Fixed OpenMP version of SOC1.

sfilippone 1 year ago
parent 2fd718be6f
commit 7b9c722a1a

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! Local variables
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ils(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ioffs(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
& ideg(:), idxs(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: tmpaggr(:)
complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: val(:), diag(:)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
nr = a%get_nrows()
nc = a%get_ncols()
& icol(nc),val(nc),stat=info)
if(info /= psb_success_) then
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
!$omp parallel do private(i)
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
idxs(i) = i
idxs(i) = i
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
ideg(i) = acsr%irp(i+1) - acsr%irp(i)
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
call psb_msort(ideg,ix=idxs,dir=psb_sort_down_)
@ -172,37 +174,35 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase one: Start with disjoint groups.
naggr = 0
#if 0&&defined(OPENMP)
#if defined(OPENMP)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: bnds(:), locnaggr(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: myth,nths, kk
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) private(icol,val,myth,kk)
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,ioffs,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) &
!$omp private(icol,val,myth,kk)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz, minip
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,kp,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz
nths = omp_get_num_threads()
myth = omp_get_thread_num()
rsz = nr/nths
if (myth < mod(nr,nths)) rsz = rsz + 1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread : rsz ',myth,rsz
!$omp master
locnaggr(:) = 0
bnds(0) = 1
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
bnds(myth+1) = rsz
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 1: ',bnds
do i=1,nths
bnds(i) = bnds(i) + bnds(i-1)
end do
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 2: ',bnds
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread ',myth,kk,bnds(kk),bnds(kk+1)-1
step1: do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (info /= 0) cycle
i = idxs(ii)
@ -228,94 +228,67 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Build the set of all strongly coupled nodes
if (.false.) then
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if ((bnds(myth)<=j).and.(j<=(bnds(myth+1)-1))) then
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (ilaggr(j) > 0) cycle step1
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(icol(k)) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(icol(k)) = kk
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(i) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(i) = kk
end if
ip = 0
minip = nr +1
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
minip = min(icol(ip),minip)
end if
if (bnds(myth)<=minip) then
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
end if
enddo step1
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
naggr = sum(locnaggr(0:nths-1))
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr, 'locnaggr ',locnaggr(0:nths-1)
do i=1,nths
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i) + locnaggr(i-1)
end do
do i=nths,1,-1
do i=nths+1,1,-1
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i-1)
end do
locnaggr(0) = 0
!$omp end master
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii) + locnaggr(kk)
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) then
kp = ioffs(ii)
ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii)- (bnds(kp)-1) + locnaggr(kp)
end if
end do
end do
!$omp end do
end block
!$omp end parallel
end block
!!$ write(0,*) 'Out of parallel looop NAGGR ',naggr
step1: do ii=1, nr
if (info /= 0) cycle
@ -369,7 +342,6 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
enddo step1
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
@ -381,10 +353,11 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase two: join the neighbours
! $ omp workshare
!$omp workshare
tmpaggr = ilaggr
! $ omp end workshare
! $ omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta) private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
!$omp end workshare
!$omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta)&
!$omp private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
step2: do ii=1,nr
i = idxs(ii)
@ -415,14 +388,14 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
end if
end do step2
! $ omp end parallel do
!$omp end parallel do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p2)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
& ' Check 1.5:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_soc1_p3)
! Phase three: sweep over leftovers, if any
@ -488,7 +461,6 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p3)
if (naggr > ncol) then
!write(0,*) name,'Error : naggr > ncol',naggr,ncol
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='Fatal error: naggr>ncol')
goto 9999
@ -518,7 +490,6 @@ subroutine amg_c_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
& ' Check 2:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
!!$ write(0,*) nlaggr(1:np),'ILAGGR : ',ilaggr(1:nr)
call acsr%free()
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! Local variables
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ils(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ioffs(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
& ideg(:), idxs(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: tmpaggr(:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: val(:), diag(:)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
nr = a%get_nrows()
nc = a%get_ncols()
& icol(nc),val(nc),stat=info)
if(info /= psb_success_) then
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
!$omp parallel do private(i)
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
idxs(i) = i
idxs(i) = i
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
ideg(i) = acsr%irp(i+1) - acsr%irp(i)
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
call psb_msort(ideg,ix=idxs,dir=psb_sort_down_)
@ -172,37 +174,35 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase one: Start with disjoint groups.
naggr = 0
#if 0&&defined(OPENMP)
#if defined(OPENMP)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: bnds(:), locnaggr(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: myth,nths, kk
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) private(icol,val,myth,kk)
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,ioffs,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) &
!$omp private(icol,val,myth,kk)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz, minip
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,kp,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz
nths = omp_get_num_threads()
myth = omp_get_thread_num()
rsz = nr/nths
if (myth < mod(nr,nths)) rsz = rsz + 1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread : rsz ',myth,rsz
!$omp master
locnaggr(:) = 0
bnds(0) = 1
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
bnds(myth+1) = rsz
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 1: ',bnds
do i=1,nths
bnds(i) = bnds(i) + bnds(i-1)
end do
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 2: ',bnds
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread ',myth,kk,bnds(kk),bnds(kk+1)-1
step1: do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (info /= 0) cycle
i = idxs(ii)
@ -228,94 +228,67 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Build the set of all strongly coupled nodes
if (.false.) then
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if ((bnds(myth)<=j).and.(j<=(bnds(myth+1)-1))) then
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (ilaggr(j) > 0) cycle step1
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(icol(k)) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(icol(k)) = kk
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(i) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(i) = kk
end if
ip = 0
minip = nr +1
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
minip = min(icol(ip),minip)
end if
if (bnds(myth)<=minip) then
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
end if
enddo step1
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
naggr = sum(locnaggr(0:nths-1))
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr, 'locnaggr ',locnaggr(0:nths-1)
do i=1,nths
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i) + locnaggr(i-1)
end do
do i=nths,1,-1
do i=nths+1,1,-1
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i-1)
end do
locnaggr(0) = 0
!$omp end master
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii) + locnaggr(kk)
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) then
kp = ioffs(ii)
ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii)- (bnds(kp)-1) + locnaggr(kp)
end if
end do
end do
!$omp end do
end block
!$omp end parallel
end block
!!$ write(0,*) 'Out of parallel looop NAGGR ',naggr
step1: do ii=1, nr
if (info /= 0) cycle
@ -369,7 +342,6 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
enddo step1
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
@ -381,10 +353,11 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase two: join the neighbours
! $ omp workshare
!$omp workshare
tmpaggr = ilaggr
! $ omp end workshare
! $ omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta) private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
!$omp end workshare
!$omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta)&
!$omp private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
step2: do ii=1,nr
i = idxs(ii)
@ -415,14 +388,14 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
end if
end do step2
! $ omp end parallel do
!$omp end parallel do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p2)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
& ' Check 1.5:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_soc1_p3)
! Phase three: sweep over leftovers, if any
@ -488,7 +461,6 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p3)
if (naggr > ncol) then
!write(0,*) name,'Error : naggr > ncol',naggr,ncol
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='Fatal error: naggr>ncol')
goto 9999
@ -518,7 +490,6 @@ subroutine amg_d_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
& ' Check 2:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
!!$ write(0,*) nlaggr(1:np),'ILAGGR : ',ilaggr(1:nr)
call acsr%free()
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! Local variables
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ils(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ioffs(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
& ideg(:), idxs(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: tmpaggr(:)
real(psb_spk_), allocatable :: val(:), diag(:)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
nr = a%get_nrows()
nc = a%get_ncols()
& icol(nc),val(nc),stat=info)
if(info /= psb_success_) then
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
!$omp parallel do private(i)
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
idxs(i) = i
idxs(i) = i
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
ideg(i) = acsr%irp(i+1) - acsr%irp(i)
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
call psb_msort(ideg,ix=idxs,dir=psb_sort_down_)
@ -172,37 +174,35 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase one: Start with disjoint groups.
naggr = 0
#if 0&&defined(OPENMP)
#if defined(OPENMP)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: bnds(:), locnaggr(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: myth,nths, kk
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) private(icol,val,myth,kk)
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,ioffs,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) &
!$omp private(icol,val,myth,kk)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz, minip
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,kp,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz
nths = omp_get_num_threads()
myth = omp_get_thread_num()
rsz = nr/nths
if (myth < mod(nr,nths)) rsz = rsz + 1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread : rsz ',myth,rsz
!$omp master
locnaggr(:) = 0
bnds(0) = 1
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
bnds(myth+1) = rsz
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 1: ',bnds
do i=1,nths
bnds(i) = bnds(i) + bnds(i-1)
end do
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 2: ',bnds
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread ',myth,kk,bnds(kk),bnds(kk+1)-1
step1: do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (info /= 0) cycle
i = idxs(ii)
@ -228,94 +228,67 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Build the set of all strongly coupled nodes
if (.false.) then
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if ((bnds(myth)<=j).and.(j<=(bnds(myth+1)-1))) then
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (ilaggr(j) > 0) cycle step1
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(icol(k)) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(icol(k)) = kk
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(i) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(i) = kk
end if
ip = 0
minip = nr +1
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
minip = min(icol(ip),minip)
end if
if (bnds(myth)<=minip) then
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
end if
enddo step1
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
naggr = sum(locnaggr(0:nths-1))
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr, 'locnaggr ',locnaggr(0:nths-1)
do i=1,nths
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i) + locnaggr(i-1)
end do
do i=nths,1,-1
do i=nths+1,1,-1
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i-1)
end do
locnaggr(0) = 0
!$omp end master
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii) + locnaggr(kk)
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) then
kp = ioffs(ii)
ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii)- (bnds(kp)-1) + locnaggr(kp)
end if
end do
end do
!$omp end do
end block
!$omp end parallel
end block
!!$ write(0,*) 'Out of parallel looop NAGGR ',naggr
step1: do ii=1, nr
if (info /= 0) cycle
@ -369,7 +342,6 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
enddo step1
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
@ -381,10 +353,11 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase two: join the neighbours
! $ omp workshare
!$omp workshare
tmpaggr = ilaggr
! $ omp end workshare
! $ omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta) private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
!$omp end workshare
!$omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta)&
!$omp private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
step2: do ii=1,nr
i = idxs(ii)
@ -415,14 +388,14 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
end if
end do step2
! $ omp end parallel do
!$omp end parallel do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p2)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
& ' Check 1.5:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_soc1_p3)
! Phase three: sweep over leftovers, if any
@ -488,7 +461,6 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p3)
if (naggr > ncol) then
!write(0,*) name,'Error : naggr > ncol',naggr,ncol
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='Fatal error: naggr>ncol')
goto 9999
@ -518,7 +490,6 @@ subroutine amg_s_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
& ' Check 2:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
!!$ write(0,*) nlaggr(1:np),'ILAGGR : ',ilaggr(1:nr)
call acsr%free()
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
! Local variables
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ils(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ioffs(:), neigh(:), irow(:), icol(:),&
& ideg(:), idxs(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: tmpaggr(:)
complex(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: val(:), diag(:)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
nr = a%get_nrows()
nc = a%get_ncols()
& icol(nc),val(nc),stat=info)
if(info /= psb_success_) then
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
!$omp parallel do private(i)
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
idxs(i) = i
idxs(i) = i
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
do i=1, nr
ilaggr(i) = -(nr+1)
ideg(i) = acsr%irp(i+1) - acsr%irp(i)
ioffs(i) = 0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
call psb_msort(ideg,ix=idxs,dir=psb_sort_down_)
@ -172,37 +174,35 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase one: Start with disjoint groups.
naggr = 0
#if 0&&defined(OPENMP)
#if defined(OPENMP)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: bnds(:), locnaggr(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: myth,nths, kk
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) private(icol,val,myth,kk)
!$omp parallel shared(bnds,ioffs,locnaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta,nths) &
!$omp private(icol,val,myth,kk)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz, minip
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ii,nlp,k,kp,n,ia,isz, nc, i,j,m, nz, ilg, ip, rsz
nths = omp_get_num_threads()
myth = omp_get_thread_num()
rsz = nr/nths
if (myth < mod(nr,nths)) rsz = rsz + 1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread : rsz ',myth,rsz
!$omp master
locnaggr(:) = 0
bnds(0) = 1
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
bnds(myth+1) = rsz
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 1: ',bnds
do i=1,nths
bnds(i) = bnds(i) + bnds(i-1)
end do
!!$ write(0,*) 'From master 2: ',bnds
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
!!$ write(0,*) 'From thread ',myth,kk,bnds(kk),bnds(kk+1)-1
step1: do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (info /= 0) cycle
i = idxs(ii)
@ -228,94 +228,67 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Build the set of all strongly coupled nodes
if (.false.) then
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if ((bnds(myth)<=j).and.(j<=(bnds(myth+1)-1))) then
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
ip = 0
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (ilaggr(j) > 0) cycle step1
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
end if
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(icol(k)) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(icol(k)) = kk
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
ilaggr(i) = bnds(kk)-1+locnaggr(kk)
ioffs(i) = kk
end if
ip = 0
minip = nr +1
do k=1, nz
j = icol(k)
if (abs(val(k)) > theta*sqrt(abs(diag(i)*diag(j)))) then
ip = ip + 1
icol(ip) = icol(k)
minip = min(icol(ip),minip)
end if
if (bnds(myth)<=minip) then
! If the whole strongly coupled neighborhood of I is
! as yet unconnected, turn it into the next aggregate.
! Same if ip==0 (in which case, neighborhood only
! contains I even if it does not look like it from matrix)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
!$omp critical(update_ilaggr)
disjoint = all(ilaggr(icol(1:ip)) == -(nr+1)).or.(ip==0)
if (disjoint) then
locnaggr(kk) = locnaggr(kk) + 1
do k=1, ip
ilaggr(icol(k)) = locnaggr(kk)
end do
ilaggr(i) = locnaggr(kk)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
!$omp end critical(update_ilaggr)
end if
end if
enddo step1
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
naggr = sum(locnaggr(0:nths-1))
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr, 'locnaggr ',locnaggr(0:nths-1)
do i=1,nths
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i) + locnaggr(i-1)
end do
do i=nths,1,-1
do i=nths+1,1,-1
locnaggr(i) = locnaggr(i-1)
end do
locnaggr(0) = 0
!$omp end master
!$omp end master
!$omp barrier
!$omp do schedule(static)
do kk=0, nths-1
do ii=bnds(kk), bnds(kk+1)-1
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii) + locnaggr(kk)
if (ilaggr(ii) > 0) then
kp = ioffs(ii)
ilaggr(ii) = ilaggr(ii)- (bnds(kp)-1) + locnaggr(kp)
end if
end do
end do
!$omp end do
end block
!$omp end parallel
end block
!!$ write(0,*) 'Out of parallel looop NAGGR ',naggr
step1: do ii=1, nr
if (info /= 0) cycle
@ -369,7 +342,6 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
enddo step1
!!$ write(0,*) 'NAGGR ',naggr
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
@ -381,10 +353,11 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
! Phase two: join the neighbours
! $ omp workshare
!$omp workshare
tmpaggr = ilaggr
! $ omp end workshare
! $ omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta) private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
!$omp end workshare
!$omp parallel do schedule(static) shared(tmpaggr,ilaggr,nr,naggr,diag,theta)&
!$omp private(ii,i,j,k,nz,icol,val,ip)
step2: do ii=1,nr
i = idxs(ii)
@ -415,14 +388,14 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end if
end if
end do step2
! $ omp end parallel do
!$omp end parallel do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p2)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) then
write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),&
& ' Check 1.5:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_soc1_p3)
! Phase three: sweep over leftovers, if any
@ -488,7 +461,6 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
end do
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_soc1_p3)
if (naggr > ncol) then
!write(0,*) name,'Error : naggr > ncol',naggr,ncol
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='Fatal error: naggr>ncol')
goto 9999
@ -518,7 +490,6 @@ subroutine amg_z_soc1_map_bld(iorder,theta,clean_zeros,a,desc_a,nlaggr,ilaggr,in
& ' Check 2:',naggr,count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1)), count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),&
& count(ilaggr(1:nr) == -(nr+1))+count(ilaggr(1:nr)>0),nr
end if
!!$ write(0,*) nlaggr(1:np),'ILAGGR : ',ilaggr(1:nr)
call acsr%free()
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
