to be used in the iterative solutions of sparse linear systems:
@ -18,24 +18,25 @@ where $A$ is a square, real or complex, sparse matrix with a symmetric sparsity
These preconditioners have the following general features:
\item both \emph{additive and hybrid multilevel} variants, i.e.\ multiplicative among the levels
and additive inside a level, are implemented; the basic additive Schwarz preconditioners
are obtained by considering only one level;
\item both \emph{additive and hybrid multilevel} variants are implemented,
i.e.\ variants that are additive among the levels and inside each level, and variants
that are multiplicative among the levels and additive inside each level; the basic Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioners are obtained by considering only one level;
\item a \emph{purely algebraic} approach is used to
generate a sequence of coarse-level corrections to a basic preconditioner, without
generate a sequence of coarse-level corrections to a basic AS preconditioner, without
explicitly using any information on the geometry of the original problem (e.g.\ the
discretization of a PDE). The \emph{smoothed aggregation} technique is applied
as algebraic coarsening strategy~\cite{Vanek_Mandel_Brezina,Brezina_Vanek}.
as algebraic coarsening strategy~\cite{BREZINA_VANEK,VANEK_MANDEL_BREZINA}.
The package is written in \emph{Fortran~95}, following an \emph{object-oriented approach}
through the exploitation of features such as abstract data type creation, functional overloading and
dynamic memory management, while providing a smooth path towards the integration in
legacy application codes. The parallel implementation is based on a Single Program Multiple Data
(SPMD) paradigm for distributed-memory architectures.
through the exploitation of features such as abstract data type creation, functional
overloading and dynamic memory management, while providing a smooth path towards the integration in legacy application codes.
The parallel implementation is based
on a Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) paradigm for distributed-memory architectures.
Single and double precision implementations of MLD2P4 are available for both the
real and the complex case, that can be used through a single interface.
\textbf{SALVATORE, funziona tutto?}
MLD2P4 has been designed to implement scalable and easy-to-use multilevel preconditioners
in the context of the \emph{PSBLAS (Parallel Sparse BLAS) computational framework}~\cite{psblas_00}.
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ by expert users to build new versions of multi-level Schwarz preconditioners.
We provide here a description of the upper-layer routines, but not of the
medium-layer ones.
This guide is organized as follows:\textbf{organizzazione della guida}
This guide is organized as follows:\textbf{ORGANIZZAZIONE DELLA GUIDA}
\markboth{\underline{MLD2P4 User's and Reference Guide}}
{\underline{\ref{sec:userinterface} User Interface}}
The basic user interface of MLD2P4 consists of six routines. The four routines \verb|mld_precinit|,
\verb|mld_precset|, \verb|mld_precbld| and \verb|mld_precaply| encapsulate all the functionalities for the setup and application of any one-level and multi-level
@ -48,8 +50,7 @@ according to the preconditioner type chosen by the user.
& available local solver: 'ILU' for incomplete LU, 'MILU' for modified incomplete LU, 'ILUT'
for incomplete LU with threshold, 'UMF' for complete LU using UMFPACK~\cite{UMFPACK} version 4.4, 'SLU' for complete LU using SuperLU~\cite{SUPERLU}, version 3.0 \\
\verb|mld_sub_fillin_| &\verb|integer|
& any number $\ge0$
& 0
&\textbf{CAMBIARE NOME PARAMETRO NEL SW} fill-in level for 'ILU', 'MILU' and 'ILUT' of local blocks\\
\verb|mld_sub_thresh_| &\verb|real|
& any number $\ge0.$
& 0.
& drop tolerance for 'ILUT'
%\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\emph{coarse-space correction at the coarsest level}}\\\hline
\verb|mld_coarse_mat_| &
\verb|mld_coarse_solve_| &
&\textbf{VEDI OSSERVAZIONI EMAIL 15-16/06/08}\\
\verb|mld_coarse_subsolve_| &
&\textbf{VEDI OSSERVAZIONI EMAIL 15-16/06/08}\\
\verb|mld_coarse_fillin_| &
\verb|mld_coarse_thresh_| &
\verb|mld_coarse_mat_| &\verb|character(len=*)|
& Coarse matrix: distributed or replicated \\
\verb|mld_coarse_solve_| &\verb|character(len=*)|
& 'BJAC' \ \ \ 'UMF' \ \ \ 'SLUDIST'
& 'BJAC'
&\textbf{VEDI OSSERVAZIONI EMAIL 15-16/06/08} available solver for coarse system.
Only 'BJAC' and 'SLUDIST' can be used for distributed coarse matrix. 'BJAC' corresponds to some sweeps of a block-Jacobi solver, while 'SLUDIST' corresponds
to the use of the external package SuperLU\_Dist~\cite{SUPERLUDIST}, version 2.0, for distributed sparse factorization and solve. \\
&\textbf{VEDI OSSERVAZIONI EMAIL 15-16/06/08} available solver for diagonal local blocks of the coarse matrix, when 'BJAC' is used as coarse solver\\
& any number $> 0$
& 4
& number of Block-Jacobi sweeps when 'BJAC' is used as coarse solver \\
\verb|mld_coarse_fillin_| &\verb|integer|
& any number $\ge0$
& 0
& fill-in level in incomplete factorization of local diagonal blocks of the coarse matrix, when 'BJAC' is used as coarse solver and 'ILU' or 'MILU' is used as local solver \textbf{MODIFICA NOME PARAM. NEL SW}\\
\verb|mld_coarse_thresh_| &\verb|real|
& any number $\ge0.$
& 0.
& drop tolerance in incomplete factorization of local diagonal blocks of the coarse matrix, when 'BJAC' is used as coarse solver and 'ILUT' is used as local solver \\\hline
\caption{Parameters defining the coarse-space correction at the coarsest
@ -287,10 +292,10 @@ the user through the routines \verb|mld_precinit| and \verb|mld_precset|.
& The sparse matrix structure containing the local part of the
matrix to be preconditioned. Note that \emph{x} must be chosen according
to the real/complex, single/double precision version of MLD2P4 under use.
See the PSBLAS User's Guide for details \cite{}.\\
See the PSBLAS User's Guide for details \cite{PSBLASGUIDE}.\\