@ -68,12 +68,13 @@ module psb_prec_type
integer, parameter :: ilu_fill_in_=8, jac_sweeps_=9, ml_type_=10
integer, parameter :: smth_pos_=11, aggr_alg_=12, smth_kind_=13
integer, parameter :: om_choice_=14, glb_smth_=15, coarse_mat_=16
!Renumbering. SEE BELOW
integer, parameter :: renum_none_=0, renum_glb_=1, renum_gps_=2
!! 2 ints for 64 bit versions
integer, parameter :: slu_ptr_=17, umf_symptr_=17, umf_numptr_=19
integer, parameter :: slud_ptr_=21
integer, parameter :: ifpsz=24
integer, parameter :: ifpsz=24, prec_status_=ifpsz
integer, parameter :: prec_built=98765
!Renumbering. SEE BELOW
integer, parameter :: renum_none_=0, renum_glb_=1, renum_gps_=2
! Entries in dprcparm: ILU(E) epsilon, smoother omega
integer, parameter :: fact_eps_=1, smooth_omega_=2
integer, parameter :: dfpsz=4
@ -216,8 +217,121 @@ module psb_prec_type
module procedure psb_prec_short_descr, psb_zprec_short_descr
end interface
interface psb_prec_sizeof
module procedure psb_dprec_sizeof, psb_zprec_sizeof, &
& psb_dbaseprc_sizeof, psb_zbaseprc_sizeof
end interface
function psb_dprec_sizeof(prec)
use psb_base_mod
type(psb_dprec_type), intent(in) :: prec
integer :: psb_dprec_sizeof
integer :: val,i
val = 8
if (allocated(prec%baseprecv)) then
do i=1, size(prec%baseprecv)
val = val + psb_prec_sizeof(prec%baseprecv(i))
end do
end if
psb_dprec_sizeof = val
end function psb_dprec_sizeof
function psb_zprec_sizeof(prec)
use psb_base_mod
type(psb_zprec_type), intent(in) :: prec
integer :: psb_zprec_sizeof
integer :: val,i
val = 8
if (allocated(prec%baseprecv)) then
do i=1, size(prec%baseprecv)
val = val + psb_prec_sizeof(prec%baseprecv(i))
end do
end if
psb_zprec_sizeof = val
end function psb_zprec_sizeof
function psb_dbaseprc_sizeof(prec)
use psb_base_mod
type(psb_dbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: prec
integer :: psb_dbaseprc_sizeof
integer :: val,i
val = 0
if (allocated(prec%iprcparm)) then
val = val + 4 * size(prec%iprcparm)
if (prec%iprcparm(prec_status_) == prec_built) then
select case(prec%iprcparm(f_type_))
! do nothing
write(0,*) 'Should implement check for size of SuperLU data structs'
write(0,*) 'Should implement check for size of UMFPACK data structs'
write(0,*) 'Should implement check for size of SuperLUDist data structs'
case default
end select
end if
end if
if (allocated(prec%dprcparm)) val = val + 8 * size(prec%dprcparm)
if (allocated(prec%d)) val = val + 8 * size(prec%d)
if (allocated(prec%perm)) val = val + 4 * size(prec%perm)
if (allocated(prec%invperm)) val = val + 4 * size(prec%invperm)
val = val + psb_sizeof(prec%desc_data)
if (allocated(prec%av)) then
do i=1,size(prec%av)
val = val + psb_sizeof(prec%av(i))
end do
end if
psb_dbaseprc_sizeof = val
end function psb_dbaseprc_sizeof
function psb_zbaseprc_sizeof(prec)
use psb_base_mod
type(psb_zbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: prec
integer :: psb_zbaseprc_sizeof
integer :: val,i
val = 0
if (allocated(prec%iprcparm)) then
val = val + 4 * size(prec%iprcparm)
if (prec%iprcparm(prec_status_) == prec_built) then
select case(prec%iprcparm(f_type_))
! do nothing
write(0,*) 'Should implement check for size of SuperLU data structs'
write(0,*) 'Should implement check for size of UMFPACK data structs'
write(0,*) 'Should implement check for size of SuperLUDist data structs'
case default
end select
end if
end if
if (allocated(prec%dprcparm)) val = val + 8 * size(prec%dprcparm)
if (allocated(prec%d)) val = val + 16 * size(prec%d)
if (allocated(prec%perm)) val = val + 4 * size(prec%perm)
if (allocated(prec%invperm)) val = val + 4 * size(prec%invperm)
val = val + psb_sizeof(prec%desc_data)
if (allocated(prec%av)) then
do i=1,size(prec%av)
val = val + psb_sizeof(prec%av(i))
end do
end if
psb_zbaseprc_sizeof = val
end function psb_zbaseprc_sizeof
subroutine psb_out_prec_descr(p)
use psb_base_mod
type(psb_dprec_type), intent(in) :: p