r1-eth2')
# # break
elements = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
# elements['Internet'] = topo.addNode('Internet', cls=MyRouter, ip='')
with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
parts = line.split(" ") #Parse the topology file using spaces
if parts[0] == 'host': #Parse hosts
host_name = parts[1]
host_ip = parts[2]
host_nexthop = 'via ' + parts[3]
elements[host_name] = topo.addHost(host_name, ip=host_ip, defaultRoute=host_nexthop)
elif parts[0] == 'router': #Parse routers
router_name = parts[1]
router_ip = parts[2]
elements[router_name] = topo.addNode(router_name, cls=MyRouter, ip=router_ip)
elif parts[0] == 'switch': #Parse switches
switch_name = parts[1]
elements[switch_name] = topo.addSwitch(switch_name)
elif parts[0] == 'linkRR': #Parse links routers to routers
router1 = parts[1]
router1_intfName = parts[2]
router1_intfIP = parts[3]
router2 = parts[4]
router2_intfName = parts[5]
router2_intfIP = parts[6]
topo.addLink(elements.get(router1), elements.get(router2), intfName1=router1_intfName, intfName2=router2_intfName, params1={'ip' : router1_intfIP}, params2={'ip' : router2_intfIP})
elif parts[0] == 'linkRH': #Parse links routers to hosts
host = parts[1]
host_intfName = parts[2]
router = parts[3]
router_intfName = parts[4]
router_intfIP = parts[5]
topo.addLink(elements.get(host), elements.get(router), intfName1=host_intfName, intfName2=router_intfName, params2={'ip' : router_intfIP})
elif parts[0] == 'linkRS': #Parse links routers to switches
node1 = parts[1]
node2 = parts[2]
# topo.addLink(node1, node2)
elif parts[0] == 'linkSS': #Parse links switches to switches
node1 = parts[1]
node2 = parts[2]
# topo.addLink(node1, node2)
elif parts[0] == 'linkSH': #Parse links switches to hosts
node1 = parts[1]
node2 = parts[2]
# topo.addLink(node1, node2)
return topo
@ -98,24 +80,19 @@ def run_topology(config_file):
topo = build_topology(config_file)
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink)
net.start() #Starting the network
# net.addLink(h1, r1, intfName2='R23', params2={'ip' : ''})
# net.addLink(h2, r1, intfName2='R22', params2={'ip' : ''})
# with open(config_file, 'r') as file: #Search in the configuration file for routing table
# for line in file:
# line = line.strip()
# if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
# continue
# parts = line.split(" ")
# if parts[0] == 'route': #Parse routing tables
# name = parts[1]
# pck_src = parts[2]
# pck_nexthop = parts[3]
# interf = parts[4]
# cmd = 'ip route add ' + pck_src + ' via ' + pck_nexthop + ' dev ' + interf
# (net.getNodeByName(name)).cmd(cmd)
with open(config_file, 'r') as file: #Search in the configuration file for routing table
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
parts = line.split(" ")
if parts[0] == 'route': #Parse routing tables
name = parts[1]
pck_src = parts[2]
pck_nexthop = parts[3]
interf = parts[4]
cmd = 'ip route add ' + pck_src + ' via ' + pck_nexthop + ' dev ' + interf
if net.pingAll():
print(Fore.RED + "Network has issues" + Style.RESET_ALL)