You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4.2 KiB


A yaml based static site generator, ideally with the same features as Hugo but with a simpler model. Here is a basic example of a Cabretfile.yaml

  - pipeline:
      - source: index.html
      - use: layout
        path: layouts/base.html
      - target: dist/index.html
  - pipeline:
      - source: posts/{{ .Id }}.md
      - plugin: markdown
      - use: layout
        path: layouts/base.html
      - target: dist/posts/{{ .Id }}/index.html

Cabret is based on the idea of a data pipeline. Along a pipeline flows a list of Content objects that are just

type Content struct {
    Type      string
    Metadata  map[string]any
    Data      []byte          

The Type is the mime type of the Data. The Metadata can be whatever the user wants and operations and populate it with special fields as they please. In some cases its useful to have Data be nil, when that happens the Type should be cabret.MetadataOnly (just the string metadata-only)


Each pipeline is a list of operations, the first field in an operation must be one of source, use or target.

  • source: <pattern>

    Load files matching the given pattern and populates the field .Metadata.MatchResult with the captures.

    Other supported forms are

    use: source
    path: <path pattern>
    use: source
      - <path pattern1>
      - <path patternN>
  • target: <template>

    For each incoming item this will render the given path template with the item metadata and write the content to disk.

  • use: <operation>

    This will apply the provided operations to the incoming items, for now available operations are

    • Layout is available in the following forms

      use: layout
      path: <glob pattern>
      use: layout
        - <glob pattern 1>
        - <glob pattern N>

      This operation will load the given pattern with .ParseFiles(...) (this automatically chooses between the Go html or text template engines based on the first file name extension)

      The template context is the incoming item metadata as well its data inside the .Content variable.

    • Markdown doesn't need any other options (TODO: add some options to configure goldmark)

      use: markdown

      This will render each incoming item using goldmark with some reasonable default options.

      By default this will also read YAML frontmatter.

    • Frontmatter as the previous one but just reads frontmatter.

      use: frontmatter
    • Categorize can be used in the following forms

      use: categorize
      key: <key>
      bind: <variable> # optional

      This will categorize all items based on the provided key, for example if key is tags then the incoming list of posts will be converted in a list of empty contents with a Category field telling the item's category and an Items field containing a list of posts with that tag.

      By default the output item category is placed into Category but this can be changed with the bind option.

    • (TODO) Chunk can be used to paginate some items

      use: chunk
      size: <number>

      This operation will group the incoming items in chunk with the provided size (except for the last one that can end up holding less items). The output items hold no data but have the following structure

      Metadata: {
        Page: <Page Number>
        TotalPages: <Total Page Count>
        Items: <Chunk>
    • (TODO) Slice extract a sub range of items

      use: slice
      from: <start> # inclusive, defaults to 0
      to: <end>     # exclusive, defaults to len(Items)

      Does what you expect to the incoming list of items.

    • (TODO) Sort sorts the incoming items using the provided key and direction (by default is ascending)

      use: sort
      direction: <ascending or descending>
      key: <key to use for sorting>