Merge branch 'development' into TestFerdous

Salvatore Filippone 4 years ago
commit 0523053c49

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
module amg_dmatchboxp_mod
module amg_d_matchboxp_mod
use iso_c_binding
use psb_base_cbind_mod
@ -95,33 +95,24 @@ module amg_dmatchboxp_mod
end interface MatchBoxPC
interface amg_i_aggr_assign
module procedure amg_i_daggr_assign
module procedure amg_i_d_aggr_assign
end interface amg_i_aggr_assign
interface amg_build_matching
module procedure amg_dbuild_matching
end interface amg_build_matching
interface amg_par_build_matching
module procedure amg_d_par_build_matching
end interface amg_par_build_matching
interface amg_build_ahat
module procedure amg_dbuild_ahat
end interface amg_build_ahat
interface amg_gtranspose
module procedure amg_dgtranspose
end interface amg_gtranspose
interface amg_htranspose
module procedure amg_dhtranspose
end interface amg_htranspose
interface amg_par_build_ahat
module procedure amg_d_par_build_ahat
end interface amg_par_build_ahat
interface amg_PMatchBox
module procedure amg_dPMatchBox
module procedure amg_d_PMatchBox
end interface amg_PMatchBox
logical, parameter, private :: print_statistics=.false.
subroutine amg_dmatchboxp_build_prol(w,a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,prol,info,&
subroutine amg_d_matchboxp_build_prol(w,a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,prol,info,&
& symmetrize,reproducible,display_inp, display_out, print_out)
use psb_base_mod
use psb_util_mod
@ -214,7 +205,7 @@ contains
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_phase1)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_bldmtc)
call amg_build_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp=display_inp,symmetrize=symmetrize)
call amg_par_build_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp=display_inp,symmetrize=symmetrize)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_bldmtc)
if (debug) write(0,*) iam,' buildprol from buildmatching:',&
& info
@ -422,13 +413,11 @@ contains
nlpairs = v(3)
end block
if (print_statistics) then
if (iam == 0) then
write(0,*) 'Matching statistics: Unmatched nodes ',&
& nunmatched,' Singletons:',nlsingl,' Pairs:',nlpairs
end if
if (iam == 0) then
write(0,*) 'Matching statistics: Unmatched nodes ',&
& nunmatched,' Singletons:',nlsingl,' Pairs:',nlpairs
end if
if (display_out_) then
integer(psb_ipk_) :: idx
@ -516,9 +505,9 @@ contains
write(0,*) iam,' : error from Matching: ',info
end if
end subroutine amg_dmatchboxp_build_prol
end subroutine amg_d_matchboxp_build_prol
function amg_i_daggr_assign(iam, iown, kg, idxg, wk, widx, nrmagg) &
function amg_i_d_aggr_assign(iam, iown, kg, idxg, wk, widx, nrmagg) &
& result(iproc)
! How to break ties? This
@ -560,10 +549,10 @@ contains
iproc = iown
end if
end if
end function amg_i_daggr_assign
end function amg_i_d_aggr_assign
subroutine amg_dbuild_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp, symmetrize)
subroutine amg_d_par_build_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp, symmetrize)
use psb_base_mod
use psb_util_mod
use iso_c_binding
@ -612,7 +601,7 @@ contains
if (iam == 0) write(0,*)' Into build_ahat:'
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_bldahat)
call amg_build_ahat(w,a,ahatnd,desc_a,info,symmetrize=symmetrize)
call amg_par_build_ahat(w,a,ahatnd,desc_a,info,symmetrize=symmetrize)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_bldahat)
if (info /= 0) then
write(0,*) 'Error from build_ahat ', info
@ -767,9 +756,9 @@ contains
val(1:n) = tmp(1:n)
end subroutine fix_order
end subroutine amg_dbuild_matching
end subroutine amg_d_par_build_matching
subroutine amg_dbuild_ahat(w,a,ahat,desc_a,info,symmetrize)
subroutine amg_d_par_build_ahat(w,a,ahat,desc_a,info,symmetrize)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: w(:)
@ -1005,301 +994,9 @@ contains
end block
end if
end subroutine amg_dbuild_ahat
subroutine amg_dgtranspose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(in) :: ain
type(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(out) :: aout
type(psb_desc_type) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! BEWARE: This routine works under the assumption
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_ldspmat_type) :: atmp, ahalo, aglb
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpcoo
type(psb_ld_csr_sparse_mat) :: tmpcsr
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: ilv(:)
character(len=80) :: aname
logical, parameter :: debug=.false., dump=.false., debug_sync=.false.
ictxt = desc_a%get_context()
call psb_info(ictxt,me,np)
nrow = desc_a%get_local_rows()
ncol = desc_a%get_local_cols()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Start gtranspose '
end if
call ain%cscnv(tmpcsr,info)
if (debug) then
ilv = [(i,i=1,ncol)]
call desc_a%l2gip(ilv,info,owned=.false.)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-preh-',me,'.mtx'
call ain%print(fname=aname,head='atmp before haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (dump) then
call ain%cscnv(atmp,info)
call psb_gather(aglb,atmp,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'aglob-prehalo.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
!call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpcsr%ja,desc_a,info)
call atmp%mv_from(tmpcsr)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'tmpcsr-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='tmpcsr ',iv=ilv)
!call psb_set_debug_level(9999)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Gtranspose into sphalo :',atmp%get_nrows(),atmp%get_ncols()
call psb_sphalo(atmp,desc_a,ahalo,info,rowscale=.true.)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Gtranspose from sphalo :',ahalo%get_nrows(),ahalo%get_ncols()
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_rwextd(ncol,atmp,info,b=ahalo)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'ahalo-',me,'.mtx'
call ahalo%print(fname=aname,head='ahalo after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-h-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='atmp after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (info == psb_success_) call ahalo%free()
call atmp%cp_to(tmpcoo)
call tmpcoo%transp()
!call psb_glob_to_loc(tmpcoo%ia,desc_a,info,iact='I')
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Before cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
j = 0
do k=1, tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if ((tmpcoo%ia(k) > 0).and.(tmpcoo%ja(k)>0)) then
j = j+1
tmpcoo%ia(j) = tmpcoo%ia(k)
tmpcoo%ja(j) = tmpcoo%ja(k)
tmpcoo%val(j) = tmpcoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(j)
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
call ahalo%mv_from(tmpcoo)
if (dump) then
call psb_gather(aglb,ahalo,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-preclip.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
call ahalo%csclip(aout,info,imax=nrow)
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After clip:',aout%get_nzeros()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'End gtranspose '
end if
!call aout%cscnv(info,type='csr')
if (dump) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-',me,'.mtx'
call aout%print(fname=aname,head='atrans ',iv=ilv)
call psb_gather(aglb,aout,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
end subroutine amg_dgtranspose
subroutine amg_dhtranspose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(in) :: ain
type(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(out) :: aout
type(psb_desc_type) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! BEWARE: This routine works under the assumption
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_ldspmat_type) :: atmp, ahalo, aglb
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpcoo, tmpc1, tmpc2, tmpch
type(psb_ld_csr_sparse_mat) :: tmpcsr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: ilv(:)
character(len=80) :: aname
logical, parameter :: debug=.false., dump=.false., debug_sync=.false.
ictxt = desc_a%get_context()
call psb_info(ictxt,me,np)
nrow = desc_a%get_local_rows()
ncol = desc_a%get_local_cols()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Start htranspose '
end if
call ain%cscnv(tmpcsr,info)
if (debug) then
ilv = [(i,i=1,ncol)]
call desc_a%l2gip(ilv,info,owned=.false.)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-preh-',me,'.mtx'
call ain%print(fname=aname,head='atmp before haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (dump) then
call ain%cscnv(atmp,info)
call psb_gather(aglb,atmp,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'aglob-prehalo.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
!call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpcsr%ja,desc_a,info)
call atmp%mv_from(tmpcsr)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'tmpcsr-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='tmpcsr ',iv=ilv)
!call psb_set_debug_level(9999)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Htranspose into sphalo :',atmp%get_nrows(),atmp%get_ncols()
if (.true.) then
call psb_sphalo(atmp,desc_a,ahalo,info, outfmt='coo ')
call atmp%mv_to(tmpc1)
call ahalo%mv_to(tmpch)
nz1 = tmpc1%get_nzeros()
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpc1%ia(1:nz1),desc_a,info,iact='I')
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpc1%ja(1:nz1),desc_a,info,iact='I')
nzh = tmpch%get_nzeros()
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpch%ia(1:nzh),desc_a,info,iact='I')
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpch%ja(1:nzh),desc_a,info,iact='I')
nlz = nz1+nzh
call tmpcoo%allocate(ncol,ncol,nlz)
tmpcoo%ia(1:nz1) = tmpc1%ia(1:nz1)
tmpcoo%ja(1:nz1) = tmpc1%ja(1:nz1)
tmpcoo%val(1:nz1) = tmpc1%val(1:nz1)
tmpcoo%ia(nz1+1:nz1+nzh) = tmpch%ia(1:nzh)
tmpcoo%ja(nz1+1:nz1+nzh) = tmpch%ja(1:nzh)
tmpcoo%val(nz1+1:nz1+nzh) = tmpch%val(1:nzh)
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(nlz)
call tmpcoo%transp()
nz = tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
call psb_glob_to_loc(tmpcoo%ia(1:nz),desc_a,info,iact='I')
call psb_glob_to_loc(tmpcoo%ja(1:nz),desc_a,info,iact='I')
if (.true.) then
call tmpcoo%clean_negidx(info)
j = 0
do k=1, tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if ((tmpcoo%ia(k) > 0).and.(tmpcoo%ja(k)>0)) then
j = j+1
tmpcoo%ia(j) = tmpcoo%ia(k)
tmpcoo%ja(j) = tmpcoo%ja(k)
tmpcoo%val(j) = tmpcoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(j)
end if
call ahalo%mv_from(tmpcoo)
call ahalo%csclip(aout,info,imax=nrow)
call psb_sphalo(atmp,desc_a,ahalo,info, rowscale=.true.)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Htranspose from sphalo :',ahalo%get_nrows(),ahalo%get_ncols()
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_rwextd(ncol,atmp,info,b=ahalo)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'ahalo-',me,'.mtx'
call ahalo%print(fname=aname,head='ahalo after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-h-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='atmp after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (info == psb_success_) call ahalo%free()
call atmp%cp_to(tmpcoo)
call tmpcoo%transp()
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Before cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if (.true.) then
call tmpcoo%clean_negidx(info)
j = 0
do k=1, tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if ((tmpcoo%ia(k) > 0).and.(tmpcoo%ja(k)>0)) then
j = j+1
tmpcoo%ia(j) = tmpcoo%ia(k)
tmpcoo%ja(j) = tmpcoo%ja(k)
tmpcoo%val(j) = tmpcoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(j)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
call ahalo%mv_from(tmpcoo)
if (dump) then
call psb_gather(aglb,ahalo,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-preclip.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
call ahalo%csclip(aout,info,imax=nrow)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After clip:',aout%get_nzeros()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'End htranspose '
end if
!call aout%cscnv(info,type='csr')
if (dump) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-',me,'.mtx'
call aout%print(fname=aname,head='atrans ',iv=ilv)
call psb_gather(aglb,aout,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
end subroutine amg_dhtranspose
end subroutine amg_d_par_build_ahat
subroutine amg_dPMatchBox(nlver,nledge,verlocptr,verlocind,edgelocweight,&
subroutine amg_d_PMatchBox(nlver,nledge,verlocptr,verlocind,edgelocweight,&
& verdistance, mate, myrank, numprocs, ictxt,&
& msgindsent,msgactualsent,msgpercent,&
& ph0_time, ph1_time, ph2_time, ph1_card, ph2_card,info,display_inp)
@ -1434,6 +1131,6 @@ contains
end if
where(mate>=0) mate = mate + 1
end subroutine amg_dPMatchBox
end subroutine amg_d_PMatchBox
end module amg_dmatchboxp_mod
end module amg_d_matchboxp_mod

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
module amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_d_base_aggregator_mod
use amg_dmatchboxp_mod
use amg_d_matchboxp_mod
#if defined(SERIAL_MPI)
type, extends(amg_d_base_aggregator_type) :: amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_type
end type amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_type

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
module amg_smatchboxp_mod
module amg_s_matchboxp_mod
use iso_c_binding
use psb_base_cbind_mod
@ -95,33 +95,24 @@ module amg_smatchboxp_mod
end interface MatchBoxPC
interface amg_i_aggr_assign
module procedure amg_i_saggr_assign
module procedure amg_i_s_aggr_assign
end interface amg_i_aggr_assign
interface amg_build_matching
module procedure amg_sbuild_matching
end interface amg_build_matching
interface amg_par_build_matching
module procedure amg_s_par_build_matching
end interface amg_par_build_matching
interface amg_build_ahat
module procedure amg_sbuild_ahat
end interface amg_build_ahat
interface amg_gtranspose
module procedure amg_sgtranspose
end interface amg_gtranspose
interface amg_htranspose
module procedure amg_shtranspose
end interface amg_htranspose
interface amg_par_build_ahat
module procedure amg_s_par_build_ahat
end interface amg_par_build_ahat
interface amg_PMatchBox
module procedure amg_sPMatchBox
module procedure amg_s_PMatchBox
end interface amg_PMatchBox
logical, parameter, private :: print_statistics=.false.
subroutine amg_smatchboxp_build_prol(w,a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,prol,info,&
subroutine amg_s_matchboxp_build_prol(w,a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,prol,info,&
& symmetrize,reproducible,display_inp, display_out, print_out)
use psb_base_mod
use psb_util_mod
@ -214,7 +205,7 @@ contains
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_phase1)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_bldmtc)
call amg_build_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp=display_inp,symmetrize=symmetrize)
call amg_par_build_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp=display_inp,symmetrize=symmetrize)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_bldmtc)
if (debug) write(0,*) iam,' buildprol from buildmatching:',&
& info
@ -422,13 +413,11 @@ contains
nlpairs = v(3)
end block
if (print_statistics) then
if (iam == 0) then
write(0,*) 'Matching statistics: Unmatched nodes ',&
& nunmatched,' Singletons:',nlsingl,' Pairs:',nlpairs
end if
if (iam == 0) then
write(0,*) 'Matching statistics: Unmatched nodes ',&
& nunmatched,' Singletons:',nlsingl,' Pairs:',nlpairs
end if
if (display_out_) then
integer(psb_ipk_) :: idx
@ -516,9 +505,9 @@ contains
write(0,*) iam,' : error from Matching: ',info
end if
end subroutine amg_smatchboxp_build_prol
end subroutine amg_s_matchboxp_build_prol
function amg_i_saggr_assign(iam, iown, kg, idxg, wk, widx, nrmagg) &
function amg_i_s_aggr_assign(iam, iown, kg, idxg, wk, widx, nrmagg) &
& result(iproc)
! How to break ties? This
@ -560,10 +549,10 @@ contains
iproc = iown
end if
end if
end function amg_i_saggr_assign
end function amg_i_s_aggr_assign
subroutine amg_sbuild_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp, symmetrize)
subroutine amg_s_par_build_matching(w,a,desc_a,mate,info,display_inp, symmetrize)
use psb_base_mod
use psb_util_mod
use iso_c_binding
@ -612,7 +601,7 @@ contains
if (iam == 0) write(0,*)' Into build_ahat:'
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_bldahat)
call amg_build_ahat(w,a,ahatnd,desc_a,info,symmetrize=symmetrize)
call amg_par_build_ahat(w,a,ahatnd,desc_a,info,symmetrize=symmetrize)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_bldahat)
if (info /= 0) then
write(0,*) 'Error from build_ahat ', info
@ -767,9 +756,9 @@ contains
val(1:n) = tmp(1:n)
end subroutine fix_order
end subroutine amg_sbuild_matching
end subroutine amg_s_par_build_matching
subroutine amg_sbuild_ahat(w,a,ahat,desc_a,info,symmetrize)
subroutine amg_s_par_build_ahat(w,a,ahat,desc_a,info,symmetrize)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
real(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: w(:)
@ -1005,301 +994,9 @@ contains
end block
end if
end subroutine amg_sbuild_ahat
subroutine amg_sgtranspose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(in) :: ain
type(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(out) :: aout
type(psb_desc_type) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! BEWARE: This routine works under the assumption
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_lsspmat_type) :: atmp, ahalo, aglb
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpcoo
type(psb_ls_csr_sparse_mat) :: tmpcsr
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: ilv(:)
character(len=80) :: aname
logical, parameter :: debug=.false., dump=.false., debug_sync=.false.
ictxt = desc_a%get_context()
call psb_info(ictxt,me,np)
nrow = desc_a%get_local_rows()
ncol = desc_a%get_local_cols()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Start gtranspose '
end if
call ain%cscnv(tmpcsr,info)
if (debug) then
ilv = [(i,i=1,ncol)]
call desc_a%l2gip(ilv,info,owned=.false.)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-preh-',me,'.mtx'
call ain%print(fname=aname,head='atmp before haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (dump) then
call ain%cscnv(atmp,info)
call psb_gather(aglb,atmp,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'aglob-prehalo.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
!call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpcsr%ja,desc_a,info)
call atmp%mv_from(tmpcsr)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'tmpcsr-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='tmpcsr ',iv=ilv)
!call psb_set_debug_level(9999)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Gtranspose into sphalo :',atmp%get_nrows(),atmp%get_ncols()
call psb_sphalo(atmp,desc_a,ahalo,info,rowscale=.true.)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Gtranspose from sphalo :',ahalo%get_nrows(),ahalo%get_ncols()
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_rwextd(ncol,atmp,info,b=ahalo)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'ahalo-',me,'.mtx'
call ahalo%print(fname=aname,head='ahalo after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-h-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='atmp after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (info == psb_success_) call ahalo%free()
call atmp%cp_to(tmpcoo)
call tmpcoo%transp()
!call psb_glob_to_loc(tmpcoo%ia,desc_a,info,iact='I')
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Before cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
j = 0
do k=1, tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if ((tmpcoo%ia(k) > 0).and.(tmpcoo%ja(k)>0)) then
j = j+1
tmpcoo%ia(j) = tmpcoo%ia(k)
tmpcoo%ja(j) = tmpcoo%ja(k)
tmpcoo%val(j) = tmpcoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(j)
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
call ahalo%mv_from(tmpcoo)
if (dump) then
call psb_gather(aglb,ahalo,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-preclip.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
call ahalo%csclip(aout,info,imax=nrow)
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After clip:',aout%get_nzeros()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'End gtranspose '
end if
!call aout%cscnv(info,type='csr')
if (dump) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-',me,'.mtx'
call aout%print(fname=aname,head='atrans ',iv=ilv)
call psb_gather(aglb,aout,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
end subroutine amg_sgtranspose
subroutine amg_shtranspose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(in) :: ain
type(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(out) :: aout
type(psb_desc_type) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! BEWARE: This routine works under the assumption
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_lsspmat_type) :: atmp, ahalo, aglb
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpcoo, tmpc1, tmpc2, tmpch
type(psb_ls_csr_sparse_mat) :: tmpcsr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: ilv(:)
character(len=80) :: aname
logical, parameter :: debug=.false., dump=.false., debug_sync=.false.
ictxt = desc_a%get_context()
call psb_info(ictxt,me,np)
nrow = desc_a%get_local_rows()
ncol = desc_a%get_local_cols()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Start htranspose '
end if
call ain%cscnv(tmpcsr,info)
if (debug) then
ilv = [(i,i=1,ncol)]
call desc_a%l2gip(ilv,info,owned=.false.)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-preh-',me,'.mtx'
call ain%print(fname=aname,head='atmp before haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (dump) then
call ain%cscnv(atmp,info)
call psb_gather(aglb,atmp,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'aglob-prehalo.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
!call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpcsr%ja,desc_a,info)
call atmp%mv_from(tmpcsr)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'tmpcsr-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='tmpcsr ',iv=ilv)
!call psb_set_debug_level(9999)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Htranspose into sphalo :',atmp%get_nrows(),atmp%get_ncols()
if (.true.) then
call psb_sphalo(atmp,desc_a,ahalo,info, outfmt='coo ')
call atmp%mv_to(tmpc1)
call ahalo%mv_to(tmpch)
nz1 = tmpc1%get_nzeros()
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpc1%ia(1:nz1),desc_a,info,iact='I')
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpc1%ja(1:nz1),desc_a,info,iact='I')
nzh = tmpch%get_nzeros()
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpch%ia(1:nzh),desc_a,info,iact='I')
call psb_loc_to_glob(tmpch%ja(1:nzh),desc_a,info,iact='I')
nlz = nz1+nzh
call tmpcoo%allocate(ncol,ncol,nlz)
tmpcoo%ia(1:nz1) = tmpc1%ia(1:nz1)
tmpcoo%ja(1:nz1) = tmpc1%ja(1:nz1)
tmpcoo%val(1:nz1) = tmpc1%val(1:nz1)
tmpcoo%ia(nz1+1:nz1+nzh) = tmpch%ia(1:nzh)
tmpcoo%ja(nz1+1:nz1+nzh) = tmpch%ja(1:nzh)
tmpcoo%val(nz1+1:nz1+nzh) = tmpch%val(1:nzh)
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(nlz)
call tmpcoo%transp()
nz = tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
call psb_glob_to_loc(tmpcoo%ia(1:nz),desc_a,info,iact='I')
call psb_glob_to_loc(tmpcoo%ja(1:nz),desc_a,info,iact='I')
if (.true.) then
call tmpcoo%clean_negidx(info)
j = 0
do k=1, tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if ((tmpcoo%ia(k) > 0).and.(tmpcoo%ja(k)>0)) then
j = j+1
tmpcoo%ia(j) = tmpcoo%ia(k)
tmpcoo%ja(j) = tmpcoo%ja(k)
tmpcoo%val(j) = tmpcoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(j)
end if
call ahalo%mv_from(tmpcoo)
call ahalo%csclip(aout,info,imax=nrow)
call psb_sphalo(atmp,desc_a,ahalo,info, rowscale=.true.)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Htranspose from sphalo :',ahalo%get_nrows(),ahalo%get_ncols()
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_rwextd(ncol,atmp,info,b=ahalo)
if (debug) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'ahalo-',me,'.mtx'
call ahalo%print(fname=aname,head='ahalo after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atmp-h-',me,'.mtx'
call atmp%print(fname=aname,head='atmp after haloTest ',iv=ilv)
end if
if (info == psb_success_) call ahalo%free()
call atmp%cp_to(tmpcoo)
call tmpcoo%transp()
if (debug) write(0,*) 'Before cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if (.true.) then
call tmpcoo%clean_negidx(info)
j = 0
do k=1, tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
if ((tmpcoo%ia(k) > 0).and.(tmpcoo%ja(k)>0)) then
j = j+1
tmpcoo%ia(j) = tmpcoo%ia(k)
tmpcoo%ja(j) = tmpcoo%ja(k)
tmpcoo%val(j) = tmpcoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call tmpcoo%set_nzeros(j)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After cleanup:',tmpcoo%get_nzeros()
call ahalo%mv_from(tmpcoo)
if (dump) then
call psb_gather(aglb,ahalo,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-preclip.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
call ahalo%csclip(aout,info,imax=nrow)
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) 'After clip:',aout%get_nzeros()
if (debug_sync) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'End htranspose '
end if
!call aout%cscnv(info,type='csr')
if (dump) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran-',me,'.mtx'
call aout%print(fname=aname,head='atrans ',iv=ilv)
call psb_gather(aglb,aout,desc_a,info)
if (me==psb_root_) then
write(aname,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'atran.mtx'
call aglb%print(fname=aname,head='Test ')
end if
end if
end subroutine amg_shtranspose
end subroutine amg_s_par_build_ahat
subroutine amg_sPMatchBox(nlver,nledge,verlocptr,verlocind,edgelocweight,&
subroutine amg_s_PMatchBox(nlver,nledge,verlocptr,verlocind,edgelocweight,&
& verdistance, mate, myrank, numprocs, ictxt,&
& msgindsent,msgactualsent,msgpercent,&
& ph0_time, ph1_time, ph2_time, ph1_card, ph2_card,info,display_inp)
@ -1434,6 +1131,6 @@ contains
end if
where(mate>=0) mate = mate + 1
end subroutine amg_sPMatchBox
end subroutine amg_s_PMatchBox
end module amg_smatchboxp_mod
end module amg_s_matchboxp_mod

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
module amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_s_base_aggregator_mod
use amg_smatchboxp_mod
use amg_s_matchboxp_mod
#if defined(SERIAL_MPI)
type, extends(amg_s_base_aggregator_type) :: amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_type
end type amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_type

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ subroutine amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
use amg_base_prec_type
use amg_d_inner_mod
#if defined(SERIAL_MPI)
use amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_mod, amg_protect_name => amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_build_tprol
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ subroutine amg_d_parmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Into matchbox_build_prol ',info
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_mboxp)
call amg_dmatchboxp_build_prol(tmpw,acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),ixaggr,nxaggr,tmp_prol,info,&
call amg_d_matchboxp_build_prol(tmpw,acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),ixaggr,nxaggr,tmp_prol,info,&
& symmetrize=ag%need_symmetrize,reproducible=ag%reproducible_matching)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_mboxp)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Out from matchbox_build_prol ',info

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ subroutine amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
use amg_base_prec_type
use amg_s_inner_mod
#if defined(SERIAL_MPI)
use amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_mod, amg_protect_name => amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_build_tprol
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ subroutine amg_s_parmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Into matchbox_build_prol ',info
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_mboxp)
call amg_smatchboxp_build_prol(tmpw,acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),ixaggr,nxaggr,tmp_prol,info,&
call amg_s_matchboxp_build_prol(tmpw,acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),ixaggr,nxaggr,tmp_prol,info,&
& symmetrize=ag%need_symmetrize,reproducible=ag%reproducible_matching)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_mboxp)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Out from matchbox_build_prol ',info
