module getp
public get_parms
public pr_usage
! get iteration parameters from standard input
subroutine get_parms(icontxt,irst,irnum,ntry,nmat,mtrx,rhs,cmethd,nprecs,precs,ipart,&
& afmt,istopc,itmax,itrace,eps,outf1,outf2)
use psb_base_mod
use precd
implicit none
integer :: icontxt
character(len=20) :: cmethd
character(len=80) :: outf1, outf2
character(len=20),allocatable :: mtrx(:), rhs(:)
type(precdata),allocatable :: precs(:)
integer :: iret, istopc,itmax,itrace,ipart,nmat,nprecs,irst,irnum,ntry
character(len=1024) :: charbuf
real(kind(1.d0)) :: eps, omega,thr1,thr2
character :: afmt*5, lv1*10, lv2*10, pdescr*40
integer :: iam, nm, np, i, idx
integer, parameter :: npparms=14
integer :: inparms(40), ip, pparms(npparms)
call psb_info(icontxt,iam,np)
if (iam==0) then
! read input parameters
read(*,*) outf1
read(*,*) outf2
read(*,*) cmethd
read(*,*) eps
read(*,*) afmt
call psb_bcast(icontxt,cmethd)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,eps,0)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,afmt)
read(*,*) ipart
read(*,*) itmax
read(*,*) itrace
read(*,*) istopc
read(*,*) irst
read(*,*) irnum
read(*,*) ntry
read(*,*) nprecs
! broadcast parameters to all processors
inparms(1) = ipart
inparms(2) = itmax
inparms(3) = itrace
inparms(4) = istopc
inparms(5) = irst
inparms(6) = irnum
inparms(7) = ntry
call psb_bcast(icontxt,inparms(1:7),0)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,nprecs,0)
do np=1,nprecs
charbuf = adjustl(charbuf)
idx=index(charbuf," ")
idx=index(charbuf," ")
do i=1, npparms
idx=index(charbuf," ")
read(charbuf(1:idx),*) pparms(i)
end do
idx=index(charbuf," ")
read(charbuf(1:idx),*) omega
idx=index(charbuf," ")
read(charbuf(1:idx),*) thr1
idx=index(charbuf," ")
read(charbuf(1:idx),*) thr2
read(charbuf,'(a)') pdescr
call psb_bcast(icontxt,pdescr)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,lv1)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,lv2)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,pparms(1:npparms),0)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,omega,0)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,thr1,0)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,thr2,0)
precs(np)%lv1 = lv1
precs(np)%lv2 = lv2
precs(np)%novr = pparms(1)
precs(np)%restr = pparms(2)
precs(np)%prol = pparms(3)
precs(np)%ftype1 = pparms(4)
precs(np)%fill1 = pparms(5)
precs(np)%mltype = pparms(6)
precs(np)%aggr = pparms(7)
precs(np)%smthkind = pparms(8)
precs(np)%cmat = pparms(9)
precs(np)%smthpos = pparms(10)
precs(np)%ftype2 = pparms(11)
precs(np)%fill2 = pparms(12)
precs(np)%jswp = pparms(13)
precs(np)%nlev = pparms(14)
precs(np)%omega = omega
precs(np)%thr1 = thr1
precs(np)%thr2 = thr2
end do
read(*,*) nmat
call psb_bcast(icontxt,nmat,0)
do nm=1, nmat
read(*,'(a)') charbuf
idx=index(charbuf," ")
call psb_bcast(icontxt,mtrx(nm))
call psb_bcast(icontxt,rhs(nm))
end do
! receive parameters
call psb_bcast(icontxt,cmethd)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,eps)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,afmt)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,inparms(1:7))
ipart = inparms(1)
itmax = inparms(2)
itrace = inparms(3)
istopc = inparms(4)
irst = inparms(5)
irnum = inparms(6)
ntry = inparms(7)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,nprecs)
do np=1,nprecs
call psb_bcast(icontxt,pdescr)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,lv1)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,lv2)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,pparms(1:npparms))
call psb_bcast(icontxt,omega)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,thr1,0)
call psb_bcast(icontxt,thr2,0)
precs(np)%lv1 = lv1
precs(np)%lv2 = lv2
precs(np)%novr = pparms(1)
precs(np)%restr = pparms(2)
precs(np)%prol = pparms(3)
precs(np)%ftype1 = pparms(4)
precs(np)%fill1 = pparms(5)
precs(np)%mltype = pparms(6)
precs(np)%aggr = pparms(7)
precs(np)%smthkind = pparms(8)
precs(np)%cmat = pparms(9)
precs(np)%smthpos = pparms(10)
precs(np)%ftype2 = pparms(11)
precs(np)%fill2 = pparms(12)
precs(np)%jswp = pparms(13)
precs(np)%nlev = pparms(14)
precs(np)%omega = omega
precs(np)%thr1 = thr1
precs(np)%thr2 = thr2
end do
call psb_bcast(icontxt,nmat)
do nm=1,nmat
call psb_bcast(icontxt,mtrx(nm))
call psb_bcast(icontxt,rhs(nm))
end do
end if
end subroutine get_parms
subroutine pr_usage(iout)
integer iout
write(iout, *) ' number of parameters is incorrect!'
write(iout, *) ' use: hb_sample mtrx_file methd prec [ptype &
&itmax istopc itrace]'
write(iout, *) ' where:'
write(iout, *) ' mtrx_file is stored in hb format'
write(iout, *) ' methd may be: cgstab '
write(iout, *) ' prec may be: ilu diagsc none'
write(iout, *) ' ptype partition strategy default 0'
write(iout, *) ' 0: block partition '
write(iout, *) ' itmax max iterations [500] '
write(iout, *) ' istopc stopping criterion [1] '
write(iout, *) ' itrace 0 (no tracing, default) or '
write(iout, *) ' >= 0 do tracing every itrace'
write(iout, *) ' iterations '
end subroutine pr_usage
end module getp