@ -37,14 +37,7 @@
! The aggregator object hosts the aggregation method for building
! the multilevel hierarchy. The basic version is the
! decoupled aggregation algorithm presented in
! M. Brezina and P. Vanek, A black-box iterative solver based on a
! two-level Schwarz method, Computing, 63 (1999), 233-263.
! P. D'Ambra, D. di Serafino and S. Filippone, On the development of
! PSBLAS-based parallel two-level Schwarz preconditioners, Appl. Num. Math.
! 57 (2007), 1181-1196.
! the multilevel hierarchy.
module mld_c_base_aggregator_mod
@ -54,45 +47,37 @@ module mld_c_base_aggregator_mod
& psb_ipk_, psb_epk_, psb_lpk_, psb_desc_type, psb_i_base_vect_type, &
& psb_erractionsave, psb_error_handler, psb_success_
! sm - class(mld_T_base_smoother_type), allocatable
! The current level preconditioner (aka smoother).
! parms - type(mld_RTml_parms)
! The parameters defining the multilevel strategy.
! ac - The local part of the current-level matrix, built by
! coarsening the previous-level matrix.
! desc_ac - type(psb_desc_type).
! The communication descriptor associated to the matrix
! stored in ac.
! base_a - type(psb_Tspmat_type), pointer.
! Pointer (really a pointer!) to the local part of the current
! matrix (so we have a unified treatment of residuals).
! We need this to avoid passing explicitly the current matrix
! to the routine which applies the preconditioner.
! base_desc - type(psb_desc_type), pointer.
! Pointer to the communication descriptor associated to the
! matrix pointed by base_a.
! map - Stores the maps (restriction and prolongation) between the
! vector spaces associated to the index spaces of the previous
! and current levels.
! Methods:
! Most methods follow the encapsulation hierarchy: they take whatever action
! is appropriate for the current object, then call the corresponding method for
! the contained object.
! As an example: the descr() method prints out a description of the
! level. It starts by invoking the descr() method of the parms object,
! then calls the descr() method of the smoother object.
! descr - Prints a description of the object.
! default - Set default values
! dump - Dump to file object contents
! set - Sets various parameters; when a request is unknown
! it is passed to the smoother object for further processing.
! check - Sanity checks.
! sizeof - Total memory occupation in bytes
! get_nzeros - Number of nonzeros
!> \class mld_c_base_aggregator_type
!! It is the data type containing the basic interface definition for
!! building a multigrid hierarchy by aggregation. The base object has no attributes,
!! it is intended to be essentially an abstract type.
!! type mld_c_base_aggregator_type
!! end type
!! Methods:
!! bld_tprol - Build a tentative prolongator
!! mat_asb - Build the final prolongator/restrictor and the
!! coarse matrix ac
!! update_next - Transfer information to the next level; default is
!! to do nothing, i.e. aggregators at different
!! levels are independent.
!! default - Apply defaults
!! set_aggr_type - For aggregator that have internal options.
!! fmt - Return a short string description
!! descr - Print a more detailed description
!! cseti, csetr, csetc - Set internal parameters, if any
type mld_c_base_aggregator_type
@ -232,7 +217,28 @@ contains
end subroutine mld_c_base_aggregator_set_aggr_type
!> Function bld_tprol:
!! \memberof mld_c_base_aggregator_type
!! \brief Build a tentative prolongator.
!! The routine will map the local matrix entries to aggregates.
!! The mapping is store in ILAGGR; for each local row index I,
!! ILAGGR(I) contains the index of the aggregate to which index I
!! will contribute, in global numbering.
!! Many aggregation produce a binary tentative prolongators, but some
!! do not, hence we also need the OP_PROL output.
!! \param ag The input aggregator object
!! \param parms The auxiliary parameters object
!! \param a The local matrix part
!! \param desc_a The descriptor
!! \param ilaggr Output aggregation map
!! \param nlaggr Sizes of ilaggr on all processes
!! \param op_prol The tentative prolongator operator
!! \param info Return code
subroutine mld_c_base_aggregator_build_tprol(ag,parms,a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,op_prol,info)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
@ -262,7 +268,25 @@ contains
end subroutine mld_c_base_aggregator_build_tprol
!> Function mat_asb
!! \memberof mld_c_base_aggregator_type
!! \brief Build prolongator/restrictor/coarse matrix.
!! \param ag The input aggregator object
!! \param parms The auxiliary parameters object
!! \param a The local matrix part
!! \param desc_a The descriptor
!! \param ilaggr Aggregation map
!! \param nlaggr Sizes of ilaggr on all processes
!! \param ac On output the coarse matrix
!! \param op_prol On input, the tentative prolongator operator, on output
!! the final prolongator
!! \param op_restr On output, the restrictor operator;
!! in many cases it is the transpose of the prolongator.
!! \param info Return code
subroutine mld_c_base_aggregator_mat_asb(ag,parms,a,desc_a,ilaggr,nlaggr,ac,&
& op_prol,op_restr,info)
use psb_base_mod