@ -24,14 +24,13 @@ void processMessages(
MilanLongInt numGhostEdges,
MilanLongInt u,
MilanLongInt v,
MilanLongInt *SPtr,
MilanLongInt *S,
staticQueue &U)
MilanInt Sender;
MPI_Status computeStatus;
MilanLongInt bundleSize, bundleCounter = 0, myCard = *myCardPtr, msgInd = *msgIndPtr, msgActual = *msgActualPtr, w;
MilanLongInt S = *SPtr; // TODO refactor this
MilanLongInt adj11, adj12, k1;
MilanLongInt ghostOwner;
int error_codeC;
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ void processMessages(
char error_message[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
int message_length;
MilanLongInt message_type = 0;
// Buffer to receive bundled messages
// Maximum messages that can be received from any processor is
// twice the edge cut: REQUEST; REQUEST+(FAILURE/SUCCESS)
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void processMessages(
cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")About to begin Message processing phase ... S=" << S << endl;
cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")About to begin Message processing phase ... *S=" << *S << endl;
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void processMessages(
cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << u << ") " << endl;
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, u, &S);
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, u, S);
} // End of if ( candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u )e
} // End of if ( Mate[v] == -1 )
} // End of REQUEST
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void processMessages(
GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = EndIndex + 1; // Set a Dummy Mate to make sure that we do not (u is a ghost)
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, u, &S);
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, u, S);
if ((v < 0) || (v < StartIndex) || ((v - StartIndex) > NLVer))
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ void processMessages(
// Decrement the counter:
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, w, &S);
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, w, S);
} // End of if CandidateMate[w] = v
} // End of if a Ghost Vertex
@ -321,13 +321,12 @@ void processMessages(
GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = EndIndex + 1; // Set a Dummy Mate to make sure that we do not (u is a ghost) process this anymore
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, u, &S); // Decrease the counter
PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(Counter, Ghost2LocalMap, u, S); // Decrease the counter
} // End of else: CASE III
} // End of else: CASE I
*myCardPtr = myCard;
*SPtr = S;
*msgIndPtr = msgInd;
*msgActualPtr = msgActual;