Base new matching on parmatch, to be deeply reworked

Salvatore Filippone 4 years ago
parent c4801635b8
commit 6f419a2210

@ -6,40 +6,55 @@
! Version: real
subroutine amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
& a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,op_prol,info)
& a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,t_prol,info)
use psb_base_mod
use amg_d_prec_type
use amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_mod, amg_protect_name => amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol
use amg_base_prec_type
use amg_d_inner_mod
use iso_c_binding
#if defined(SERIAL_MPI)
use amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_mod
use amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_mod, amg_protect_name => amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
class(amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_type), target, intent(inout) :: ag
type(amg_dml_parms), intent(inout) :: parms
type(amg_daggr_data), intent(in) :: ag_data
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
type(amg_dml_parms), intent(inout) :: parms
type(amg_daggr_data), intent(in) :: ag_data
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: ilaggr(:),nlaggr(:)
type(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(out) :: op_prol
type(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(out) :: t_prol
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! Local variables
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable:: valaggr(:)
type(psb_dspmat_type) :: a_tmp
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: tmpw(:), tmpwnxt(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: ixaggr(:), nxaggr(:), tlaggr(:), ivr(:)
type(psb_dspmat_type) :: a_tmp
type(nwm_CSRMatrix) :: C, P
integer(c_int) :: match_algorithm, n_sweeps, max_csize, max_nlevels
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
integer(psb_mpk_) :: np, me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act, ierr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, k, nr, nc, isz, num_pcols
type(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat), target :: acsr
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, target :: csr_ia(:), csr_ja(:), c_ilaggr(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: aux(:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable, target:: csr_val(:)
character(len=40) :: name, ch_err
character(len=80) :: fname, prefix_
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: np, me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act, ierr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, k, nr, nc
integer(psb_lpk_) :: isz, num_pcols, nrac, ncac, lname, nz, x_sweeps, csz
integer(psb_lpk_) :: psz, sizes(4)
type(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat), target :: csr_prol, csr_pvi, csr_prod_res, acsr
type(psb_ld_csr_sparse_mat), target :: lcsr_prol
type(psb_desc_type), allocatable :: desc_acv(:)
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpcoo, transp_coo
type(psb_dspmat_type), allocatable :: acv(:)
type(psb_dspmat_type), allocatable :: prolv(:), restrv(:)
type(psb_ldspmat_type) :: tmp_prol, tmp_pg, tmp_restr
type(psb_desc_type) :: tmp_desc_ac, tmp_desc_ax, tmp_desc_p
integer(psb_ipk_), save :: idx_mboxp=-1, idx_spmmbld=-1, idx_sweeps_mult=-1
logical, parameter :: dump=.false., do_timings=.true., debug=.false., &
& dump_prol_restr=.false.
function bootCMatch(C,match_alg,n_sweeps,max_nlevels,max_csize,w)&
& bind(c,name='bootCMatch') result(P)
@ -76,31 +91,36 @@ subroutine amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
end function amg_bootCMatch_if
end interface
ctxt = desc_a%get_context()
call psb_info(ctxt,me,np)
if (psb_get_errstatus().ne.0) return
ictxt = desc_a%get_context()
call psb_info(ictxt,me,np)
if (psb_get_errstatus().ne.0) then
write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Err_status :',psb_get_errstatus()
end if
if (debug) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Start '
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
info = psb_success_
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_mboxp==-1)) &
& idx_mboxp = psb_get_timer_idx("PMC_TPROL: MatchBoxP")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_spmmbld==-1)) &
& idx_spmmbld = psb_get_timer_idx("PMC_TPROL: spmm_bld")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_sweeps_mult==-1)) &
& idx_sweeps_mult = psb_get_timer_idx("PMC_TPROL: sweeps_mult")
call amg_check_def(parms%ml_cycle,'Multilevel cycle',&
& amg_mult_ml_,is_legal_ml_cycle)
call amg_check_def(parms%par_aggr_alg,'Aggregation',&
& amg_dec_aggr_,is_legal_decoupled_par_aggr_alg)
& amg_coupled_aggr_,is_legal_coupled_par_aggr_alg)
call amg_check_def(parms%aggr_ord,'Ordering',&
& amg_aggr_ord_nat_,is_legal_ml_aggr_ord)
call amg_check_def(parms%aggr_thresh,'Aggr_Thresh',dzero,is_legal_d_aggr_thrs)
call a%csclip(b=a_tmp, info=info, jmax=a%get_nrows(), imax=a%get_nrows())
call a_tmp%mv_to(acsr)
if (ag%do_clean_zeros) call acsr%clean_zeros(info)
nr = a%get_nrows()
if (psb_size(ag%w) < nr) call ag%bld_default_w(nr)
!write(*,*) 'Build_tprol:',acsr%get_nrows(),acsr%get_ncols()
C%num_rows = acsr%get_nrows()
C%num_cols = acsr%get_ncols()
@ -111,64 +131,358 @@ subroutine amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
C%i = c_loc(acsr%irp)
C%j = c_loc(acsr%ja)
C%data = c_loc(acsr%val)
isz = a%get_ncols()
call psb_realloc(isz,ilaggr,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_realloc(isz,c_ilaggr,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_realloc(isz,valaggr,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=ch_err)
goto 9999
end if
#if !defined(SERIAL_MPI)
match_algorithm = ag%matching_alg
n_sweeps = ag%n_sweeps
if (2**n_sweeps /= ag%orig_aggr_size) then
if (me == 0) then
write(debug_unit, *) 'Warning: AGGR_SIZE reset to value ',2**n_sweeps
end if
end if
if (ag%max_csize > 0) then
max_csize = ag%max_csize
max_csize = (ag_data%min_coarse_size + np -1)/np
max_csize = ag_data%min_coarse_size
end if
if (ag%max_nlevels > 0) then
max_nlevels = ag%max_nlevels
max_nlevels = ag_data%max_levs
end if
if (.true.) then
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ipv(2)
ipv(1) = max_csize
ipv(2) = n_sweeps
call psb_bcast(ictxt,ipv)
max_csize = ipv(1)
n_sweeps = ipv(2)
end block
call psb_bcast(ictxt,max_csize)
call psb_bcast(ictxt,n_sweeps)
end if
if (n_sweeps /= ag%n_sweeps) then
write(0,*) me,' Inconsistent N_SWEEPS ',n_sweeps,ag%n_sweeps
end if
!!$ if (me==0) write(0,*) 'Matching sweeps: ',n_sweeps
n_sweeps = max(1,n_sweeps)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Copies, with n_sweeps: ',n_sweeps,max_csize
if (ag%unsmoothed_hierarchy.and.allocated(ag%base_a)) then
call ag%base_a%cp_to(acsr)
if (ag%do_clean_zeros) call acsr%clean_zeros(info)
nr = acsr%get_nrows()
if (psb_size(ag%w) < nr) call ag%bld_default_w(nr)
isz = acsr%get_ncols()
info = amg_bootCMatch_if(C,match_algorithm,n_sweeps,max_nlevels,max_csize,&
& ag%w_c_nxt, isz, c_ilaggr, valaggr, num_pcols)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
!!$ write(0,*) 'On return from bootCMatch_if:',info
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='amg_bootCMatch_if')
goto 9999
call psb_realloc(isz,ixaggr,info)
if (info == psb_success_) &
& allocate(acv(0:n_sweeps), desc_acv(0:n_sweeps),&
& prolv(n_sweeps), restrv(n_sweeps),stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=ch_err)
goto 9999
end if
call acv(0)%mv_from(acsr)
call ag%base_desc%clone(desc_acv(0),info)
call a%cp_to(acsr)
if (ag%do_clean_zeros) call acsr%clean_zeros(info)
nr = acsr%get_nrows()
if (psb_size(ag%w) < nr) call ag%bld_default_w(nr)
isz = acsr%get_ncols()
call psb_realloc(isz,ixaggr,info)
if (info == psb_success_) &
& allocate(acv(0:n_sweeps), desc_acv(0:n_sweeps),&
& prolv(n_sweeps), restrv(n_sweeps),stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=ch_err)
goto 9999
end if
call acv(0)%mv_from(acsr)
call desc_a%clone(desc_acv(0),info)
end if
ilaggr(1:nr) = c_ilaggr(1:nr)
!!$ write(0,*) 'On output from BootCMatch',nr,num_pcols,size(ilaggr),maxval(ilaggr),&
!!$ & minval(ilaggr),minval(ilaggr(1:nr)),a%get_nrows(),a%get_ncols()
! Prepare vector W for next level, just in case
call ag%bld_wnxt(ilaggr(1:nr),valaggr(1:nr),num_pcols)
call psb_realloc(np,nlaggr,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,i_err=(/np,izero,izero,izero,izero/),&
& a_err='integer')
goto 9999
nrac = desc_acv(0)%get_local_rows()
ncac = desc_acv(0)%get_local_cols()
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' On input to level: ',nrac, ncac
if (allocated(ag%prol)) then
call ag%prol%free()
end if
if (allocated(ag%restr)) then
call ag%restr%free()
end if
call acsr%free()
nlaggr(me+1) = num_pcols
call psb_sum(ctxt,nlaggr(1:np))
if (dump) then
type(psb_ldspmat_type) :: lac
ivr = desc_acv(0)%get_global_indices(owned=.false.)
prefix_ = "input_a"
lname = len_trim(prefix_)
fname = trim(prefix_)
write(fname(lname+1:lname+9),'(a,i3.3,a)') '_p',me, '.mtx'
call acv(0)%print(fname,head='Debug aggregates')
call lac%cp_from(acv(0))
write(fname(lname+1:lname+13),'(a,i3.3,a)') '_p',me, '-glb.mtx'
call lac%print(fname,head='Debug aggregates',iv=ivr)
call lac%free()
end block
end if
call psb_geall(tmpw,desc_acv(0),info)
tmpw(1:nr) = ag%w(1:nr)
call psb_geasb(tmpw,desc_acv(0),info)
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'N_sweeps ',n_sweeps,nr,desc_acv(0)%is_ok(),max_csize
end if
! Prepare ag%ac, ag%desc_ac, ag%prol, ag%restr to enable
! shortcuts in mat_bld and mat_asb
! and ag%desc_ax which will be needed in backfix.
x_sweeps = -1
sweeps_loop: do i=1, n_sweeps
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me==0) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Start sweeps_loop iteration:',i,' of ',n_sweeps
end if
! Building prol and restr because this algorithm is not decoupled
! On exit from matchbox_build_prol, prolv(i) is in global numbering
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Into matchbox_build_prol ',info
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_mboxp)
!!$ call amg_dmatchboxp_build_prol(tmpw,acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),ixaggr,nxaggr,tmp_prol,info,&
!!$ & symmetrize=ag%need_symmetrize,reproducible=ag%reproducible_matching)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_mboxp)
if (debug) write(0,*) me,' Out from matchbox_build_prol ',info
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*)me,trim(name),'Error fatal on exit bld_tprol',info
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
!!$ write(0,*) name,' Call spmm_bld sweep:',i,n_sweeps
if (me==0) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Calling spmm_bld NSW>1:',i,&
& desc_acv(i-1)%get_local_rows(),desc_acv(i-1)%get_local_cols(),&
& desc_acv(i-1)%get_global_rows()
end if
if (i == n_sweeps) call tmp_prol%clone(tmp_pg,info)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_spmmbld)
!!$ !
!!$ ! On entry, prolv(i) is in global numbering,
!!$ !
!!$ call amg_d_newmatch_spmm_bld_ov(acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),ixaggr,nxaggr,parms,&
!!$ & acv(i),desc_acv(i), prolv(i),restrv(1),tmp_prol,info)
!!$ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*)me,trim(name),'Error fatal on exit from bld_ov(i)',info
!!$ if (debug) then
!!$ call psb_barrier(ictxt)
!!$ if (me==0) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Done spmm_bld:',i
!!$ end if
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_spmmbld)
! Keep a copy of prolv(i) in global numbering for the time being, will
! need it to build the final
! if (i == n_sweeps) call prolv(i)%clone(tmp_prol,info)
call ag%inner_mat_asb(parms,acv(i-1),desc_acv(i-1),&
& acv(i),desc_acv(i),prolv(i),restrv(1),info)
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me==0) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Done mat_asb:',i,sum(nxaggr),max_csize,info
csz = sum(nxaggr)
call psb_bcast(ictxt,csz)
if (csz /= sum(nxaggr)) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Mismatch matasb',&
& csz,sum(nxaggr),max_csize
end if
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*)me,trim(name),'Error fatal on entry to tmpwnxt 2'
! Fix wnxt
if (info == 0) call psb_geall(tmpwnxt,desc_acv(i),info)
if (info == 0) call psb_geasb(tmpwnxt,desc_acv(i),info,scratch=.true.)
if (info == 0) call psb_halo(tmpw,desc_acv(i-1),info)
!!$ write(0,*) trestr%get_nrows(),size(tmpwnxt),trestr%get_ncols(),size(tmpw)
if (info == 0) call psb_csmm(done,restrv(1),tmpw,dzero,tmpwnxt,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
write(0,*)me,trim(name),'Error from mat_asb/tmpw ',info
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mat_asb 2')
goto 9999
end if
if (i == 1) then
nrac = desc_acv(1)%get_local_rows()
!!$ write(0,*) 'Copying output w_nxt ',nrac
call psb_realloc(nrac,ag%w_nxt,info)
ag%w_nxt(1:nrac) = tmpwnxt(1:nrac)
! ILAGGR is fixed later on, but
! get a copy in case of an early exit
call psb_safe_ab_cpy(ixaggr,ilaggr,info)
end if
call psb_safe_ab_cpy(nxaggr,nlaggr,info)
call move_alloc(tmpwnxt,tmpw)
if (debug) then
if (csz /= sum(nlaggr)) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Mismatch 2 matasb',&
& csz,sum(nlaggr),max_csize, info
end if
call acv(i-1)%free()
if ((sum(nlaggr) <= max_csize).or.(any(nlaggr==0))) then
x_sweeps = i
exit sweeps_loop
end if
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me==0) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Done sweeps_loop iteration:',i,' of ',n_sweeps
end if
end do sweeps_loop
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me==0) write(0,*) me,trim(name),' Done sweeps_loop:',x_sweeps
end if
if (x_sweeps<=0) x_sweeps = n_sweeps
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_sweeps_mult)
! Ok, now we have all the prolongators, including the last one in global numbering.
! Build the product of all prolongators. Need a tmp_desc_ax
! which is correct but most of the time overdimensioned
if (.not.allocated(ag%desc_ax)) allocate(ag%desc_ax)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nnz
integer(psb_lpk_) :: ncol, ncsave
if (.not.allocated(ag%ac)) allocate(ag%ac)
if (.not.allocated(ag%desc_ac)) allocate(ag%desc_ac)
call desc_acv(x_sweeps)%clone(ag%desc_ac,info)
call desc_acv(x_sweeps)%free(info)
call acv(x_sweeps)%move_alloc(ag%ac,info)
if (.not.allocated(ag%prol)) allocate(ag%prol)
if (.not.allocated(ag%restr)) allocate(ag%restr)
call psb_cd_reinit(ag%desc_ac,info)
ncsave = ag%desc_ac%get_global_rows()
! Note: prolv(i) is already in local numbering
! because of the call to mat_asb in the loop above.
call prolv(x_sweeps)%mv_to(csr_prol)
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Enter prolongator product loop ',x_sweeps
end if
do i=x_sweeps-1, 1, -1
call prolv(i)%mv_to(csr_pvi)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*) me,' Fatal error in prolongator loop 1'
call psb_par_spspmm(csr_pvi,desc_acv(i),csr_prol,csr_prod_res,ag%desc_ac,info)
if ((info /=0).or.psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*) me,' Fatal error in prolongator loop 2',info
call csr_pvi%free()
call csr_prod_res%mv_to_fmt(csr_prol,info)
if ((info /=0).or.psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*) me,' Fatal error in prolongator loop 3',info
call csr_prol%set_ncols(ag%desc_ac%get_local_cols())
if ((info /=0).or.psb_errstatus_fatal()) write(0,*) me,' Fatal error in prolongator loop 4'
end do
call csr_prol%mv_to_lfmt(lcsr_prol,info)
nnz = lcsr_prol%get_nzeros()
call ag%desc_ac%l2gip(lcsr_prol%ja(1:nnz),info)
call lcsr_prol%set_ncols(ncsave)
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Done prolongator product loop ',x_sweeps
end if
! Fix ILAGGR here by copying from CSR_PROL%JA
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nr
nr = lcsr_prol%get_nrows()
if (nnz /= nr) then
write(0,*) me,name,' Issue with prolongator? ',nr,nnz
end if
call psb_realloc(nr,ilaggr,info)
ilaggr(1:nnz) = lcsr_prol%ja(1:nnz)
end block
call tmp_prol%mv_from(lcsr_prol)
call psb_cdasb(ag%desc_ac,info)
call ag%ac%set_ncols(ag%desc_ac%get_local_cols())
end block
call tmp_prol%move_alloc(t_prol,info)
call t_prol%set_ncols(ag%desc_ac%get_local_cols())
call t_prol%set_nrows(desc_acv(0)%get_local_rows())
nrac = ag%desc_ac%get_local_rows()
ncac = ag%desc_ac%get_local_cols()
call psb_realloc(nrac,ag%w_nxt,info)
ag%w_nxt(1:nrac) = tmpw(1:nrac)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_sweeps_mult)
if (debug) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Out of build loop ',x_sweeps,': Output size:',sum(nlaggr)
end if
!call psb_set_debug_level(0)
if (dump) then
ivr = desc_acv(x_sweeps)%get_global_indices(owned=.false.)
prefix_ = "final_ac"
lname = len_trim(prefix_)
fname = trim(prefix_)
write(fname(lname+1:lname+9),'(a,i3.3,a)') '_p',me, '.mtx'
call acv(x_sweeps)%print(fname,head='Debug aggregates')
write(fname(lname+1:lname+13),'(a,i3.3,a)') '_p',me, '-glb.mtx'
call acv(x_sweeps)%print(fname,head='Debug aggregates',iv=ivr)
prefix_ = "final_tp"
lname = len_trim(prefix_)
fname = trim(prefix_)
write(fname(lname+1:lname+9),'(a,i3.3,a)') '_p',me, '.mtx'
call t_prol%print(fname,head='Tentative prolongator')
end block
end if
call amg_d_newmatch_map_to_tprol(desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,valaggr,op_prol,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='amg_newmatch_map_to_tprol')
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='amg_bootCMatch_if')
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
@ -176,3 +490,4 @@ subroutine amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,ag_data,&
end subroutine amg_d_newmatch_aggregator_build_tprol
